Monday, October 21, 2024

Tim Sheehy, Bernie Moreno, Eric Hovde, and all the Phony Men running to be Republican Senators

The race for United States Senate was considered disadvantageous for the Democratic Party until Kamala Harris and Tim Walz took over at the top of ticket.  Even now it's a toss-up at best.  And then you look at the the men the Republican Party put forth in so many states and you wonder why it's a toss-up. 

Having that Scarlet R absolves every one of these loser candidates of the need to have principles, or morals, or ethics, or values, little alone coherent policy ideas.

In Montana, Tim Sheehy has been lying outrageously about a bullet wound claiming it was from service in Afghanistan when it fact the loser weirdo shot himself while in Glacier National Park, most likely while drunk and playing around with a firearm.  Just despicable but, IOKIYAR.

In interviews with the Washington Post, the Glacier National Park Ranger shared his report and account of the events involving Tim Sheehy negligently discharging a firearm resulting in Sheehy shooting himself only later to invent a total bullshit story of being shot in Afghanistan but covering it up for fear his superiors would find out about it and someone would be reprimanded.  Just utterly outrageous to claim a combat wound (even if a ND friendly fire incident) to deny the truth he shot himself "accidentally". 

Last spring, Peach shared his account of ticketing Sheehy $525 for discharging a weapon in Glacier National Park in October of 2015 with The Washington Post — an account that was backed up by U.S. District Court and national park documents from the incident. The Post allowed him to speak on the condition of anonymity at the time because he feared political retaliation. But Laura Loomer and other conservative pundits quickly shared his identity online after the story published, leading to harassment, Peach said.

But in April, Sheehy told The Post that he sought medical attention that day because he fell during a hike and feared he had dislodged a bullet in his arm from Afghanistan that he had never reported to his superiors, for fear of sparking an investigation into its origins. He said hospital staff reported the gunshot wound to the local authorities, even though it was not fresh. Then, Sheehy said, he lied to Peach when the ranger came to investigate and said he had accidentally shot himself to avoid potentially triggering a military investigation into his former unit. 

In Texas,well-known closet case Ted Cruz was absolutely annihilated during a debate with Colin Allred.  Cruz's long history of being a creepy off-putting weirdo is well known as is his abject cowardice and treason.

In Ohio, Bernie Moreno is running on the hopes that white women over 50 will bow down and subject younger women to draconian Republican plans on Abortion because those women over 50 don't need them anymore.  So come home to daddy little ladies.

In my beloved Wisconsin, a Californian money launder for the Mexican Drug cartels, who lives in an Orange County Mansion by the sea believed by simply growing a bushy Tom Selleck mustache he'd able to unseat longtime Senator Tammy Baldwin

In Missouri, that infamous Coward Josh Hawley has been repeatedly destroyed by Lucas Kunce in debates, in a staged confrontation at a Missouri State Fair, and at every appearance.

Yet, each of these cowardly weirdo Phonies has a good chance at being returned to the US Senate for another 6 years.  The question; Why? has been the topic of discussion and the over-arching political question for the last 50 years.

The answer is actually simple;  Republicans tell comforting lies to white men to get them to vote for Republicans.  Republicans have spent the last 50 years crafting, refining, and honing this phony narrative.

I often write Republicans hate America, and it's absolutely true but, I also tag posts with a Republicans have nothing to offer the American people and that's not true.  What's more correct to declare is Republicans have nothing concrete to offer Americans.  No policies, no platforms.  But, they do have something to offer Fear & Anger.  Republicans entire platform is nothing more than what the Corporate Media calls "cultural issues", and from Republicans these are always, always, always lies.  Republicans for decades invent some false story, use that story to rile up their followers, and then ride the waves of anger and fear back into office.  Afterwards. Republicans do what they always do in office, eliminate safety regulations, cut taxes on Billionaires, further impoverish working class Americans, attempt to slash the social safety net, and slowly chip away at the American Dream.

Because that is the goal of each and every single Republicans in the Federal Government;  ending the American Dream and destroying the Untied States of America to replace it with a Fascist Dystopia. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Don't be caught unawares; the Elon Musk led Department of Government Executioners (DOGE) Corps will come for you

“I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within.  We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they’re the big — and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen.” 

Musk knows he who controls
the Media controls the Law
Rightwing political science, as it were, these days is to invent some grand lie or some racist false story to get mad about, repeat those false stories to each other, and then get mad.  Fear & Anger thus rule every waking moment of the Republican mind.  Listen to Trump's rhetoric these last few months as it became clear he won't win the 2024 election.

And let's be clear,  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are going to win the 2024 election.  Then Traitor Trump and his cabal of Republican criminals are going to try and steal it.  

But, in the run up to his defeat Trump is now engaged in straight Nazi Rhetoric at every rally he's able to attend, though his flagging energy, weakness, and blatant senility are now an open secret amongst the Corporate Media and Republicans.  Traitor Trump is also in the phase of promising everything to everyone knowing if he can just get back into office he can simply fail to deliver while proclaiming greatness and the US Political Press will cover for him non-stop.

I can't make an accurate prediction of what's going to happen after Trump loses but, be prepared.  I doubt any group of Republicans have the gall or courage to openly declare a Civil War;  they'll invent lies about election fraud to get angry about, seek and engage in bureaucratic delaying tactics, and invoke all manner of byzantine undemocratic claims to try and get someone else (ultimately probably the Supreme Court) to seize power but, most likely conservatives won't attempt widespread violence.

There might be pockets of violence, similar to the Bundy Insurrections and yes psychotic madman Mike Flynn is repeatedly calling for violence from his Sarasota bunker in Florida, threatening the "Gates of Hell" and he can probably call upon several hundred brain-washed partisans to conduct a rightwing domestic terrorist campaign but, eventually we will settle into the same pattern we've seen Republicans do after 2008, 2012, and 2020 engage in all manner of lies and Faux News supported propaganda efforts to undermine a Democratic Administration and to tire out the American people while fracturing the slender institutional guard rails keeping the Untied States from descending into the preferred Republican Fascist States of America.
You can take the Apartheid out of South Africa
But, then bigoted South African racists come to
America and team up w/ senile treasonous Fascists

But, if Trump is to win or "win" his way back into the White House we can expect a rising tide of State-sponsored and State-supported domestic terror campaign.  This will be accomplished slowly, at least at first, as Trump and the Republicans enjoy a period of breathing room, or Lebensraum if you prefer, to enact the first stages of Project 2025.

