Friday, February 7, 2025

Sweden isn't Free like Us!

In the wake of the worst mass shooting in Sweden's history, the Nation and political leaders plan to enact stricter Gun Laws.

Sweden's government has announced plans to tighten gun laws, as police confirmed for the first time on Friday details of those killed in the worst mass shooting the country's history.

Seven women and four men between 28 and 68 died in the attack, police said, including the gunman. All were from Orebro county, the region where the shooting took place.

Police also confirmed that the killer was a 35-year-old man. He has been widely named by Swedish media as Rickard Andersson.

It was previously confirmed that the gunman legally owned four rifles, three of which were found at the scene alongside 10 empty magazines. 

Sweden’s government , like other civilized Nations in the world, responded to this by trying to protect its’ citizens, restrict gun violence, and stop future mass shootings.

Looks and sounds just like a Taliban fighter
raging against Gays and Abortion
Because they hate Freedom!  Not like here!  Here you are free to be gunned down in a school!  In a church!  In a grocery store!  Or maybe shot by your significant other!  In Maine, a white power conservative gun nut beat up his child bride and then engaged in a standoff and gun battle with Police, ultimately killing a poor K-9 service dog in his Blaze of Glory.

"My name is Steven Righini. I am a resident of Maine, and I had the cops called on me. A SWAT team showed up, and I'm now engaged in a shootout," Righini said in the video.

It seems quaint to talk about the way Republicans inverted the concept of Freedom in America as they are in the midst of Their Coup to replace the United States with a simulacrum of a democratic republic.

The Republicans bamboozled men into believing Guns = Masculinity, Liberty, Freedom and a bunch of other nonsense.  Now most white men believe if they don't have a gun the Other or the Democrats will get them.

Of course, when presented with facts about how owning a gun makes you less safe in a home, or that guns are rarely used in bonafide defensive gun use (DGU), or that guns are most often used to kill women before the "loving" husband turns the weapon on himself?  Well, they choose not to believe .

But, I gotta be able to protect my family, is the most often shouted rejoinder!  Oh really?  If you really wanted to protect your family, you'd get vaccinated, you'd eat healthier, you'd do some laundry, you'd wash the floor and counter-tops!  Well... No that's not what I meant.   No, what these men mean is I gotta be able to live out my Fantasy of pulling my sidearm and dropping that intruder!  While, in the real world most intruders, are juveniles sneaking back into the home only to be shot and killed by their fathers.

Instead men cling to this fantasy world in which Transgender Athletes are more dangerous than Guns.  Which is why Republicans are dutifully passing laws and Trump is issuing Executive Orders to ban Trans persons.  How they will accomplish this, beyond a thorough genital inspection, is anyones' guess;  but, we all know it's theater and those Trans athletes are going to self-exclude themselves from Sports rather than face the possibility Nancy Mace will grab their crotches.

But, the real reason Republicans flooded the Nation with Guns and undermined Law&Order over and over was for the political power having a potential stable of paramilitary armed fanatics at their disposal provides.  And don't believe those people on Social Media who claim paramilitary domestic terrorists don't have power.  We are currently witnessing Elon Musk army of infants seizing control of multiple agencies and gaining access to vast amounts of data which should be confidential and doing who knows what to the computer systems and servers they've simply seized without firing a shot.  And then we saw a single Triple Canopy Rightwing Terrorist stymie the elected House and Senate Democrats by blocking their access to the EPA HQ a department of the Federal Government.

Well... it certainly seems like the End has Come as so many warned but, White People are fucking loving this.  Like Vandals, they see nothing worth saving in the Federal Government.  Incensed by the gentle steps towards a more perfect union taken by Presidents Obama and Biden, white men have responded to the whiff of equity and equality with a full-on Fascist furor and either their burn it all down fever breaks or the Nation does.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Afghanistan & Gaza

The fact the Left gave President Biden exactly ZERO credit
for ending the Afghanistan debacle in the same way the Left
gave President Obama ZERO credit for ending the Iraq debacle allowed the Republicans and Corporate Media to smear and declare the actions were both Bad
DonOld Trump stunned the World and put the Corporate Media into a justification frenzy with his declarations the United States would be annexing Gaza and displacing the Palestinian peoples into various other locations.

" I do see a long-term ownership position and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East. And everybody I’ve spoken to – this was not a decision made lightly. Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land...

We have an opportunity to do something that could be phenomenal. And I don’t want to be cute. I don’t want to be a wise guy. But the Riviera of the Middle East, this could be something that could be so – this could be so magnificent."

The ways in which the Corporate Media covered Afghanistan (and subsequently Gaza) and President Biden and Traitor Trump was nothing less than a complete inversion of reality and in keeping with the #1 job of the Corporate Media; i.e. to lie about Democrats and to lie for Republicans.

The Corporate Media and the moribund American Left simply ignored their goals, efforts, and outcomes of the plans of both men and the policies both Administrations were pursuing and would pursue.  Instead the American Left, the Corporate Media, and Republicans, while not working in tandem, worked in parallel placing all the blame onto President Biden for all the fallout both here and in Israel with the Left especially blaming President Biden for the War Crimes of Netanyahu and oft times even individual acts of depravity conducted by IDF soldiers.  The Left also castigated President Biden for the Police crackdown on College protesters and the follow-on Republican witch hunts against College Administrators.

Even now as Trump undoes Biden's limitations on 2000-lb bombs being shipped to Israel and talks about Ethnically Cleansing the region in order to make Gaza into the "Riviera of the Middle East", the Left is rabidly blaming Biden and Harris and demanding the Democrats Doooooooooo Something!, whilst ignoring everything the Democrats are doing.

