Tuesday, October 22, 2024

January 6th Hostages and the Coming Republican attack on America

 Facts don't care about your feelings is an oft-quoted shibboleth by rightwingers.  But, what they really mean is their subjective take on society is logical reality and anything you counter their argument with is emotion based and dismissible.

We posted our crimes on Facebook
In fact, their feelings are all that matter to MAGA Republicans; Facts are irrelevant and often detrimental to them, therefore Facts (and Truth and Reality) are jettisoned for their preferred narrative. 

This is nowhere more evident with January 6th.  As the saying goes Fuck Around Find Out (FAFO).  I happened upon the so-called MAGA Derek Zoolander, a disreputable chap named John Strand.  Strand is a January 6th criminal who was arrested, charged, and incarcerated for his part in the violent Trump-led successful attempt to halt the peaceful  transfer of power and thus far unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States.

Since his actions on that day, he's fully embraced the Jan6th persecuted political prisoners victimized by the Biden Department of Justice, Kamala Harris Department of Justice.  He calls himself a J6 hostage, repeats the lies about the event itself being peaceful & patriotic, and claims he did nothing wrong.  Of course, when Strand was flush with the excitement of that day, entering the Capitol to trash the place and stop the certification, exuberant, arms raised in triumph he stated, "We stormed the Capitol, it's Insane." and declared himself "amongst the first dozen patriots" who "literally made history just now".

Here's the story of the Underwear Hurricane!
The man authorities came to blame!
For something he had done!
But, as the official spokesmodel of the criminals, besides grifting for money, he's also taken to bemoaning that he and his fellow criminals are facing justice while pushing ridiculous lies about other Jan6th Insurrectionists.  So, Strand pushed the bogus claim about the convicted criminal Texas couple Mark and Jalise Middleton, who were convicted in Federal Court and sentenced and are now going to serve their sentence.

According to trial evidence and police body-worn camera footage, as the officers struggled with the group of rioters, a male individual, later identified as Mark Middleton, pushed against the barricades and the police line with his body. Officers are heard on body-worn camera footage repeatedly ordering Mark Middleton and others to “Get back!” In response, Mark Middleton is heard yelling “f— you!” as he continued to push against the police barricades. Evidence showed that Mark Middleton resisted MPD officers, grabbed onto an MPD officer’s left hand or wrist, and pulled the officer forward towards the crowd.

            At the same time, a female individual, later identified as Jalise Middleton, is seen on body-worn camera footage repeatedly grabbing and striking the same officer over the barricade with her hand. Another officer then approached to assist, and Jalise Middleton struck that officer as well. Video footage shows that the couple continued to grapple with and strike at the officers, and attempt to pull an officer into the crowd, as various flags were jabbed toward the officers’ faces.

            MPD officers later deployed a chemical spray, forcing the Middletons to retreat from the barricaded line. Both defendants later posted social media messages touting their key role in helping to breach the barricades by fighting officers and that they had only stopped due to pepper spray.

But, Strand posted this beautiful peaceful couple were in prayer and attacked from behind by the Police and are victims of Kamala Harris weaponization of the Department of Justice and thousands of replies on Elon Musk's Nazi Twitter pile on on this miscarriage of justice and hope for the day when they can slaughter as many Democrats as possible.  Are the replies bots?  I don't know.  What matters is the lies Republicans tell themselves and their followers and the Fear & Anger rightwingers manifest in themselves as they believe and incestuously amplify their lies to each other.

This, by the way, explains the entire allure of senile traitor Trump.  MAGA zealots see him stride through American society like a colossus, flouting all conventions, actively ignoring Laws, getting away with massive scams and schemes which would land any of them into jail, all the while the Corporate Media kowtows and fawns over his every word, deed, and action.  Trump takes what he wants, does what he wants, shits on those who displease him, encourages hatred and death upon those who oppose him.  This is what they want to be and by latching onto him they gain some small portion of that invulnerability. 

So, as the Trump train reaches its' final stop this November 5th there are going to be a lot of desperate, financially and legally strapped people, with few options, and less hope.  Those are the sort of people who can be induced to act out.  They did so on January 6th, 2021 and when Trump calls on them to do it again...  well I don't know what's going to happen and while I doubt there will be any large-scale violence,  Republicans are going to do something.  Be prepared and don't be caught unawares.  If you can be brave do so but, protect yourself and your loved ones and be ready to defend America from another Republican led attack on Freedom and Democracy.

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