At the beginning sure, a few more women will die of treatable pregnancy complications, of course assorted Trans people will be killed and the Police will do nothing more than a cursory investigation, tangentially a few more blacks will be gunned down and die near Police from a bullet induced "excited delirium" or hopped up with (legal) cannabis in their system, a few more Lone Wolf rightwing gunmen will go on shooting sprees, some Central American immigrants will be separated from their children and be deported back to Mexico, some overly privileged college students will lose their scholarships, some elitist College Presidents will be fired, some Generals sacked, and some service members will be court-martialed for not following the shoot on sight order against "Dissidents".  But, for the vast, vast majority of white America things under a Donald Trump Regime will go on pretty much the same.

Republicans looked from Elon to Trump and
Trump to Elon and from Elon to Trump again
and it was impossible to say which was which.
Already we see how conservatives rush onto Twitter to pushback in a coordinated way against any news story critical of traitor Trump.  Now, imagine Musk's Nazi Bot Army weaponized via Department of Justice money and power to employ professional Doxxers, on-line smear merchants, buttressed by legions of Russian troll accounts to stifle dissent and frighten the American people into acquiesce of the new world Trump Fascist order. This social media and internet battlefield will be the key space in controlling the battlefield.  And white people are all ready predisposed to accept rightwing framing of every issue and when they are largely unaffected by Trump's domestic terrorism will conclude the Dems are being hysterical and the media is lying to them about those people that are supposedly suffering because other media tells them nothing bad is happening.

The digital battlefield has been written about for years but what Republicans have done is clear away all impediments and open their flock up to accept any piece of propaganda while entrusting them to fight (and die) to defend that propaganda at all costs.  There will still be on the ground rightwing terrorists, including in elected office, like Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski in Portage County who wanted addresses of residents with Harris/Walz signs willing to engage in classic East German Stasi techniques of terror and intimidation but, the digital model of the Musk Auskunftspersonen, will ruthlessly and semi-anonymously provide the Trump Secret Police with the information and data they need to round-up and disappear anyone threatening the MAGA Fascist Utopia.

But, fascinatingly grotesquely, I think many in the Republican Party are already planning and positioning themselves to take on the Trump Mantle.  I don't think any Republican believes Trump will make it through 4 more years.  Look at him, his rally schedule has him exhausted and there won't be enough adderral and Diet Coke in the country to keep him awake and active if he's President again, even though we all know Trump did nothing in the White House other than sleep til noon, play golf, watch Faux News, embarrass the Nation worldwide, and yearn to be the next Hitler.

Obviously, Peter Thiel believed Trump is going to die soon, which is why he positioned his thrall Just Dishonorable Vance to seize power and be his Cat's Paw in remaking the Nation into a Saudi style Billionaire Paradise.  But, Elon Musk in his meetings with traitor Trump has obviously come to the same conclusion.  Musk is a creepy weirdo, ketamine-addict but in his meetings with senile DonOld he's probably come to the conclusion that Trump isn't going to survive his Presidency and Musk has positioned himself as the next real power in the United States.  With his multiple Government subsides propping up his companies and with his Trump created position as Head of the Department of Government Efficiency Executioners (D.O.G.E.), Musk will be positioned to unleash his Digital Nazi Army on anyone who resists him. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Jupiter Florida shows the Biden Economy is good and MAGA is rife with Neo-Nazis

Famous Jupiter Lighthouse w/o Nazis
(My photo November 2023)
The US Economy under President Biden is soaring but, for the past few years Americans have claimed the economy is hurting them and things are terrible.

Why is there a disconnect?

Well, mainly due to rightwingers actively accepting Trump's lies and the Corporate Media has made this a topic via their non-stop lying about the economy.  Republicans have finally fully embraced subjectivity as a moral/political philosophy.  There is no truth outside the truth of whatever best suits the Republicans today.  Thus, the economy is bad when it isn't and Trump's insane 200% Tariffs are good even though it would obliterate the US Economy and send us into a Depression.

Of course, senile traitor Trump was always going to claim Inflation is out of control and the economy is wrecked and we are the verge of a 1929 Depression blah blah blah.  Of course, anytime Faux News is forced to report on the actual numbers of the thriving economy under President Biden, senile traitor Trump gets angry and blasts off one of his ranting racist missives on Truth Social. But, understand if traitor Trump somehow regains control of the US Government, MAGA will immediately declare the Economy the Greatest of All Time... Again.  It's crucial to understand that even as Trump crashed the Nation in 2020, Republicans pretend he didn't and repeatedly assert to their brain-washed followers that everything was the Best of All Time and the greatest ever and perfect under Trump because reality is an illusion and all that matters is getting that Propaganda out there and winning the day.

Thus, Trump and the Republicans;
  • Take all the credit for things they did not do
  • Pass all the blame for the things they did do
  • Proclaim themselves the Greatest of All Time
Last week, in Jupiter, Florida, Lara and Eric Trump threw another Boat Parade.  If you know anything about Jupiter Florida, then you know the houses on the causeway run into the 8 figure range.  And condos anywhere start in the million dollar range.  Michael Jordan has a $35,000,000 dollar mansion in Jupiter.  Jupiter is also where Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, got a massage hand-job and the only person to suffer because of it was the Asian immigrant who was arrested.

And if you own a boat, you're not struggling financially.  No matter what you might claim and have a overly credulous Corporate Media dutifully report.  But, of course, during this MAGA Boat Parade, Neo-Nazis joined in because The Fash, absolutely adores Trump, feels incredibly confident in his ability to steal into the White House, and is comfortable being out in the open because Trump and Project 2025 will grant them the ability to accomplish many of their terrorist dreams.

