Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Creepy California Republican Weirdo, Eric Hovde let old people die in his nursing homes now wants to be a Senator for Wisconsin

Creepy Flag Desecration
 One tactic Republicans adopted to overcome they unpopular and creepy candidates and policies is to change voting and maps once they are in power in any state legislature.

This is what Scott Walker, Robin Los, Scott Fitzgerald, Michael Gableman and numerous other Republican judges have done in Wisconsin where Democrats receive the majority of votes while Republicans are gifted the majority of elected offices.

Robin's famously stated (in a chilling voter suppression way) that if you take out Milwaukee and Madison, then Republicans are the majority in Wisconsin.  Although, admittedly I don't know what explains Russian Ron Burgundy Johnson and his 3 statewide wins for the US Senate.

Despite living year-round in California, Eric Hovde is running for the US Senate in Wisconsin.

Like billionaire Bruce Rauner in Illinois, Hovde is cosplaying trying to be normal by wearing regular clothing.  But, while Rauner managed to pull of wearing Carhartt jackets, Hovde's creepy Flag desecration shirt is as off-putting as his creepy mustache.  But, also like Bruce Ruiner, Eric Hovde has made a lot of money by giving sub-standard care to the elderly via nursing homes he owns.

The reason creepy Republicans Hovde, or Bruce Rauner or Rick Scott in Florida, get involved with nursing homes is the guaranteed monies that come in via Medicare.  Actually caring for the old people is a burden Hovde doesn't see worth spending on.  Even worse Hovde doesn't even see the people living in his facilities as human beings.  Hovde is the subject of wrongful death lawsuits and has been investigated and fined by the Department of Social Services in his home state of California. But, Hovde like other creepy MAGA Republicans also believes in the Trump Lie about losing the 2020 election and does not think the people in his nursing homes should be allowed to vote,

“Well, if you’re in a nursing home, you only have five, six months life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is at a point to vote,” Hovde said. 

MAGA callous disregard for human life is as evident as it is frightening.  Hovde doesn't see the elderly people in his "care" facilities as people but as dollar signs.  Republicans don't believe certain people count.  Traitor Trump, who is panicked about his chances now facing soon-to-be President Kamala Harris, just openly and blatantly admitted this to his "beautiful christians".  Weirdo Republicans across the country have, for a long time, believed that only they are True Americans and it is their god given right and duty to return this Nation to it's original founding; which MAGA Fascists will accomplish by rounding-up and murdering millions of people.

Traitor Trump is running (or more accurately shambling) around promising his constituents that when Republicans steal the 2024 election that'll be it, he'll be in power for life, and the American experiment will be destroyed, and the United States fundamentally changed into a Theocratic Fascist Dictatorship.


Also Traitor Trump called for the immediate jailing of anyone who "disrespects" the Flag I look forward to MAGA Chuds arresting Hovde.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Creepy Weirdo J.D. Vance absolutely loathes and hates Women which is why he fucks Couches


All this week On Fox, Couch fvcker JD Vance
guest stars on The Simpsons
  It certainly appears that the Republican Party did no research on J.D. Vance prior to him being selected Vice Presidential nominee.  If they had, the Republicans might have uncovered these scurrilous rumors and disturbing facts.  Of course, I am glad they did not because Vance is emitting huge Loser Stink vibes and is probably going to be dumped from the ticket.

Trump, with his ego and low cunning, wanted Doug Burgum because he couldn't possibly upstage the Malignant Mango Mussolini and of course the Media would fawn over his good hair and laud Traitor Trump for his new found sagacious unity and appeal to regular Americans.   

Vance was apparently the choice of the Trump Failsons, who got big money from, Undead billionaire Peter Thiel.  Vance's entire rise to political prominence seems like it was manufactured with the help of Thiel and Amy Chua.

Coked up Don Jr and the Other One lost their minds and screamed, 

'Why would you do something so stupid? He offers us nothing,’” a longtime Republican operative familiar with the discussion told NBC News. “They were basically all like ‘JD, JD, JD,’” the operative said.

That's a deep investigation which has been discussed by others and I'll let you read their work.  But, by now you've heard about J.D. Vance fucking a couch when he was younger and I think I can provide you context on how, where, when, and why J.D. Vance decided to fuck a couch.

J.D. Vance was in the United States Marine Corps from 2003-2007.  My time in the USMC overlaps that era.  The Marine Corps is predominantly male by a 19:1 ratio.  I deployed a lot during my time in the Corps, I missed three straight Christmas' and spent almost 600 days overseas so I have a cultural blind spot from the early years of the 2000's.  Back when I was stateside I didn't spring for Cable in my Baracks room.

In 2004, the Chapelle Show ran one of Dave's immortal sketches involving Rick James and "FUCK YO COUCH".  I asked some of the other Marines who were talking about it, the discussion came about filling a receptacle with vasoline, wedging it between a pair of couch cushions and thrusting.  Taken aback I asked them why they wouldn't just jerk off.  You might also be asking why said boys didn't invest in a sex toy of some sort.  Now, every Thursday is "Field day" when every Marine must clean their room (and their shared bathroom).  Besides the need to spray pledge on your shower so it squeaks, and tucking your sheets so a quarter bounces, a long standing barracks rumor which probably goes back decades was a Marine received a NJP for having a sex toy in his wall locker.  So, a disposable sandwich bag filled with lube made for a hidden substitute. 

It would seem creepy weirdo J.D. Vance is a photo-incel and like other Intel creeps fucking hates women and would rather stick his dick into a "loveseat".

So, that's how J.D. Vance came to fuck a couch.  Now, I'm not going to make fun of his name, J.D. Vance can go by whatever name he wants to be called;  funny how "Vance" and other Republicans will not extend that courtesy to others.

However, far worse than the couch-humping antics Vance engaged in during his stint in the USMC is the statements Vance has made about women.  I don't know if Vance started hating women because of his mother or his bee-maw, or if it started with his lack of access to women while in the Marines (hence the couch fucking) but, Vance absolutely loathes women.

I knew once the Supremacist Court decided to overturn Roe v. Wade, Republicans wouldn't rest until they had a Nationwide ban of all abortions in place.  I wrote two years ago, how Reactionary groups, like the Thomas More Dead Women Society, planned to use state laws about taking a minor across statelines as away to restrict the Constitutional right of Americans for the Freedom of Movement. 

