Friday, October 25, 2024

Trump's Fascist Campaign: Fries and Lies, Dicks and Billionaires, and a complicit cowardly Corporate Media

Is that you Arnold Palmer?
It's me MAGA...
(Flag Desecration)
"We won the documents case. We’re in the process of winning all the other cases... We got immunity at the Supreme Court." - Senile Traitor Trump tells Hugh Hewitt there are no limitations on his power and revenge.  A Dictator from Day One... 

It's astounding yet unsurprising, how rapidly, eagerly, and easily Trump's campaign and everyday rhetoric descended into straight Nazi speeches, slurs, and promises of violence.  Everyone who knows or has worked for Trump knows he's a Fascist and yearns to be the next Hitler.

The racist and sexist attacks on soon-to-be President Harris were to be expected and senile traitor Trump has wasted none of his appearances without indulging his grossest base racist instincts in insulting Kamala Harris (as well as Barack HUSSEIN Obama).  But, DonOld is also threatening anyone and everyone because he knows their are no constraints on him.

A trait of elderly Alzheimer's suffers is the lack of a filter and a focus on their life-long sexually repressed desires.  Which probably explains Trump's obsession with Arnold Palmer's penis.  Trump's penchant for molesting women and criminal antics predates his senility and vile racist fact-free freak outs have always been a key component of his personal brand. 

What's more worrisome is to see the same historical pattern of appeasement to a ridiculous wannabe tyrant.  The Washington Post, whose banner reads "Democracy Dies in Darkness" decided they will not be making an endorsement in the 2024 Presidential Election,
Cowardice?  Or Complicit? 

The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election.

This shocking cowardice or more likely The Washington Post's obedience to fascism in advance comes on the heels of Elon Musk and Donald Trump's friend and fellow criminal Billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, informed his Los Angeles Times editorial board his newspaper would not be making an endorsement in the Presidential election.

It also comes amidst DonOld's rapid descent into fascist senility and another woman, Stacey Williams, has come forward about King of the Rapist Pedophilies Trump and his life-long best friend Jeffrey Epstein, sexually assaulting her in 1993.  But, that's another old story and everyone knows Trump assaults women.

Everyone is bemoaning these actions by The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times as though these decisions are a shocking abandonment of their core principles and dedicated ideals.  They aren't.  The Corporate Media has been in thrall to Trump for years now and either through fear or desire is working to get him back into office.

Soon-Shiong, Jeffrey Bezos, Elon Musk are not the only billionaires hoping to get senile rapist DonOld back into office.  Billionaires in the United States are either tepidly or solidly behind traitor Trump because of what a MAGA administration promises them; nothing less than an elimination of the entire Progressive Era, the neutering or elimination of every Federal regulatory agency, a return to Glided Age Corporate Hegemony over the Nation, an end to any taxation on their wealth, and chance for them to extract and steal the entire wealth of nations.

It's readily apparent that Billionaires think once Trump's back into office they will be able to not only totally eliminate the regulatory powers of the Federal Government, especially with a pliant Supremacist Court inventing new laws and completely invalidating the plain written text in existing laws, but to capture and control the United States of America.

Once, they've rendered the FDA, FCC, EPA, and whatever other agencies who resist and restrict their rapacious greed, powerless, well then Trump's rapidly approaching death will be irrelevant.  Additionally, billionaires know the MAGA base is so enraptured with senile rapist racist traitor Trump and the cult of personality they've built up around him, that they won't be able, ready, or willing to announce a successor even as the stable of slimy remoras who've attached themselves to Trump will be vying for the throne.

If you read any of the fawning adoration in the Twitter posts about him, like say his recent stunt at a McDonald's, MAGA cultists believe him or have allowed themselves to believe, Trump is the man of the people.  No other "star" in the MAGA universe evokes this level of slavish devotion or obsequious personal debasement.

So, once again I implore you to vote, do some last minute phone banking, or knock on doors, or send out last minute GOTV mailers because The Billionaire Class and Corporate Media clearly see lots of upside to a Fascist America built around the sundowning Trump.  They clearly believe their status, power, and money will insulate them from the Mass Deportations and State-sponsored Terror Regime of the Project 2025 America.  I hope we never have to find out because I'll take very little solace in 'Told ya so' them while they ride in the train cars to Stephen Miller's "The Staging Grounds" with me...

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