The problem is the Corporate Media is unwilling to admit the people who are claiming the economy is terrible are well-to-do or actually very rich.  And all the claims abut the price of eggs and milk or the cost of gas are lies being told by willing rightwingers who know that what they want to be true is true and there are no experts anymore and expertise and accreditation are the true liars trying to undermine their perceived truth and received wisdom.  MAGA loves being lied to by Trump because he tells them the things they want to be true are true and he gives them the latitude and permission to be their worst selves.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Get Ready for the Ugliest October Surprise in American History as Republicans smear Tim Walz

You may have thought multiple bigoted white male Republicans calling Vice President Kamala Harris a
DEI candidate was the lowest point of the campaign.  Or making constant oral sex jokes was too tawdry and unbefitting the Republican Party. 

You may have thought claiming multiple times including during both television debates that Haitian migrants, here legally, were eating peoples' cats and dogs was the lowest most disreputable racist attack since the infamous Willie Horton ad.

You may have thought smearing Tim Walz with the claim of Stolen Valor, from the cowardly Republican Party comprised of Vietnam Era Chickenhawks and Global War on Terror Rear-Echelon Mother Fucker Warmongers was just about as dishonorable as anyone could get.

You may have thought desecrating Arlington National Cemetery and belittling Medal of Honor recipients was just about the most disgraceful act anyone wanting to be President could do.

Or you may have believed all those years Republicans pushed lies about the Hunter Biden Laptop, and the Biden crime Family lies, or claimed Russian agent Tara Reade was telling the truth about President Biden assaulting her were just politics. 

You may have believed Republicans couldn't get any uglier or more heinous in their pursuit of Power.  Well, you'd have been wrong.

All those years of #QAnon claims.  All those years of attacking Teachers.  All those years of claiming anyone who fights for or defends LGBTQ persons are secret pedophiles.  All those years of attacks have culminated in the ultimate Kill Shot.  Via Elon Muck's Swasitka ✠ Twitter, Republicans have released a claim that Tim Walz molested 3 young boys while he was a teacher.  The account leading this charge is the infamous troll "Black Insurrectionist", famous for lying about an ABC whistleblower.

You can look up the account and read his despicable lies if you'd like.  I won't link it.  Fortunately, there appear to be a major Twitter accounts FordNews and Agent Self FBI which have debunked and demonstrated the so-called Black Insurrectionist is lying and fabricating.  Additional, debunking has been done by Will Sommer, and on Reddit (of all places), and the young student Todd Almond, who the Walz's took to the Indigo Girls concert in 1995 who far from being a "victim" has written about his friendship with Tim and Gwen.  There's a lot speculation this was written by "Black Insurrectionist" himself and that he may be infamous Trump Troll Jacob Wohl but...

But, it doesn't matter how often the truth is demonstrated or how many times Republican lies are disproven.  Republicans have adopted pure subjectivity.  The goal isn't to have this end the Harris /Walz campaign it's another vile lie Republicans will use in their multi-pronged assault on the election.  Every avenue of attack is designed to peel a few voters away here and shave a few votes off there until its' close enough for this state or that Republican Governor to steal or get the whole thing into a morass requiring the Supremacist Court (or Republican controlled State Legislatures) to declare Trump the winner.

In Republicans eyes, everything is lined up perfectly.  Republicans know if they can steal this Election, they can Steal America.  Project 2025 will just be the start of the dismantling of the Untied States of America and its' replacement with a Fascist Fundamentalist Ethonstate built upon the twin pillars of White Power and perpetual corporate bondage.

Of course, Republicans would love if the Mainstream Media picked this up they way they always do with a Republican Propaganda Campaign.  But, even if the Media doesn't run with these vile allegations, the goal is to undermine the very concept of truth and lies.  And to ease the Nation into the grasp of Billionaires and Republicans Fascists, who once ensconced will never cede power and will usher in the Totalitarian Dream Republicans have sought for decades.

Mankind has been in this position before;  Hannah Ardent warned about the conclusion from what the last 50 years of Republican Agitprop and campaign to destroy truth, facts, honesty, expertise were designed to accomplish;

What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Stealing My Valor - the incredible pettiness and shamelessness of Trump's Core Supporters

Clown to the Left of Me
My home is bracketed by two rich recently retired old white men and their dutiful wives.  Now, everyone on my block knows I'm a Police Officer without me telling them.  So, it came as a massive surprise to them when in 2016, I didn't support the racist rapist senile criminal traitor for the White House.

So, when I got my VoteVets for Harris/Walz sign for my front yard, they each responded with a Trump/Vance sign!  And since then every week they've added a new Trump sign and now each has 5 signs in his yard including the pictured Law Enforcement and Veterans for Trump signs.

Now, here's the thing neither of these two are law enforcement and neither are Veterans.  Yet they have no compunction in placing those signs in their yards.  I really want to troll them and get a Blacks for Trump sign and put it up next to theirs...  but, it's quite possible they might add that one themselves.
Joker to the Right

Of all the most pathetic displays of servile obsequiousness by Trump supporters, the flood of signage and flags festooning their mansions and massive $100K coal-rolling trucks has to be most pathetic. 

Remember, Trump's MAGA core strongest component are the well-to-do American Boyars.  These types comprised the core Jan6th supporters, like these two rich sons of the Northbrook based Kulas Maids, wearing their most chic Burberry attire to the riot. 

Veterans, of course, recognize Trump for what he is and voted against him in 2020.  Of course, Trump lies constantly and claims Veterans and active-duty Service Members support him.  Traitor Trump is a boorish asshole who's never cared about anyone other than himself and views every interaction in terms of how he can get the "best deal" for himself by whatever means it's been no surprise to see Trump repeatedly shit and spit on Veterans, their families, and military service members.  Trump also routinely exploits peoples' grief and trauma, as seen in his despicable desecration of Arlington National Cemetery and the rampant lies and falsehoods he's sowing around FEMA and the Hurricane relief. 