"Vance", as he likes to style himself, certainly is in favor of restricting women's ability travel and openly said so during the Supremacist Court's unconstitutional adoption of Dobbs.

Vance stated he was  "pretty sympathetic" towards having the Federal Government prevent women from traveling because Republicans would claim George Soros is sending 747's full of black women from Columbus, Ohio to California to get abortions.  Absolutely, gross and creepy racism and misogyny and the standard Republican invocation of George Soros and lies.

But, creepy incel Vance hasn't restricted his hatred of women towards stopping them from receiving medical care.  Vance also hates any women who chooses not to be a brood mare calling them childless cat ladies who are miserable and don't care for America.

Look, Republicans hate you.  Republicans hate women.  Republicans hate America.  And as these creepy weirdo Republicans are more and more closed off into their own media bubbles and cut off from regular normal Americans they are engaged in "incestuous self amplification".  But, don't expect the Corporate Media to help We, the People get away from these hateful creeps.  We have to fight, but when We do, We win!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Traitor Trump's syphilitic brain is jello, he doesn't know who he's facing in the Election; but he guarantees his followers he'll Destroy America

Thank goodness Kamala Harris is going to be President because Traitor Trump is panicking and is willing to promise anything, say anything, and do anything to get people to vote for him.

Trump may not know who he’s running against but he promised to destroy the United States of America 

"Christians get out and vote. Just this time.  You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians and I'm not a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote."

Trump's beautiful christians threw themselves at the feet of the Antichrist, turned their backs on Jesus and his message, and yearn to be granted the go ahead to engage in murderous bloodlust against all their enemies. 

"We'll have it fixed so good..."  Surely This Scandal will end his political career.  Look, you understand how this works.  Trump says something so extreme and if it gets pushback, his marketing team massages it into lies spread by the Fake News and if it gets traction he quintuples down on the message.  And anyone who dares to speak out against Criminal Donald Trump receives Death Threats and Harassment until they silence themselves.  With Trump's latest declaration of his Dictatorship, MAGA media will claim he meant after his election win you won't have to vote for him a 4th time. Of course, the Corporate Media will never call for Trump to withdraw based on his compete lack of coherence and Nazi style rhetoric.

Stop giving this fucking criminal rapist racist traitor the benefit of the doubt.  Trump means what he says, his jello-brain means he no longer has the filter which made him sound at least a little sane or sensible years ago.  Trump is fully into sundowning Alzheimer's now.  He says exactly what he means;  Traitor Trump is already on record claiming his first Term didn't count because the Democrats were mean to him.  And obviously even though he won the 2020 election (He Didn't) that doesn't count.  So this election is really his first.  Trump plans to be a Dictator who will never leave the White House.

And understand, the Heritage Foundation, and numerous other Reactionary rightwing groups, and elected Republicans at all levels of Government are working on curtailing voting for more than they already have.  So, yes Trump is saying you won't have to vote again because Republicans will make sure voting isn't something Democrats, liberals, or the other get to do anymore.  

But, as Trump's lack of a verbal filter, full-blown cognitive decline, repeated speaking glitches, and total lack mental competence are now readily apparent; the salient question is why is the Corporate Media silent?  Where are the dozens of daily stories and Op-Eds picking apart everything foible, misspeak, verbal gaffe for Traitor Trump?  Let alone, Trump openly saying he'll have it fixed so good you won't have to vote anymore as Trump will be the final President in American history.

The answers are easy;  Reactionary MAGA doesn't care.  Or more accurately, conservatives reveal in the power Trump grants them.  Trump promises them the power and freedom to be their most vile wretched selves and as we've seen in their racist misogynist response to soon-to-be President Kamala Harris they are wallowing in their wretchedness.

And the Corporate Media has always held Trump to no standards at all (Still waiting on the Epstein Documents to be discussed by the so-called Fourth Estate) so I don't expect the Media to call on Trump to drop out because he's thoroughly mentally incompetent.  But, as important the Plutocratic owners of the Media want Trump to be President because they know he will slash taxes, allow them to freely manipulate capital markets, speculate wildly, ignore Federal regulations, and aggregate more wealth in power in their hands.

So, don't expect the FTFNYT to run a story calling for Trump to withdraw or calling for "sane" Republicans to rescind his nomination.  The New York Times is fully in Trump's camp(s) and Republicans are wholly sworn to MAGA body and "soul".

Trump confused Nikki Haley with Vice President Kamala Harris.  Trump described the long sought Republican Party plan to raise retirement age so, Republicans and their Plutocratic Owners can steal social security from the American people, and claimed Vice President Kamala Harris supported it, instead of Nikki Haley.  Now, this could be garden variety lying but, the most likely, explanation is Trump can't tell one haughty Indian woman challenging him from another.  Hilariously Haley Voters for Harris, a super PAC which supported Haley over Traitor Trump in the Republican Primaries, told Nikki to eat it when she demanded they stop using her name.  Too bad Nikki, also a candidate coordinating with a PAC is illegal according to campaign finance rules so Nikki better stop telling the PAC what to do!

David Pakman came up with a good explanation why Jello-Brained Trump keeps invoking Hannibal Lecter.  Pakman theorizes Trump recalls the out-dated term "Insane Asylum" and then upon learning migrants are coming to the United States for "asylum" his jello-brain mashes the two things together.  Or it could just be racism.

Childish criminal Trump continues to mispronounce Vice President Kamala Harris' first name.  This is, of course, intentional. 

Despite, the outstanding success of the White Women:Answer the Call Zoom call I have almost no faith in white women voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, white women have had 2 previous elections to get it right and we've seen Trump for years now.  This isn't new.  If white women were going to reject Trump's vile bigotry, grotesque sexism, his disrespectful meanness, his hatred, his convictions for rape and theft they'd have done so by now.  His latest tirades of sexist bigotry and confused Fascist screeds aren't likely to sway them.

The choice is clear as it is frightening; a mentally deranged, authoritarian wannabe Hitler loving Donald Trump and his gang of murderous thugs or the genuine moral, decent, capable, strength of Kamala Harris and the executive branch She and President Biden assembled.

We aren't going back.  Kamala Harris is going to be President.  Let's Fucking Go!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thank You President Joe Biden; now Let's Go make Kamala Harris President

"Nothing — nothing — can come in the way of saving our democracy."

Like all people, time catches up with us eventually.  Last night, in a speech from the Resolute Desk President Joe Biden admitted that time has caught up to him.  And President Biden will not risk this Nation's future by trying to defeat time.

