Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sane-Washing towards Fascism: Traitor Trump continues to shit all over wounded Veterans

 It's a non-stop fact that Trump loves to insult Veterans and loves to dismiss and diminish the sacrifices they've made for the United States.

I've written many times on why this is;  Trump is a cruelly transactional thief who views everything in the lens what he's getting for himself and what he's getting over you.

I vainly thought that Trump shitting all over Medal of Honor recipients would be enough for the corporate media to call him the shameless gutless worm he is. 

I naively thought when Trump was grinning his rictus grin while stomping all over Arlington National Cemetery giving the thumbs up over the graves of men and women far braver than he, the corporate media might have said enough is enough.

I stupidly thought when Trump was gleefully using the grief of families who've lost loved ones in the phony Republican War on Terror the corporate media might remind America how Trump callously dismissed the families of the US Special Forces whom he sent into Niger without a plan, without a QRF, with no hope and then shrugged and told the families this is what they signed up for...

So, now that Iran has apparently hacked his campaign and maybe issued a fatwa against him, Trump and his cabal of treasonous surrogates have no shame and no compunction in blaming it all on soon-to-be President Kamala Harris. 

As War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu continues to escalate violence and tension in the Middle East, hoping to provoke a major conflict and force President Biden and the U.S. military to intervene and invade Iran the same way Netanyahu lied and coaxed George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to invade Iraq, I figured the corporate meida might point out how Trump cruelly dismissed the injured Soldiers who were bombarded while he was in Office after Trump wanted to show what a big strong man he was by blowing up an Iranian General.  

And then... and then Trump merely did it again.

Look at him smirk and shake his head as he downplays soldiers injuries.  Then he goes into his canned answer of the bombs never hit the fort...

“What does ‘injured’ mean?” he said. “You mean because they had a headache? Because the bombs never hit the fort... None of those very accurate missiles hit our fort. They all hit outside. There was nobody hurt, other than the sound was loud."

There was nobody hurt...  unlike like say Trump and his scratched ear from a small shard of glass...  

At this point, as we saw at Arlington, there is nothing traitor Trump can do to alienate his rabid cult who yearn to get him into Office so that they might unleash their inner violent terrorism and murder millions of people here.  But, alas the Corporate Media also openly desires another Trump Presidency so they will never stop Sane-Washing him.

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