Monday, October 14, 2024

Get Ready for the Ugliest October Surprise in American History as Republicans smear Tim Walz

You may have thought multiple bigoted white male Republicans calling Vice President Kamala Harris a
DEI candidate was the lowest point of the campaign.  Or making constant oral sex jokes was too tawdry and unbefitting the Republican Party. 

You may have thought claiming multiple times including during both television debates that Haitian migrants, here legally, were eating peoples' cats and dogs was the lowest most disreputable racist attack since the infamous Willie Horton ad.

You may have thought smearing Tim Walz with the claim of Stolen Valor, from the cowardly Republican Party comprised of Vietnam Era Chickenhawks and Global War on Terror Rear-Echelon Mother Fucker Warmongers was just about as dishonorable as anyone could get.

You may have thought desecrating Arlington National Cemetery and belittling Medal of Honor recipients was just about the most disgraceful act anyone wanting to be President could do.

Or you may have believed all those years Republicans pushed lies about the Hunter Biden Laptop, and the Biden crime Family lies, or claimed Russian agent Tara Reade was telling the truth about President Biden assaulting her were just politics. 

You may have believed Republicans couldn't any uglier or more heinous in their pursuit of Power.  Well, you'd have been wrong.

Al those years of #QAnon claims.  All those years of attacking Teachers.  All those years of claiming anyone who fights for or defends LGBTQ persons are secret pedophiles.  All those years of attacks have culminated in the ultimate Kill Shot.  Via Elon Muck's Swasitka ✠ Twitter, Republicans have released a claim that Tim Walz molested 3 young boys while he was a teacher.  The account leading this charge is the infamous troll "Black Insurrectionist", famous for lying about an ABC whistleblower.

You can look up the account and read his despicable lies if you'd like.  I won't link it.  Fortunately, there appear to be a major Twitter accounts FordNews and Agent Self FBI which have debunked and demonstrated the so-called Black Insurrectionist is lying and fabricating.

But, it doesn't matter how often the truth is demonstrated or how many times Republican lies are disproven.  Republicans have adopted pure subjectivity.  The goal isn't to have this end the Harris /Walz campaign it's another vile lie Republicans will use in their multi-pronged assault on the election.  Every avenue of attack is designed to peel a few voters away here and shave a few votes off there until its' close enough for this state or that Republican Governor to steal or get the whole thing into a morass requiring the Supremacist Court (or Republican controlled State Legislatures) to declare Trump the winner.

In Republicans eyes, everything is lined up perfectly.  Republicans know if they can steal this Election, they can Steal America.  Project 2025 will just be the start of the dismantling of the Untied States of America and its' replacement with a Fascist Fundamentalist Ethonstate built upon the twin pillars of White Power and perpetual corporate bondage.

Of course, Republicans would love if the Mainstream Media picked this up they way they always do with a Republican Propaganda Campaign.  But, even if the Media doesn't run with these vile allegations, the goal is to undermine the very concept of truth and lies.  And to ease the Nation into the grasp of Billionaires and Republicans Fascists, who once ensconced will never cede power and will usher in the Totalitarian Dream Republicans have sought for decades.

Mankind has been in this position before;  Hannah Ardent warned about the conclusion from what the last 50 years of Republican Agitprop and campaign to destroy truth, facts, honesty, expertise were designed to accomplish;

What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please."

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