Joe Biden's legacy will be as one of the greatest Presidency's in American History.  Joe Biden staved off Fascism in 2020 and then accomplished more than in his One-Term than most Presidents have done or tried to do.

All the while facing an extremely hostile Press and a committed Domestic Terrorist Organization who have infiltrated the United States Government.  And during these last four years, Biden has remained a portrait in decency, character, compassion, duty, excellence, strength, and honor.

But, doing so also took a toll upon him.  President Biden is 81 years old and when you couple the wear of the Presidency, with the venom and underhanded Republican attempts to undermine this President, this Nation, this Republic it makes his time in Office even more impressive, though it drained his strength.

Joe Biden came to understand no matter what his record of achievements, no matter how he felt personally about his ability to continue, the Press aided by the despicable Republican turncoats would do everything in their considerable power to defeat him and usher in an Era of Fundamentalist Fascism.

Joe warned us this is an inflection point,

America is an idea. An idea is stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant.

It’s the most powerful idea in the history of the world. That idea is that we hold these truths to be self-evident. We’re all created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

We’ve never fully lived up to it, to this sacred idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either, and I do not believe the American people will walk away from it now.

President Biden's actions, over this past week, stand in stark contrast to Traitor Trump, who when faced with the loss of power, incited an insurrection, and had a mob of conservative criminals descend upon the Capitol with the intent of disrupting and stopping the peaceful transfer of power.  It can never be repeated enough Trump betrayed his Oath of Office after losing a fair and free Election and tried to Overthrow the United States Government.  Trump lost and Trump lied.

Since the rightwing domestic terrorist attack of January 6th, led by Trump and several elected Republicans, the Republican Party have relentlessly undermined the Nation, lied about the 2020 election, sided with vile Foreign Dictators and belligerent war criminals, and worked to overthrow the American Democratic Republic.

This Bloated Nazi wants to Sleep his way into
The White House 
So, while we owe Joe Biden an immense debt of gratitude in halting the Fat Fascist Fuck Trump in 2020, We, the People, also owe it to him, to grasp the torch of Liberty and fight for this Nation.  We can not allow Donald Trump and his Project 2025 Nazis into the White House because they will destroy this Nation;  physically and spiritually.  It's not hyperbole as Republicans and Conservatives alike, across this Nation, proudly shout and document their goal to utterly destroy the United States of America.

This is the original cover by
The Heritage Foundation Project 2025
Foreward written by J.D. Vance,
since changed to remove 
the "Burning Down Washington"
into Taking Down
The plans of the Republican Party from the Presidency all the way down to local school boards is so monstrous, so inhuman, so destructive I don't think most Normies have full grasped what the Project 2025 plan Republican Party is a fully-fascist, anti-American organization bent upon snuffing out the American dream, ending the American experiment, and destroying the Republic.  This is what President Biden is warning us about; a Party led by a Syphilitic Criminal Madman and his toady the Couch Fucking J.D. Vance, have already laid out their plans to destroy the United States of America and replace it with a Fascist Fundamentalist Theocracy built upon the pillars of white supremacy and conservative domestic terrorism. 

Now, we are the precipice of a Great election testing whether this Nation can so endure.  Republicans want to make 2024 the last election in American history, Kamala Harris wants to carry aloft the torch passed from Joe Biden and continue to strive to make this a more perfect Union.

The choice is as clear as it is dire;  the duty and self-sacrifice of Joe Biden vs. the self-enrichment and destruction of Traitor Trump.  

When We Fight, We Win.  Joyous Warrior Kamala Harris, the next President of the United States, is ready to fight, We need to get together and fight with her and for this idea of America. We owe to Joe and We owe to the American people.

Let's Fucking Go!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kamala Harris is going to be the next President, in response white Republicans exploded into a berserk racist fury

That's Madam President, to you...
"When I hear her talk, I just scratch my head and think this is what DEI is really about. It clearly is. She checks all the boxes. She'll say she's of Indian descent one day, then she'll say she's of Black descent."  - Tim Burchett, loser with Zero Accomplishments other than eating Dead Possums.

Now highlighting Republicans racism is not to minimize them in anyway, because they are also being gross misogynists, too.   But, of course, this bunch of insecure,
unaccomplished white men are incredibly frightened of Kamala Harris.  So, Birtherism is back!  But, worse than that Republicans have crafted a new stand-in for when they want to scream the Ni[Clang] word;


Soon to be President Kamala Harris is far more accomplished, intelligent, and classy than every single MAGA Republican.  Period.  Every.  Single.  One.  But... you know what?  The Vibes these last few days are beginning to make this feel like 2008.  There is a palpable energy in the air and I've never seen a political reversal this total inside of a month.  After the Debate, after a Republican tried to shoot Trump, after the Triumph of the Will RNC, Republicans thought the election would be a mere formality.

Yet, in the last 4 days, Kamala Harris has completely turned around the feeling of this election, which began to remind me of 2016.  An uninspired vote for HRC, while Traitor Trump built an enthusiastic voting base by feeding conservatives a steady diet of bloody bigotry and raw racism.  

Jay Lethal > Terry Gene Bollea
Already Republicans have unleashed attacks of she's not intelligent, she didn't work hard, she slept her way to the top, she's DEI have been so outrageously racist, that Squeaker Mike Johnson has requested Republicans not be so overtly over-the-top racist.  To which every Republicans has screamed NO and gone further.

And this isn't merely "nut-picking" this is elected Republicans, like Andy Oogles or Chip Roy, this is influential rightwing media assholes like Jesse Watters and Ben Shapiro (who is also getting a tingle in his thingie for Kamala like he has for AOC), and former Trump administration stooges, like Seb Gorka and Monica Crowley, and cocaine fiend Larry Kudlow.

I take no solace in having been right about the Republican Party and their voters but, yes I've been saying this is who they are for 20 years.  The Corporate Media still will not say it.  Still!  Well, despite the Media's job of hiding and not acknowledging Republican racism, sexism, bigotry and misogyny Republicans are fucking determined to make their vile voices heard!

Republicans are panicking!  PANICKING!  The energy they had at the Nazi Rally in Wisconsin is GONE.  Just a week after being chosen by Trump, J.D. Vance has a big loser stink like a mackerel left out in the sun.  Trump and the Republican Party, Nazi programs outlined in the Project 2025 paper is gaining more attention.  Trump's looks feeble by saying he wasn't going to debate Kamala Harris.  And Republicans can not stop themselves from grotesque displays of vile racism and hatred of women.