Now, Cops are a different matter entirely.  I'm probably one of the furthest left Officers I've ever encountered in almost 20 years and I've encountered some outright fascist wannabes.  And of course there's segment of "Law Enforcement" who yearn to be unleashed in the same way MAGA fantasizes about getting Trump in the White House so they can visit all manners of evils on the people.

And that's the entire key to Trump's charisma and his cult;  Trump says all manner of evil lies as a way to give his most hateful the permission structure they are going to need to do the evil things they want to do.

But, one of the reasons I don't believe there will be any large scale uprising; despite the dreams of paid Putin operative Tim Poole, is what would these two old turds would be willing to do?  Certainly, in this age of rightwing stochastic terrorism you can never guess when one registered Republican will conduct a terrorist attack on America but, battalion-sized or higher concentrations of conservative traitors?  Led by that coward Josh Hawley in Missouri?  Or Tom Cotton?  Or even Mike Flynn at his traitorous compound in Sarasota, Florida?  I'm doubtful.

Tom Filipkowski points out what a sham all these 'This or That Group for Trump' stunts are:

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Suddenly, the Corporate Media doesn't care about: Age of the Candidate, Hacked Emails, or the Economy

In MAGA America, Putin kills You 
or the drop in Immigration...

or the drop in fentanyl-related overdoses...

or any of the things the Corporate Media claimed were the most important issues facing the President and going to be the most important issue facing the American people in the voting booth.

Opioid-related overdose deaths have been rising as for decades, especially once dastardly pharmaceutical companies and drug pushing families got hold of political influence in marketing oxycontin to rural America.

Only the rise in gun violence related deaths (especially amongst children) have kept pace. Yet, for the first time since the National Institute for Health began tracking overdose deaths dropped in 2023.   This was overseen by President Biden and Vice President Harris so the perfidious Corporate Media won't cover it because they are spitting mad at Kamala Harris for correctly spurning their odious "reporting" and going onto alternative media channels, like Howard Stern, Call Her Daddy podcast, or The View.

'Why this is Bad News for President Harris' 

Additionally, The Dow Jones has broken records and is over 40,000.  Now, the universal caveat by thoughtful and working class people is the Stock Market isn't the economy and thus is not an indicator of the health of the financial Nation.  But, that has never, ever been the standard adopted by the Corporate Media who trumpeted every Republican false proclamation of how great the economy is under Republicans and regurgitated every Republican lie about how bad the economy is under a Democratic administration.  If this was the economy under Trump the race for President would be declared over.  Of course, other economic indicators and metrics, such as job growth and inflation, also highlight how good the Biden/Harris administration is and has been for the Nation, yet the Corporate Media not only doesn't report this it reports that the economy is terrible. 

But, the things that most illustrate how much in the bag the fucking grotesque media is for their Beloved Leader Trump is the Age and Hacked Emails scandals.

Trump has dissolved into syphilitic senility and increasingly is a rambling incoherent sloppy mess during his fascist rallies yet, the Corporate Media has yet to call for him to step aside, nor spent half their reporting day talking about how old and unfit racist traitor Trump is for office.  But, as of July 21st 2024, the age of the candidate for Presidency no longer became an issue and any verbal mistakes or cognitive errors or ridiculous statements became unimportant.

Similarly, the Corporate Media now no longer cares about hacked emails.  Of course, the political press claims they've decided for the good of the Nation they must not, they can not produce these emails that were so unlawfully purloined!!!  What's amazing is the FTFNYT spent months promoting every single Hillary Clinton related email released and put the issue on the front page daily as the election neared.  But, now Elon Muck and his Nazi Twitter are working in coordination with the Trump campaign to suspend anyone who releases the Trump emails.  This would seem to be the biggest scandal in Political interference with Freedom of the Press and the 1st Amendment yet the Corporate Media is always willing to produce a minor news story and move on when it affects Trump.

Let's also not overlook how little coverage the rightwing liars who claimed to have definitive proof of a stolen 2020 election has received;  even as those Trump loving liars flee to Dubai to avoid court depositions, or face fines from Judges for claiming to have all sorts of evidence and eyewitnesses to the 2020 election, or go to jail for committing Election Fraud themselves by giving data to other Trump loving liars.  These would all seem to be very important and pertinent News Stories as we are about to reach Election Day in 2024.  Yet, 

So, look we can not place any trust in the Corporate Media.  Joe Biden saw this while he was Vice President under Barack Obama as the Media continually pushed Republican lies, acted as though the Tea Party was a 3rd political party in America, gave undo focus to bad faith disingenuous rightwing complaints.  Now, Vice President Kamala Harris has seen first-hand how the Media turned on President Biden over the withdrawal from Afghanistan and decided to punish him non-stop for the next 3 years by promoting Republican lies.

The Republicans spent the last 50 years "working the refs" and brow-beating the Media into always framing every issue from the Republican perspective.  We can address this after we defeat the Fascists in 2024.  Maybe... But, better than that we should continue to freeze out the courtier class of Washington political pundits who have conferred upon themselves unearned titles and go onto these alternate media outlets that are more in line with the Millennial and Zoomer tastes.

So, keep helping Kamala Harris Get Out the Vote and get ready for Republicans to attempt to overthrow the Nation when Harris and Walz win this election in a blowout.

Friday, October 11, 2024

The perfidious Corporate Media, treasonous Republicans, and Billionaire Morlocks have a Dream of destroying and consuming America

If you want a picture of the future, imagine these
"human" faces stamping on you - forever.
In H.G. Wells,  Time Machine (1895) humanity diverges into two; the above ground Eloi and below ground Morlocks, who husband the Eloi like cattle.  Republicans and their Billionaire backers are already Morlocks and have already passed laws to enslave Americans in numerous states and are more than willing to sacrifice Us and even their own followers, as they seek to achieve the Ultimate Goal of the Republican Party:  The Complete Destruction of the United States of America.

