Sunday, October 27, 2024

If Voting ever changed anything, they'd make it Illegal... Enter the Three Trump appointed MAGA Fascists of the Odious 5th Circuit

3 Republican Judges of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled it is illegal to count ballots in Mississippi because when people vote, Republicans lose.

With deplorable shit-eating grins these 3 MAGA Fascist Injustices declared,

Congress statutorily designated a singular ‘day for the election’ of members of Congress and the appointment of presidential electors.  Text, precedent, and historical practice confirm this ‘day for the election’ is the day by which ballots must be both cast by voters and received by state officials.

As Lawyers, Guns, and Money have so often stated about Republican Judges this is an argument from Seinfeld, that the Card Says Moops.  These type of Bureaucratic Coups using legalese and byzantine wording of laws receive scant news coverage other than the day the ruling is received but, are big source of successful efforts of Republican voter suppression and disenfranchisement.

Steve Vladeck believes this bullshit decision won't actually come into play this election cycle, but, is designed to give John Roberts and the insidious Six Supremacist Judges a chance to strike down key parts of the mail-in voting, which are used by 18 States and Washington D.C.

And in fact the MAGA Fascists Judges James Ho, Kyle Duncan and Andrew Oldham of the 5th Circuit do close their brief with the Wash their Hands Clean excuse, Today's decision says nothing about remedies.  We decline to grant plaintiffs' request for an immediate injunction...

And the three Judges then made a sop to the Sinister Six Injustices of the Surpemacist Court by referencing Boofer O'Kavanaugh's anti-democracy ruling,

As Justice Kavanaugh recently emphasized: “To state the obvious, a State cannot conduct an election without deadlines . . . A deadline is not un- constitutional merely because of voters’ own failures to take timely steps toensure their franchise.” Democratic Nat’l Comm. v. Wis. State Legislature, 141 S. Ct. 28, 33 (2020) 

As, the too cool for school Gen X saying goes, "If Voting ever changed anything, they'd make it Illegal..."  John Roberts, especially, has worked his entire career to making voting harder, less accessible, and more difficult because Republicans don't want you to vote and don't want you to have a voice in any portion of the United States Government.

Like all Republicans John Roberts, and his toady 5th Circuit believes the United States should be a Neo-Feudal White Supremacist Ehtno-State.  From now until Tuesday Nov 5th you still have a chance to vote and to have your vote count.  But, like cackling jackals and rapacious hyenas Project 2025 and MAGA are waiting for you to let your guard down so they can snatch your Franchise from you and create the Fascist Fundamentalist dystopia  of their dreams.

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