Because this is all Republicans have;  Get used to saying Madam President because Kamala Harris is going to when the Presidency.  Let's Fucking Go!

Thank you President Biden! The Corporate Media and Republicans are soooooo mad right now...

 Because Kamala Harris is going to win the Presidency.

Republicans were so overconfident, they openly talked about their vicious Nazi-inspired Project 2025, they paired a weird unlikable domestic violence fan with a child rapist as their choices for the Presidency.  And now...  now they are panicked!  Vance and Trump look like a pair of grotesque bloated sexist blobs, drenched in flop sweat, providing  Zero Energy, and with each successive boring speech exuding

Big Time Loser Stink

Big Time Loser Stink.

The Corporate Media was burnishing their Triumphant Trump Return of the King stories, while chuckling to themselves over their non-stop knifing of President Biden and then President Biden made history and the American people saw it and have embraced the next President of the United States Kamala Harris.  And the Corporate Media and Republicans went berserk and dropped any pretense.  Republicans are so mad right now they have rushed to put out as much racist sexist garbage and are engaged in a campaign of one-upmanship to see who can be the most vile and misogynistic.  

The Corporate Media thought for sure they would smoothly transition in from eliminating Joe Biden to having the Democratic Party in a contested convention were they could act like Mean Girls and spread gossip from one potential campaign to the other and watch them fight. 

And then Joe Biden endorsed the next President of the United States Kamala Harris and in a show of true unity, not the manufactured fraudulent unity of the Fascists at the RNC, Democratic groups, leaders, and delegates stepped up and backed Vice President Harris.  But, the demand amongst the pundit class for a Democrats in Disarray Summer still stands and they are going to do their worst to stop Harris' momentum and quicken flaccid Vance and Traitor Trump's low energy failing campaign.  But, don't expect the Corporate Media to run daily stories about Trump's addled brain, malapropisms, unhealthy lifestyle, and age, they are in the business of putting Republican in power.

As if often stated in Law Enforcement circles;  Complacency Kills...  Don't make the same mistake Republicans made a mere week ago but, understand together we can crush the Trump Vance Losers and save this country.  Together We can Win.  Let's Fucking Go!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris is going to be the Next President of the United States; J.D. Vance and Republicans are losers and weirdos who hate women; so will white women vote for their own subjugation?

    Oh wow!  J. D. Vance is already emitting Big Loser Energy!  I think Trump Dump J.D. watch is on!
Back when Fucker Carlson still had a Faux News program, J.D. Vance went on to call Vice President Harris (as well as other prominent Democrats) a "childless cat lady".  Vance is a real fucking Republican weirdo, he's a Catholic convert which means there is some deep-seated fanatical brain rot.  But, worse is how precisely he represents the modern Republican attitude towards women;  he loathes women.  To Republicans like Vance, women are nothing more than chattel and brood mares to be shackled, controlled, and made to have children whether they want to or not.  And don't pretend I'm being over-the-top, J.D. Vance and numerous other Republicans want Law Enforcement to be able to track women's menstrual cycles and arrest them for travel outside of states that have banned abortion.

Seemingly a major reason white men gravitate towards Republicans; they are promising, overtly, to enslave women through numerous mechanisms, so they can never leave or challenge these men.

"This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, 'Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that's going to make people happier in the long term," Vance told the audience at Pacifica Christian High School in Southern California. 
In a Trump/Vance Republican world, not only will they eliminate No-Fault Divorce, outright Domestic Violence will no longer be a reason a woman can escape a marriage.  To the majority of grotesque rightwing weirdos, incels, and horrid violent white men whose only accomplishment in life was being born with white male privilege, the Republican platform of forced birth, no divorce, lowering marriage age is a godsend.  Now, these people are facing an existential crisis as Kamala Harris looks to win the 2024 Presidential election.

As we fight through the 100 days, the sheer amount of disgusting, demeaning, degrading, violent, bigoted, and evil content towards President Kamala Harris is going to explode exponentially.  You have to remember that  on-line content, contributors, and those who consume it are overwhelmingly white males, so they overwhelmingly want to see content which demeans and degrades women, especially powerful women.  Thus far, it appears what these misogynists are producing and consuming is graphics of Vice President Kamala Harris sucking dick.  Why exactly the idea of dick-sucking being the worst insult towards a woman, when everyone it would seem enjoys dick-sucking, would require a deep dive into Republican psychology.

Is this that Gender Affirming
I've heard about???
But, while white men are an irredeemable lost cause, even though not a single white man voting Republican would ever let their daughter or wife be left alone in a room with Donald Trump, Roy Gosar, Matt Gaetz, or any other Republican male, will white women continue to fuel their own degradation, enslavement, and subjugation by voting for Donald Trump for a 3rd time?

The more you look at it the worse it gets...
Now, there is a subset of white women (wealthy, comfortable, ensconced in privilege) who know their status is assured in a Fascist Republican Future.  These women are fighting for Trump because he assures their position in an upcoming Republican White Supremacist nation (as outlined in Project 2025).  

These faux blonde white women seen at the RNC just last week for example, would seem to be absolutely okay with the way white men treat women.  Even prior to Vice President Kamala Harris running for President in 2024, I did not hear white Republican women upset at the violent rape threats from Republicans;
Do you recall white Republican women calling for these white Republican men to resign?  Do you recall the Corporate Media demanding Republicans "tamp down the rhetoric"?  

So, the only question is will white women continue to vote for a Party that hates them, and judges their worth entirely through the lens of how many white children they've produced to aid the cause?
Kamala Harris is going to be the Next President of the United States...  Even if white women disappoint America a 3rd time, it appears that millions of small donors and Black Women are energized and not willing to let syphilis addled child rapist Trump back into power.  Let's Fucking Go!

Creepy Weirdo Republicans want to force Americans to live their lives as Republicans see fit and believe they should decide the Democratic Presidential Nominee

Stephen Tantrum Miller
"They held a primary!” Stephen Miller squealed. “People—they had ballots! They filled out circles that went to the voting booths!" 

Republicans are a deeply evil Party, who believe weird things and ascribe to unpopular policies.  With the elevation of Vice President Kamala Harris to the Democratic nominee for President, Republicans have already found it impossible to contain their bigoted, racist, misogynist, and deeply weird beliefs.