When Covid denialism and anti-vaxx lies took hold in America and Republicans were more than willing to die and were happy to let their so-called loved ones die alone in hospital beds hooked up to ventilators in fear and terror as their bodies failed I was saddened we'd reached the point were MAGA Cultists were willing to die rather than believe experts, reality, and truth.  We've now reached the point when Republicans cultists are eager and ready to kill Us to deny reality and replace it with their own feelings of hatred and anger.

The Republican response to their recalcitrant denialism and blatant disregard towards the Climate Crisis is playing out exactly as you expect;  Republicans are blaming Democrats, scapegoating Immigrants, and declining to properly ascribe the causes of the devastating hurricanes to climate change.  And it's only going to get worse and more monstrous as the effects continue to batter the Nation.  And once insurance markets collapse, Billionaires have safely rendered their ill-gotten assets from being touched, and Republicans continue to loosen regulations and allow direct pollution and indirect pollution to poison the planet they will simply shrug and tell people, 'Too bad'.  

Republicans and Billionaires absolutely want to destroy the American Dream and crush working Americans into Penury and Servitude.  Now, Republicans used to not admit this but, over and over and over Republicans and their Billionaire backers talk wistfully about slashing the Social Safety Net and eliminating Obamacare, even while Just Dishonorable Vance credits traitor Trump with saving Obamacare and getting his dear Ole MeeMaw healthcare coverage.

Thom Hartmann, one of the best and longest standing left media commentators to accurately describe the rapacious Republican Party, lays out exactly what the Republican American Dream is:

When Republicans — particularly billionaires and multimillionaires like Trump and Vance — invoke the American Dream, they largely ignore the middle class. Instead, that phrase to them means the ability to:
— Get rich beyond the dreams of King Midas 
— Own multiple mansions from Florida to Colorado to Switzerland (and Trump added Venezuela on his Monday night call with Musk)  
— Cavort with nubile young women and investment bankers on your very own superyacht or Lolita Express private jet  
— Have private concierge doctors and nurses on call at all times  
— Employ private security to guard your mansions and wield weapons of war to keep them safe from the masses 
— Buy judges for the Supreme Court to get decisions that make your life easier  
— Legally bribe judges and politicians at every level from the county commissioners to Congress and the president, and 
— Avoid paying taxes so successfully that the average American billionaire today pays less than 8 percent in income taxes.

Billionaires want to set themselves up as an American Nobility but, primarily they want Republicans to impoverish you and leave you starving, because the starving hungry man will do as he is told. The starving family will take all work offered with very little pushback or complaint.  The desperate are pliable to the whims and dictates of the 1%.

Republicans want you poor, starving and desperate because then they can enslave you.  And Billionaires believe they have acquired enough wealthy, status, and power to insulate themselves from anyone who might try and rise up against them; while also being assured that MAGA conservatives would relish an opportunity to engage in an euphemistic "One Rough Hour" against their perceived enemies.

Trump = Make America Nazi Germany Again
But, yet again the Corporate Media is loathe to call out Trump's Straight Nazi Rhetoric.  The way the Corporate Media framed traitor Trump's eugenicist call for a Final Solution for Immigrants in America is nothing less than a shocking dereliction of duty and a clear reminder the Media's goal is to help their Beloved Trump back into the White House.

Meanwhile, Trump is broadcasting vile non-stop lies about Hurricane relief efforts in North Carolina and, the Corporate Media is tentatively waiting to see if the rightwing propaganda about Hurricanes gets purchase so they can help Republicans spread their lies and win elections... like they always do. 

This is the last month before Election Day; do everything you can, send post-cards, phone bank, knock on doors, talk to friends and family and GOTV because the Morlocks are waiting and they won't be satisfied or satiated by rounding up and liquidating migrants, they want to destroy millions, and return America to the Greatness of the Colonial Era when rich white men owned everything and the majority of the people in these United States were little more than chattel.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Trump, Vance, and the Republicans fascist ugliness and vile non-stop lies on full display in Wisconsin, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina

Fear & Anger...

Fear & Anger...

Fear & Anger...

All day every minute of every day all through out his senile incoherent rallies and broadcast directly via Elon Muck's Nazi Twitter and Faux News.

This is it.  We've passed the Event Horizon.  We've Crossed the Rubicon.  We've reached the tipping point.  Whatever euphemism you want to employ understand Trump and his willing co-conspirators are priming their brain-washed rightwing drones for violence.

Non-stop lies about Haitian Immigrants, non-stop lies about FEMA, non-stop lies about voting fraud, non-stop lies about Obamacare, non-stop lies about abortion, non-stop lies about the economy, non-stop lies, non-stop lies, non-stop lies...

Fact check: Six days of Trump lies about the Hurricane Helene response

—  Former President Donald Trump has delivered a barrage of lies and distortions about the federal response to Hurricane Helene.

While various misinformation about the response has spread widely without Trump’s involvement, the Republican presidential nominee has been one of the country’s leading deceivers on the subject. Over a span of six days, in public comments and social media posts, Trump has used his powerful megaphone to endorse or invent false or unsubstantiated claims.

The chief targets of his hurricane-related dishonesty have been Vice President Kamala Harris, his opponent in the November presidential election, and President Joe Biden. 

It's not just Trump.  It's the entire Republican Party.

But, as Florida faces a now Category 5 Hurricane in Milton, Ron DeSantis continues to play dumb and petulant political games so Republican liars can continue to falsely claim President Biden (and therefore Vice President Harris) is not giving the aid to Republican States.  "We had this planned,"  DeSantis said of his effort to snub the President and Vice President in order to convince his base of Republicans that Biden had given all their money to Migrants and FEMA wasn't helping them.  “We’ve got to stop politicizing the weather and stop politicizing natural disasters,” DeSantis said last year.  Just don't say Climate Change or Little Goblin DeSantis will have you arrested by his Governor's Speech Police...