One of the things which doesn't get discussed enough is Republicans absolutely do not believe you should be allowed to live your life as you see fit.  Like their ideological ancestors, the Arch-Traitors of the Confederacy, Republicans believe only they are the true descendants of the Founding Fathers and you should be forced to live under their unenlightened tyrannical theocratic racist rule.  Liberty and Freedom in Republican definition is the liberty and freedom to live as they say.  Liberty and Freedom for them and Slavery for You.  And if you object, well Republicans have in the works "the Staging Grounds" to remove you from the Nation.

For several long decades Republican hatred for the United States of America, has been manifested with movements; Nixon's Southern Strategy, Raygun's silent majority, Newt Gingrich's Contract on America, Dick Cheney's 4th Branch of Government, the Tea Baggers, and now the final culmination of pure undiluted fascism MAGA.  Undergirding this fundamental hatred for the Nation and peoples a belief that only they are the REAL AMERICA which is the motivating animus of rightwing ideology.

Republicans hate you.  They viscerally hate America and wish to fundamentally change the Nation into simulacrum of a Democratic Republic, with hollow forms and tyrannical functions.  Since they have adjudicated themselves the True Americans they do not believe you should be allowed to live freely and therefore they should also get to make the rules for American society.

But, Republicans are desperate right now.  Having convinced themselves the election was in the bag, arrogant elitist Republicans have done no preparation.  Syphilis addled Trump choose utter buffoon MAGAppalachia J.D. Vance, and now following Joe Biden's statesmanlike leadership of ceding power are scrambling for someway to plant to seed that Kamala Harris is somehow "illegitimate" to be President.  This isn't merely going Birther on her ala Barack Obama and the Long-Form Birth Certificate, although that is part of the process.  No, Republicans are setting up to claim she is illegitimate in numerous ways, in order to screw up the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. 

Of course, Republicans are going to suppress the vote.  Of course, Republicans are going to ratfvck minority polling places, like making sure voting takes hours and people in line are not allowed water.  Of course, Republicans are going to launch lawsuits to disenfranchise Democratic voters.

It's deeply cynical for a Party which lauded the 2016 Electoral College as the correct way to select a President even though he lost by 3,000,000 votes and then has adopted the Big Lie that Trump somehow won the 2020 election despite losing by over 7,000,000 votes and the Electoral College to claim the elevation of Vice President Kamala Harris is an affront to Democracy.

But, right now they are trying to see if a scheme to literally choose the nominee for the Democratic Party can get enough traction.   As I wrote it's deeply cynical and utterly shameless, but with this complicit Corporate Media it might just work as an avenue of attack.  Everyone knows Republicans lie brazenly and are utterly shameless.  Therefore, in the wake of their complete shock at having to face Vice President Kamala Harris, who they understand is going to obliterate the syphilis addled racist rapist in the General Election.

Of course, the Crypto-Nazi Heritage Foundation had already threatened legal action before Joe Biden graciously stepped aside to save America and Democracy.  Theocratic Squeaker of the House Mike Johnson tried to claim the Democratic Party will face numerous legal hurdles and challenges from Republican and rightwing groups.  Enough delays, enough lawsuits, enough injunctions, might be enough to snatch victory away from the American people and hand it to the Republican Traitors.  Remember even though these threats seem hollow, and the legal standing non-existent it's a two-fold part of the Republican fascism;  they confer upon themselves the absolute authority to determine 

We're in for a tough next 100 days.  Republican terrorists and traitors are going to do everything the can to destroy America.  But, though they do their worst, We, the People shall do our best.

Thus far, very fortunately, the entire Democratic Party, elected officials, and organizations inside the Party have coalesced around Vice President Harris and combined with the record number of donations from first time and small money donors it illustrates together with a united front against Republican Fascism we will win;  

And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and unite our nation — to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.

Monday, July 22, 2024

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris just ended Traitor Trumps coronation

Class, Dignity, Service
The Corporate Media believed the coronation of Donald Trump was proceeding well.  During the Triumph of the Will style RNC, the Media covered the disgusting display by ignoring what the Republicans and King of the Bigots Trump himself were actually saying to proclaim Trump spread a message of Unity and was changed, more serene, reflective man.

Of course, all it contained was the grotesque and a parade of vile racists, thieves, and wannabe Nazis spouting the same evil rhetoric and hateful calls over and over again.  But, the Media didn't care because they were busy doing what they always do, softening Republican perfidy and whitewashing Trump's Lies.

And then, yesterday, Fightin’ Joe Biden burst the Media and Republicans balloon.

As you no doubt know, President Joe Biden will not seek re-election in 2024.  Immediately, after this heart-wrenching announcement, Joe Biden fully endorsed Kamala Harris for President.





The Corporate Media is so angry about this, the FNYT thought they had the perfect recipe for months long stories of Dems in Disarray!!!, but President Biden blew up their preferred narratives.  The Media likes to run with 4 News Stories; the aforementioned Dems in Disarray!!!,

  • BothSides Do It, 
  • Today Trump truly became President
  • And What do Trump Voters Think

President Biden completely obliterated the media and republicans quest to coronate Trump Dictator of America.  To Rightwingers, Trump's ascendency was a fait accompli after the NeoNazi Convention in Milwaukee.  And that is gone...  


MSM: Trump Loves Women!
Whether they like it or not...

Additionally, by stepping aside (an act Donald Traitor Trump is utterly incapable of doing) it blows the Both Sides Do It narrative out of the water.  And you can fucking forget the Media focusing on age, mental acuity, and fitness now that syphilitic Traitor Trump is the old nominee. 

Joe Biden has been the greatest President of my lifetime; not only for his achievements in Office but, as a human being.  He deserves every accolade and honorific being released on social media and the television right now.  Everyone in Washington DC had a personal story of Joe Biden connecting with them and sharing a piece of sage wisdom or recalling when their father worked in DC.  For stopping Fascism in the Untied States in 2020 I will be forever grateful to President Biden and that alone would have made a successful Presidency.  And his list of accomplishments during his one-term burnish his legacy, while capping that legacy off by passing the torch to President Kamala Harris.

Unfortunately, the vile criminal Republican Party's non-stop attacks on Biden's family, coupled with the very real and very arduous job of President took it's toll.  Fighting the fight against Fascism is a strength draining job.  

Additionally, Corporate Media also made it clear they would shiv him each and every day with multiple Biden is old and Biden should be replaced new stories while completely ignoring the horrific admissions of enslavement, kidnapping, and murder the Republican Nazis instead to undertake via Project 2025.  So Joe Biden took the most courageous step and made the most honorable decision any powerful political can; he is giving up power.

Understand Traitor Trump could never and would never do this, he is fundamentally incapable of such an action, as he views everything through the lens of what is in it for him, and has flatly stated he's going to be a "Dictator Day One", with no intention of every leaving the White House again.  Trump, and his political team as it were, were unprepared for this possibility because Trump himself would never step aside so he could not conceive of Joe Biden willingly stepping aside.

The Republican Party is a fully-fascist organization bent upon the destruction of the United States, the enslavement of women, the murder of millions, and creation of an American Reich built upon the twin pillars of white supremacy and christian terrorism. 

And understand the Republicans are spitting mad and livid right now.  They don't have any way to attack President Kamala Harris except with the most ugly racism grotesque sexist ways.  Remember Traitor Trump has given them license to be their worst selves.  In 2016, against HRC, the rightwing media had spent 25 years attacking her so even worse attacks didn't repulse the average Normie.  While in 2008, the country was reeling from the disastrous war crimes and failures of the Bush/Cheney cabal and open blatant racism against Barack Obama didn't enter the fray.  Of course, Barack Obama's Presidency broke every Republicans brain (including Traitor Trump) so they decided to be as openly hostile and racist as they wanted.  And 9 years ago, when that fat lump of fascist crap descended the staircase he told Republicans to be as vile as they wanted.

The combination of all those factors is what the Republicans and a very receptive and pliant corporate media means Republicans are not going to be able to stop themselves from calling her the DEI President, reviving Birtherism, calling Kamala the descendant of a slave owner, claiming she cackles, or is lazy, or speaks poorly, all manner of typical conservatives racism, bigotry, misogyny and engaging in the most hateful and heated rhetoric despite the media calling for a new era of civility and to tamp down the rhetoric.

(Never Forget calls to "tamp down the rhetoric" are a one-way street with the Media and Rightwingers demanding Democrats stop accurately describing Trump and Project 2025, while Republicans are free to call for the elimination of Democracy itself and engage in stochastic terrorism against Democratic politicians.)

For their part, the little Republican nazi pissants are throwing colossal temper tantrums about how unfair this is; declaring this isn't "democracy" and demanding to be the deciders for who the Democratic nominee for President in 2024 shall be.  I'm certain future Nazi Kapo Stephen Miller will, after his blood pressure lowers from his childish display, craft some lawsuits to go in front of Aileen Cannon or Matthew Kacsmaryk to demand that Harris be removed from the Ballot. 

Fuck off Republicans.  Pound Sand.  Piss up a Rope.  Seethe.  Cope.  Eat Shit.

As for the King of the Bigots and Pedophiles, Traitor Trump has already backed out of a second debate, this one with Kamala Harris because he knows she'll obliterate him.  Trump is a criminal, life-long conman, rapist, with increasing dementia and a traitor who should step down, but, he won't and Republicans don't care about his lies, about Trump and Epstein raping little girls, about his abject servitude to Vladimir Putin because Traitor Trump is the Avatar pushing them towards achieving the goal of Destruction of the United States.

But, small donors have given over $50,000,000 to the Harris Campaign in the last 24 hours, and seemingly everyone (Barack what are you doing!) is lining up and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Eternal Vigilance is the price We, the People must continually pay to keep Republican Nazis from seizing power.  And right now there is Hope...

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Drunk Derrick Van Orden (aka Jussie Smolett) shows how Republicans will Weaponize the Department of Justice

 Yep. Drunk Van Orden is vile lying sack of shit and complete discredit to the United States Naval Service as he continues to violate his Oaths of Office.  During the Wisconsin RNC Drunk Van Orden ran into a Codepink protestor and then demanded she be arrested for "assaulting him".  The woman Nour Jaghama was arrested and held for 15 hours.  What a fucking liar.  Van Orden's a big man and a Navy SEAL.  How small is this CodePink woman?

Of course, it is no surprise he made this claim against a tiny minority woman, affiliated with far Leftist organization, like CodePink.  He viewed her as someone he can bully and hurt.  Immediately, Drunk Van Orden took to his social media to decry the "political violence" he, Donald Trump, and other Republicans are facing.  It's been a long standing Republican policy to gin up a false charge so they can deflect from their own actions and cry Victim!  We've already seen Pro-Palestinian Genocide rightwingers pull this stunt several times during counter-protests, as when rightwing liar Sahar Tartak claimed to have been stabbed in the eye during a Yale protest and was invited to speak on numerous Faux News segments.

Drunk Van Orden gave a preview of how Republicans will utilize state-sanctioned violence against anyone who opposes the Racist Rapist Rightwing Agenda.  Republicans claims about the "Weaponized Department of Justice" were a fucking admission of how they are going to round-up and eliminate people who resist or protest their fascist agenda.

Remember it's not that Drunk Van Orden believes he was attacked it's what pretending to believe he was attacked gives him license to do.

But, it also demonstrates while there are good Officers who will not Just Follow Orders, there is a huge segment of the LEO community who yearn to be unleashed to "bash hippies"like their grandaddies did.  And even though, Nour Jaghama was released without charges 

The anti-war protester accused by Wisconsin Rep. Derrick Van Orden of assault this week at the Republican National Convention will not face charges after prosecutors said they found "insufficient" evidence to back up the accusations.

Kent Lovern, the chief deputy district attorney for Milwaukee County, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that the evidence in the case, including police body camera footage, "is insufficient to support a criminal charge" against the Code Pink activist Nour Jaghama.

I guarantee you any Police Officer aware of this arrest aren't mad at Drunk Van Orden for lying and filing false charges.  No, they are bitching about how this Woke DEI liberal DA won't charge criminals and are pinning for Trump to get into Office so they can go put some Law&Order back into America.  These same Officers will still reference "Juicy Smo-lay" as the example of how some people should never be believed and all of those people file false reports.  