Deliberate Internal Subversion  
of a Government demonstrates 
MAGA are Domestic Terrorists
And the Republicans living in those States?  Well Trump, Vance, elected Republicans in Congress, and even rightwingers in other States DON'T GIVE A SHIT about them.

Deliberate misinformation, a callous disregard for peoples' lives, and incessant demonization of the Other are the hallmarks of the Fascist Republican Party.

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania Republicans have been sending via the USPS letters telling people they have been selected to house and feed migrants under a Biden/Harris Plan.

"Congratulations," the fake letter stated, "you have been selected as a Wayward Steward exchange home for homeless immigrants and victims of foreign wars."  The letter was sent to Elizabeth Bennett from the"Pennsylvania Congressional Office of Immigration Affairs," which does not exist. Bennett was supposedly selected based on “property and income records” for a migrant housing program as part of  “US5Ca12-B,” a law implemented by the Biden administration, the letter asserted. No such law exists.

There's more deliberate lies and bullshit sent via Elon Muck's Nazi Twitter from Matt Gaetz, from Marco Rubio, from Squeaker of the House Mike Johnson.  It's a non-stop barrage with a specific goal.

Don't expect the Corporate Media to accurately call out the Republican non-stop lies for what they are; a deliberate campaign to destroy the Nation.  The Corporate Media's job is to massage and temper the Republican propaganda making their perfidy palatable to the Normie public.  

There is no point in trying to refute these lies about only getting $750, and the rest was stolen by Biden for illegal immigrants, and FEMA isn't helping or no where to be seen in rural North Carolina, or any of the millions of lies being spread throughout the Republican/Rightwing media universe in a reasoned manner.  These people are part of or lost to the Republican Agitprop Machine, they have no intention of being reasoned with or being convinced, they exist solely to be angry or afraid;  and those qualities can quickly be turned towards Violence.  The threat of Violence is what Republicans have been using to maintain their political cohesion.

We have to defeat these vile monsters and render the Republican Party politically inviolable.  I don't think we can, I think Republicans have such an unshakable hold and built-in political floor merely by flying that Scarlet R behind their names that they can run with outrageous lies and fact-free untruths and know, know with an absolute certainty that it will not be held against them and rightwingers will support their lies because they are lying.  The Nation can not remain half MAGA and half Free.  We, the People are being called upon again to defeat the Vile Monsters of Fascism coming from the entire Republican Party; a threat to the Nation, to our way of life, and to millions of people.


Trump and Vance's Project 2025 guts FEMA by the way and just this September in the Congressional appropriations bill, Republicans voted overwhelmingly to NOT fund FEMA secure in the knowledge that not only would they not receive any blowback from their voters but that those Republicans would voicefously defend them and spread rightwing lies  

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 45: A (True) False Report of Rape in Morton Grove

One of the persistent beliefs by men in general and male Police Officers specifically is that most rape accusations are false.

You see this especially in this MAGA era as a way to defend senile rapist traitor Trump who is guilty of sexual assault but nonetheless finds his 70 million supporters absolutely discounting it.

One of the worst things that can ever happen is a false allegation of rape because it allows bigoted and shameless police officers to then claim all rape accusations are lies.

The National Institute of Health in 2010 released a 10 year study of 136 cases which the abstract concluded the following;

Of the 136 cases of sexual assault reported over the 10-year period, 8 (5.9%) are coded as false allegations. These results, taken in the context of an examination of previous research, indicate that the prevalence of false allegations is between 2% and 10%.

Now, let's be very, very clear.  I have pity for this woman because she is obviously suffering from some mental illness which led her to try and gain attention by concocting this absurd daytime abduction from a Metra train station story.

But...  let us also not lose sight of the false details she crafted for her attackers.  Spanish speakers in a stolen Escalade and "This used to be a safe neighborhood."

This lie is tailor made to fit into the Migrant Crime Wave lie being pushed Trump & Vance.

Since this initial claim by Bankhead she has been charged with a Disorderly Conduct for filing a false police report.  Now, whether or not she committed a crime the question of using the criminal courts to treat a woman most likely suffering some kind of mental distress.

Now, this story is not going to get 1/100th the coverage of the Jussie Smollet story, and if any rightwingers do reference it what they will say is it absolutely justifies their prior beliefs that bitches be crazy and all women lie about Rape. 

While the Illinois legislature mandated all Police Officers in the State undergo Sexual Assault Trauma Informed Responder training every 3 years, back in 2017.  There are still enough troglodytes and biased Officers who will dismiss and do everything they can to undermine a victim when she comes in to report.

The book A False Report:  A True Story of Rape in America should be required reading for every police officer.  As it highlights how Officers once they've formed an initial impression don't care to change it and will actively work to prove it even against evidence to the contrary.  It also highlights how rape victims are treated as suspects as soon as they come in to make a report and at the time were forced to relive their traumatic incident over and over again while the Officers and Detectives looked for any minor discrepancy to discredit her.

So, I don't know where Lacie Bankhead is but, I hope she can try to recover from this and I'm thankful no innocent people were taken into custody or worse after her false allegation.

Creepy Republicans, like Bernie Moreno and Katie Britt, hate Women and J.D. Vance plans to set up a Federal Menstruation Police Force

I'm your Menstruation Protector
 Everyday Republicans broadcast their intention to literally enslave women across America.

Jason Miller, former Trump inner circle member and best known for cheating on his wife and feeding his girlfriend a cocktail to induce an abortion admitted, under Trump States will be able to create and maintain a database of women’s periods and monitor their cycles, and using this data that so-called Law Enforcement will obtain sluts who get abortions will prosecuted.

Republicans hate America.  Republicans really hate women.  And Republicans hate you, whomever you are, unless you help advance their Fascist Agenda.  And the start of the Republican Agenda to destroy the United States begins with policing women's bodies.

Breathy baby voice Katie Britt, whom America came to know and loathe, after her weird creepy SOTU response this year, also wrote a Bill to create a Federal Database of Companies who assist women in receiving  healthcare (including abortions if necessary) thus barring them from receiving Federal Funds.  This bill would also track and catalog women's menstrual cycles so the Republicans can be sure know everything that woman is doing and arrest her if necessary.