We saw the type of Law&Order Police Officers (and college campus Administrators) want to impose on the Nation during the despicable response to Anti-Genocide protests at college campuses.  Where the immediate reaction to any protest which had a whiff of leftist agitation was met with overwhelming and immediate violence.  And understand the Republicans want there to be large protests during Trump's Administration.  They will use the protests presence to unleash their brutal death squads.  Faux News and other rightwing propagandists will obfuscate, sow confusion about the issues and use the protests as a pretext to call for crackdowns.  And Republicans want to unleash more than just arrests, Tom Cotton and others want to murder protesters outright and have been providing vocal support to extrajudicial killings, not only by Police Officers but, by rightwing paramilitary criminals as well. 

And the Corporate Media will simply ignore the Protestors as they did in 2003 during the Iraq War and the regurgitate Republican lies and Police department propaganda like they did circa 2014-2020, during BLM protests. 

Things look bleak, and Fascists already have too much power, but everything not lost.  Right now you have a chance to convince people to vote against Republican tyrants and traitors.  Vote like your life depends on it because other people do and Republicans are never satisfied. 


As for conservatives, they don't believe in limited government, and all their calls about not trusting government or politicians (like Drunk Van Orden) are sheer hypocrisy because what conservatives want is to use the Awesome Power of Government to round-up and liquidate large segments of the Nation.

This is what conservatives did in response to Drunk Van Orden false police report; 

Two hours after his post on X, we received a death threat, saying: "The next Palestinian protest in the street. I'm going to get my semi truck and run over you fucking faggots and make road pancake out of you you fucking cunt. I hope you all die bitch/"

CODEPINK has reported the death threat to the FBI. We have also demanded that the police release the body cam footage of the incident. And we have filed a complaint against the congressman with the Congressional Ethic Committee.

Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 45: Southern View Police Chief Roy Maki is a worried about BLACKS "a RIOT/LOOTING" in response to the death of Sonya Massey

Former Sangamon Sheriff's Deputy Sean Grayson was charged with 1st Degree Murder for the unlawful killing of Sonya Massey.  

In the early morning of July 6th, Sonya Massey was shot to death inside her unincorporated Springfield home after she had called the police for a possible intruder.  The family has viewed the body camera footage but, as far as I know nothing has been released to the press or been improperly leaked.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker reacted to the charges.
"I am enraged that another innocent Black woman had her life taken from her at the hands of a police officer," Pritzker said. "I'm grateful to the Springfield State's Attorney's office for bringing the appropriate charges in this case. May Sonya Massey's memory be a blessing, and may it fuel our work to build a system of justice in this country that truly protects all of its citizens."

In case you didn't know members of The Thin Blue Line don't like Governor Pritzker because he doesn't support them...

In response, the Police Chief of Southern View, Illinois Roy Maki released this ridiculous SAFETY ALERT to his constituents.  Because???  Because black people of course...  

Have you ever heard of Southern View, Illinois?  I had not.  It is a little hamlet of 1600 people abutting Springfield, Illinois at the intersection of 55 and 72.  It's just north of the Illinois State Police recruit Academy.

Sheriff Maki is greatly a-feared of "a RIOT/LOOTING and DESTRUCTION of PROPERTY" from the "Shooting of the Female subject".  First, of all this isn't the Queen's English, no one in America is a "subject".  Victim is the correct title but why is Shooting and Female capitalized?  But, despite placing his phone number for any questions the Sheriff's Office has not responded to press questions of why he felt it necessary to respond to said questions.  I'm reminded when the Cook County Sheriff's Intel Division released a memo about the 30,000 strong ANTIFA army that was going to descend upon Gettysburg for the 4th of July in 2020.

And why would there be RIOT/LOOTING despite all protests being peaceful at this point thus far and that Southern View may not even be involved?  Why because black people of course... 

The Springfield City Council wasn't to pleased with Chief Maki's ridiculous letter,

“I think it was very offensive and unprofessional to say we’re going to be looting and rioting businesses,” said Springfield Alderwoman Lakeisha Purchase. She and fellow city council member Shawn Gregory were at the Wednesday protest to show support for the family and community. She said that there had been no disruption from any of the protests.

Lakeisha?  Well, as Chief Maki would no doubt note, with a name like that she's black and you know how those people are, with the RIOT/LOOTING at all.  No matter how far we've come it always comes back to this; it's an unforgivable crime in this country to be black and no matter what mistreatment, injustice, or extrajudicial killing you face, for some White People it's always 1964 and you people are protesting wrong and just obey the police.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wisconsin Senator Ron 'Burgundy' Johnson, a Clear & Present danger

  Moscow Ron doesn’t get a lot of widespread national discussion but his recent teleprompter boner might get a little attention in the Corporate Media love fest of the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

You see Moscow Ron has earned a new appellation Ron Burgundy Johnson because he apparently reads whatever is put on the teleprompter in front of him, without knowing what he's saying.

Despite the Corporate Media declaring BothSides must tamp down the heated rhetoric in the wake of a registered Republican attempting to kill Trump, Ron Burgundy Johnson read an inflammatory speech at the RNC in which he declared the Democratic Party, 

"a clear and present danger to America, to our institutions, our values and our people."

Of course, this attack was also mainly at the LGBTQ community with canned bullshit of "biological males" nonsense.  Even the dumbest Republicans (and Johnson and Tubberbrain battle for dumbest Republican Senator) are good at sophistry, non-stop lying, and coming up with a bullshit excuse for why they are so dumb.  And the Corporate Media dutifully does their job by simply accepting rightwing lies and moving on.  Meanwhile, Republicans shamelessly deride President Obama and President Biden for years for using teleprompters yet, a teleprompter should be their new religious totem since it literally saved the life of their Anti-Christ in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Look, Republicans hate America.  Their every action, speech, policy is designed to destroy the current United States and replace it with a simulacrum of a Democratic Republic.

Republicans run on an agenda of fear and hatred and that's already been on display at the RNC.  Meanwhile, Ron Burgundy Johnson has been quietly stealing money from Wisconsin and U.S. taxpayers by over-billing the Federal Government for travel expenses by using his family's planes for travel.

It would be good if I didn't have to present evidence over and over and over again the absolute loathing Republicans have for the United States.

But, hey he's Ron Johnson?

Monday, July 15, 2024

Truth is Irrelevant: Thomas M. Crooks, a registered Republican tried to kill Trump, and Republicans blamed President Joe Biden

I see this kid with his obvious surgically 
repaired Hairlip.  Read the stories that he 
was mercilessly bullied and see everything
Republicans promise Future Americans.

A registered Republican, young white male gun nut, wearing clothing from an obscure hard right gun humping Youtube channel tried to shoot Trump and Republicans blamed President Joe Biden.  Including the newly minted Vice President Jefferson Davis (J.D.) Vance.

We are living in a post-Truth world and have been for some time now.  Long before Karl Rove uttered his derisive comment in 2003 about the "reality-based community" and how Republicans simply create their own realities, Republicans realized they could gain political power by simply lying.

They've been doing for 50 years now, since Nixon was forced to reign and Republicans decided they would never let that happen again and would absolutely, at every turn, place their Party and their pursuit of power above Country at each and every turn.  It was a slow process at first, but now Republicans, as a whole, do nothing but Lie.

Since, then we've had absolutely monstrous Republican administrations and Congress.  Ronnie Raygun's criminal Iran-Contra affair, Newt Gingrich's Contract on America, George W(orst Ever) warcrimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and then the utter temerity of Republicans under Obama's Presidency making claims "We had no terrorist attacks under President Bush".

The Corporate Media, for their part has played a disastrous role, as they have taken the position that BothSides are too blame for everything and if a Republican lies and a Democrat tells the truth it's their solemn duty to present both sides of the argument as equally valid.  Worse still, when Republicans engage in a non-stop Gish Gallop of lies, as Traitor Trump did in the debate, the Corporate Media believes it is their somber responsibility to present those lies as factual.  Truth is Irrelevant.

Trump being a master conman recognized the conservative voting base was ripe to be plucked by just the right Grifter.  And so Trump simply walked up to conservatives and told them to be their worst selves, took credit for everything, and declared everything he did was the Greatest.  As a corollary to this he threatened violence and death against anyone who opposed him.  At first some Republicans were against Trump whom they saw as too vulgar but, as Republicans became aware of the spell Trump cast upon rightwingers they embraced him fully and jettisoned all the so-called beliefs, morals, and principles they had paid lip service too for years but, in reality never embodied.

On the Left, everyone knows in response to Ronnie Raygun's criminal Regime Democrats adopted the Clintonian Third Way, which worked to build a conservative Democratic Party but, one that had a definitive shelf-life as conservatives began to realize instead of voting third way they could have raw bloody racism which fulfilled their hatred of the other in a way the broad coalition of minorities who comprise the Democratic Party could not.  Meanwhile, disaffected Progressives and The Left (more broadly) declared if Democrats merely passed legislation that helped people, the people would vote for them.  But, that's not how voting works.  The left also proclaimed that good economic policies from elected Democrats would result in poor and rural white people voting for them instead of against their own economic interests.  And yet again that is not how voting works.

The ACA (Obamacare) wasn't good enough.  Joe Biden capped the price of Insulin, eliminated Student Debt, got us out of Afghanistan, ended the Drone program protected Unions, passed Infrastructure bills and it didn't matter because, again, Truth is Irrelevant. 

What the Left never understood was white people in voting for increasingly fascist Republicans and increasingly racist Republicans and increasingly plutocratic Republicans were voting for what they wanted.  Republican voters want a bigoted, rich, racist asshole who stomps on people.  Trump is exactly that.  For 50 years, they've been taught their enemies were the immigrants, the gays, feminists, the snotty elitist liberals, and that's exactly who they hate and exactly who they want rounded up and executed.

Trump and the Project 2025 promises exactly this.

All that matters is the Narrative.  Trump saw this, which is why he takes credit for everything even while he's done Nothing.  I assume the 2024 RNC will be similar to the 2004 one, in which Republicans stood up and declared anyone opposed to George W. Bush loves Saddam Hussein, Al Qaeda and 9/11 while they shamelessly waved the bloody shirt.  The bloodied Face of Trump will be everywhere and Republicans will declare anyone who doesn't support Trump loves assassinations (oh and Joe Biden was responsible for the white male, registered Republican wearing obscure conservative gun nut apparel), Truth is Irrelevant.

Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 44: Thomas M. Crooks and the Police Officer who backed down and how God (and hand-picked Federal Judge Aileen Cannon) saved Traitor Trump

"You think a gun makes you a tough guy?  It's when the other guy has a gun and he pulls his out then we see who the real tough guy is..."  - A Bronx Tale (1993) 
So, I've been steering clear of the Corporate Media circus surrounding Trump's near miss but I came across an AP article which had the following passage;

A local law enforcement officer climbed to the roof and found Crooks, who pointed the rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and the gunman quickly fired toward Trump, the officials said. That’s when U.S. Secret Service gunmen shot him, the officials said. 

Whomever this Officer is, I hope he's got a ready bag prepared and has contacted his Union Rep and gotten legal advice because this LEO is about to find out how quickly the MAGA Mob can turn on Police Officers who they view as turncoats.  Based just on that passage, I'm not going to adjudicate the Officer a coward, say he froze in the moment, or was just happily walking around complacent but, in hindsight, it appears to be he came upon one of those No Shit moments of truth every thinking Officer contemplates, perhaps dreads, and has to steel themselves up to act decisively and... did not.

Whatever the actual truth of that moment, a split second before the shooting started I feel pity for that man because his life, no matter what the outcome, is over.

But, more importantly than the Near Miss is the breaking news Trump continues to win as disreputable Aileen Cannon has dismissed the charges against Trump after sitting on them for months to delay, delay, delay.  Perhaps, Cannon seeing that Trump is protected by the Hand of Providence decided she cannot thwart the Will of God.  Understand Republicans don't give a shit about Rule of Law now, not that they ever did.  The Republicans plan on keeping the trappings of democracy and the Rule of Law whilst they embark on a murderous campaign to reshape America into the White Power Evangelical Nation of Terror.

Like, everything Republicans espouse the so-called vaunted Rule of Law was just another cudgel to bash the left and dupe the normies.

This is a Dark Summer indeed.  Everything appears to be breaking in favor of the Fascists and Traitor Trump.  But, that's not Divine Providence as Republicans would have their base of rightwing drones believe but a 50 year campaign to subvert, infiltrate, and undermine the American Democratic Republic and replace it with a NeoConfederate Theocratic Dictatorship.  We, still have the power to stop Trump's election but, I'm certain morale and spirits are low amongst Democrats and Liberals, the only solace I take today is that maybe Trump is living in fear right now.  

And while I don't want Trump to get over it, if he is living in fear the rest of his miserable life well that could be bad for Us because a scared Trump with Power means pogroms and orders to round-up and liquidate everyone who scares him.