Britt follows a long tradition of Republican Women whom the Party and their Plutocratic Overlords push forth as exemplars which they tell women both implicitly and explicitly to experience their liberation vicariously through them.  This is a 50 year old technique going back to the odious harridan Phyliss Schlflay who told women to stay home cook, clean, and make babies as she rubbed elbows and influenced rich men in Government and Business.

Since, then Republicans have focused their efforts on being big Daddy to white women.  Republican Bernie Moreno running for Senate in Ohio keeps telling older women don't worry vote Republicans we'll not be going after you (or your precious innocent daughter) just after the sluts,

"You don’t get pregnant because you were at the checkout line at Kroger.  It doesn’t happen that way. That’s at least what my mom and dad told me. So, you do have to take personal responsibility. Abortion is a heinous crime. It is certainly not health care. It is certainly not birth control. But yet here we are doing it."

Bernie Moreno also feels supremely comfortable man-splaining to White Women they are voting the wrong way just because Democrats promise them they can get an abortion,

“Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like, ‘Listen, abortion is it. If I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.’ … OK. It’s a little crazy by the way, but — especially for women that are like past 50 — I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.'”

Get it together "suburban" women!  After all Bernie Moreno will only punish the young sluts, you shriveled up old hags can have as much sex as you want!  Republicans can't advance their agenda of oppression and perpetual corporate bondage without your support!  Now, look, white men especially blue collar white men are a lost cause.  They've been hammered with 50 years of Republican lies, grievances, and propaganda and now receive it on full blast every single minute of every single day.  Despite documented evidence Democratic policies aid the vaunted white working class man far more than anything any Republican has every done, white men continue to vote Republican. 

But... white women are a quandary...  Republicans have enjoyed substantial support for white women for decades, including grotesque rapist senile scumbag traitor Trump.  So, they've gotten comfortable in taking white women's support for granted.  And since Republicans are comfortable bossing around women, they also feel righteous empowered to tell White Women they are behaving improperly but not voting straight Republican

J.D. Vance is a despicable shameless liar and disgrace to the Marine Corps values, he's also a Catholic convert and as such has the zealous fervor of the falsely pious.  He's not going let white women forget their duty is to produce numerous white babies 

"American families aren't having enough children. I think there's evidence that some of the things that we're doing to parents is driving down the number of children that American families are having," Vance said.

Vance is "skeptical" women should be 
able to leave "unhappy or even violent 
marriages"Just lay back and enjoy it.

That statement is of course a variation on the Great Replacement Theory Neo-Nazis like Tucker Carlson have promulgated.  But, everything that comes out of Vance's mouth is another slander and insult of women

“In particular, there's evidence that the car seat rules that we've imposed, which of course I want kids to drive in car seats, have driven down the number of babies born in this country by over 100,000. So as we think about how to make kids safe here, I think we should do it in a way that's accommodating to American families."

Car seats (and vaccines), you see, allowed Americans i.e. middle class whites to stick to having only 2 kids because they we confident those children would make adulthood as opposed to previous generations who could expect to lose 1-2 or more during childhood.
There is probably something about this MAGA belief in the greatness of earlier America which plays into Republicans callous insanity about gun laws and school children being sacrificed on their Holey Altar of the Second Amendment.

Vance apparently yearns for the time when, women had no options and were kept in a perpetual cycle of pregnancy and childbirth.  This Sexual Slavery is, of course, exactly what the Republican Party wants, is currently attempting to do via the Supremacist Court and repeated laws Republicans pass to restrict women's rights and shackle them into violent and loveless marriages.

Look, Republicans have overplayed their hands and despite senile traitor Trump's repeated lies everyone wanted Abortion back in the States, no one wanted it "back in the States" except, bad faith Republicans who have been using the slice the salami method of undermining laws (aka the John Roberts Method).  Republicans didn't want a big sweeping roll-back of Abortion because women would be very aware of their rights, freedom, and bodily autonomy being taken away.  

Now, complicating this is that most men are horrendous misogynists (including those who have been considered strong Democratic voters) so appealing to American men's hatred of women is not a sure-fire losing proposition for Trump, Vance and other Republicans.

The question is whether white women will lay back and do their duty for Trump yet again.  Many vile white men are going to be surprised to find out their wives didn't vote for Trump hopefully these men.  Hopefully they never find out because Republican men are yearning to be unleashed to mete out violence on those they hate; and being denied that those Republican men will quickly turn their violence on those at their homes, as they often do.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Same-Washing towards Fascism: Let’s talk about the Weather (which we control)

Reality cannot be ignored except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must be paid. - Aldous Huxley
I wanted to be with you alone
And talk about the weather

 Major Traitor Greene must be feeling forgotten lately what with Trump boinking Lara Loomer.  Apparently feeling that the devastation and death from Hurricane Helene don't really matter, Greene broke out a variation of her infamous Jewish Space Lasers claim by claiming Democrats control the weather...  But, not to be undone, as North Carolina and other southern states face the monumental clean-up, traitor Trump is running with a monstrous lie claiming President Biden and future President Harris stole the FEMA funds and gave it to illegal immigrants.

There is no bottom to Trump's evil lies and vicious slanders.  There is no bottom to Republicans denial of reality.  President Biden is right to warn America that while the elections will be free and fair, they won't be peaceful.  Traitor Trump and Just Dishonorable Vance are going to continue to spew forth racist xenophobic non-stop Nazi rhetoric demonizing whole swaths of people.  Senile Trump has no compunctions of telling any terrible lies and saying anything thinks will give him a little more 

Apparently the boomers infesting facebook are spreading multiple fake AI images of traitor Trump helping out in the flood zones.  Trump's "help" to hurricane victims consisted entirely of him shooting paper towel rolls to people in Puerto Rico.

We are rapidly approaching a dangerous inflection point.  Republicans in America no longer accept reality;  this has played out in deadly ways with deaths and destruction increasing ever year from climate change, or the daily toll of gun violence which Vance and Trump shrug and say "well these things happen" and "you gotta get over it".  Come this November when Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win a decisive and overwhelming victory reality is going to smack Republicans.  In response, Republicans are going to unleash violence, the question is how high and how terrible will be the price We, the People pay for Republican Ignorance.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sane-Washing towards Fascism: Traitor Trump continues to shit all over wounded Veterans

 It's a non-stop fact that Trump loves to insult Veterans and loves to dismiss and diminish the sacrifices they've made for the United States.

I've written many times on why this is;  Trump is a cruelly transactional thief who views everything in the lens what he's getting for himself and what he's getting over you.

I vainly thought that Trump shitting all over Medal of Honor recipients would be enough for the corporate media to call him the shameless gutless worm he is. 

I naively thought when Trump was grinning his rictus grin while stomping all over Arlington National Cemetery giving the thumbs up over the graves of men and women far braver than he, the corporate media might have said enough is enough.

I stupidly thought when Trump was gleefully using the grief of families who've lost loved ones in the phony Republican War on Terror the corporate media might remind America how Trump callously dismissed the families of the US Special Forces whom he sent into Niger without a plan, without a QRF, with no hope and then shrugged and told the families this is what they signed up for...

So, now that Iran has apparently hacked his campaign and maybe issued a fatwa against him, Trump and his cabal of treasonous surrogates have no shame and no compunction in blaming it all on soon-to-be President Kamala Harris. 

As War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu continues to escalate violence and tension in the Middle East, hoping to provoke a major conflict and force President Biden and the U.S. military to intervene and invade Iran the same way Netanyahu lied and coaxed George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to invade Iraq, I figured the corporate meida might point out how Trump cruelly dismissed the injured Soldiers who were bombarded while he was in Office after Trump wanted to show what a big strong man he was by blowing up an Iranian General.  

And then... and then Trump merely did it again.

Look at him smirk and shake his head as he downplays soldiers injuries.  Then he goes into his canned answer of the bombs never hit the "fort"...

“What does ‘injured’ mean?” he said. “You mean because they had a headache? Because the bombs never hit the fort... None of those very accurate missiles hit our fort. They all hit outside. There was nobody hurt, other than the sound was loud."

There was nobody hurt...  unlike like say Trump and his scratched ear from a small shard of glass...  

Even his innovation of "fort" is so disrespectful as if these men deployed in Iraq where hiding in a fort of couch-cushions like Just Dishonorable Vance...  At this point, as we saw at Arlington, there is nothing traitor Trump can do to alienate his rabid cult who yearn to get him into Office so that they might unleash their inner violent terrorism and murder millions of people here.  But, alas the Corporate Media also openly desires another Trump Presidency so they will never stop Sane-Washing him.

Sane-Washing towards Fascism: the slick smooth lies of J.D. Vance and the Plot to steal the 2024 Election

The corporate media continues their policy of purposefully misunderstanding what Trump (and Vance) represent because it would mean their entire existence and careers as courtiers and stenographers.

I'll never forget (or forgive) the Media for hemming and hawing after it was clear Biden/Harris won the election by not calling it that night or early on November 7th, instead they played footsie with Trump and his claims of victory and didn't want to upset their Republican contacts.

Do you recall on November 10th the Washington Post running this insane quote from an anonymous Republican in DC,

“What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change,” the official said. “He went golfing this weekend. It’s not like he’s plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20." 

Given the latitude to claim he won in 2020 then allowed traitor Trump the 4 years he and his criminal co-conspirators needed to set themselves up to steal the 2024 Election; which is fully underway now.  The Republican Party is a fully fascist organization now dedicated to destroying the United States of America and installing an Evangelical EthnoState built upon the pillars of white supremacy and corporate hegemony.

Now, Ross Douthat isn't "the" corporate media but he's been writing for the FNYT for almost 15 years.  And everything he writes is under the rubric of "this is good news for the Republicans and bad news for Democrats".

But, the corporate media was ready to award Vance the Debate Crown before the debate and declared it official the first time Tim Walz stumbled during an answer.

Vance then simply and slickly repeated the memorized 3x5 note card answers blaming Vice President Harris for everything and crediting senile traitor Trump for everything which meant he "won" the Vice Presidential Debate.

Vance claimed housing would be cheaper with seizing federal lands and drilling for oil.  Fortunately, soon-to-be Vice President Walz asked him if that meant drilling and building on the same plots of land.  But, more ominously it demonstrates just how captured Vance (and the Republican Party) are towards the Fossil Fuel Industry.  Vance had the gall to claim Chinese Made solar panels are dirtier than Coal!!!  That's shades of Racist Rush Limbaugh claiming Priuses caused more pollution than the odious H2 Hummers and coal-rollin' diesel pickups.  And, of course, was a dishonest lie because 80% of the solar panels are made in the United States.

The most brazen lie was Just Dishonorable Vance crediting Trump with getting his MeeMaw private healthcare coverage and then having the temerity to praise Trump for "saving" Obamacare.  But, since Vance had pouted earlier, "You guys aren't supposed to fact-check me!!!" like a 7 year old caught by the teacher, no one pointed out that Trump's DayOne Agenda was eliminating Obamacare which Republicans had spent the last decade voting to repeal.

The most reprehensible moment was Vance being unable to answer the question of who won the 2020 election.  Now, unsurprisingly, the question didn't originate with the moderators just as no one in the Corporate Media has ever put Trump on the spot and asked him directly who won the 2020 election.  But, then Republicans throughout the Federal Government and party members at all levels have all evaded, elided, and generally avoided answering the question whenever it's brought up and since the media isn't interested in Democracy it rarely comes up from them anymore.  And those out-and-proud Fascists in the Republican Party when asked who won the 2020 election openly declare it was Trump.

But, the Debate is already old news and the lies Vance told are already mostly forgotten; so, the corporate media can go back to coddling the Rough Beast as they sane-wash us towards Fascism.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, 
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?