    I'll need to curate my BlueSky feed a little better and possibly temper my responses.  A recent Patton Oswalt post attracted swarms of Leftists screaming GENOCIDE JOE!!!!  And every time anything relating to Gaza is posted swarms of booger-eating lefties descend in a non-stop barrage of Genocide and Democrats did a Genocide and you supported a Genocide.  And they've also claimed Trump's response to the Israel/Palestine situation is at worst the same as President Biden's and maybe better.  It's infuriating, and more to the point, it's precisely the language of MAGA.  Now, for years I've wanted to believe these accounts weren't real and were instead Russian trolls and bots designed to sow discord but, at this point it seems BlueSky like Twitter before it is a gaggle of Leftist Purity Ponies whose job is to undermine Democratic politicians non-stop.

When a dirtbag leftist screams Genocide they aren't looking to have a discussion, they're trying to establish dominance (moral, rhetorical).  They aren't looking for an exchange, it's not a conversation starter it's a conversation ender.  It's precisely what the MAGA thought leaders did by hyping #QAnon nonsense and abortion lies.  Both the unserious American Left and the very serious MAGA right attack the Democratic Party and blame Democrats and "ShitLibs".

In many ways, what's happening right now is exactly what the Left wanted;  they wanted Biden and Harris out of Office, they wanted Democrats to be unhappy, they wanted ShitLibs and cringe whine moms to suffer and cry, and they wanted Acclerationist destruction of the US Federal Government to result in the crumbling of the old order.  Precisely, the same goals of the MAGA party.

Anne Applebaum calls these people "The New Rasputins" in her February 2025 article in The Atlantic.  Applebaum argues convincingly the old terminology of right-wing and left-wing are outmoded and no longer properly describe Trump's "coalition" or the politics of 21st century America. 

While, I think the voting power of the Left across America is negligible, the fact that every Left media source took to castigating Biden (and Harris) daily and did everything they could to depress enthusiasm and turnout amongst the "Normies" matters.  Telling every person you know, especially those far less political engaged, that the Democrats are to Blame for everything (as the Left has done for decades) as well as the highly inflammatory "Genocide Joe" smears eventually gets them to accept your premise.

Now, the blame for Trump rests almost solely on white people, especially the overwhelmingly majority of white men who, when confronted with the mildest push for equity, equality, and diversity under Presidents Biden and Obama responded with FUCK YOU!  WE WANT FASCISM!  But, this election also saw white women vote to enshackle themselves, Latino Men vote to pull the ladder up, and Muslims voting for Ethnic Cleansing.

And that is what is rankling a lot of Liberals right now.  The American Muslim community voted for Trump and Jill Stein in 2024.  Am I supposed to feel pity for or solidarity with those who voted for this?  And even worse the American Muslim community has been steadily moving towards Republicans during elections since 2000.  I don't think the plurality the Left is trying to build can include a group which is diametrically opposed to many of the policies of the Left claims to espouse and the Democratic Party works to create

And right now, the response from Muslim leaders at least, is to excuse Trump's declaration to Annex Gaza, 

“People are taking a deep breath. It’s too early to render a judgment. But definitely the past two or three weeks feel unbelievable.  Many people expressed that concern, that maybe it was a mistake to vote for President Trump. And now this is an eye-opener to take into consideration to the 2026 elections," said Imad Hamad, executive director of the Dearborn-based American Human Rights Council. 

Now?  Now???  Nope.  Too Late, pal.  The time to support Democracy was last year.  The time to express concern was when the Left was bashing Biden and working to undermine Harris.

Leftists bristle and became belligerent when their actions are highlighted as contributing factors.  Which is simply a natural human reaction.  And there in lays the problem, the American Left, is highly Reactionary, and seeks to punish Democrats while ignoring what the American Fascists are doing, which is simply the way the Left has always operated, saving their sharpest vitriol for those who would seem to be their allies and instead helping to push the Rightwing agenda.

Anyway this is all terrible and everyone is lashing out as Trump and Musk undo the United States of America.  Many innocent people are going to suffer and I'm not going to take any solace in I Told Ya So.  Instead, I guess we are going to see the United States engage in Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza as Trump Makes America like the Trail of Tears Again.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Musk and Trump and the Collapse

Musk hates USAid because it ended Apartheid 
      The Wired revelation today that 6 Goons, all born after the year 2000, working for Elon Musk have taken over control of several US Government departments and accessed classified information via the U.S. Department of Treasury was simply flabbergasting.

Coupling this with Musk granting himself Line-Item Veto power to stop Congressionally approved funding including for such critical Governmental bodies like USAid created a deep pit of despair in my stomach.  And then to read that Musk fanboys invaded the USAid offices and threatened to call the US Marshals if they weren't given complete access and control to every office and file and computer and that it worked was astonishing.  Each of those little punks should have been grabbed by the collar and thrown out into the street.  Instead they ransacked the place and made off with who knows what data.

USAid is an arm of the Foreign Diplomacy and helps immensely in the gathering of intel and getting contacts and local support for advancing American Interests. 

But, that style of statecraft is so 20th century and Musk knows we don't need to develop allies on the ground when he has Twitter, xAI, and Starlink and whatever other 21st century wizardry to cultivate foreign lands for himself.

Oh, and Trump and Vance casually threatened Canada with Invasion while Marco Rubio threatened Panama with Invasion.  The question is how long does Trump abide by any constraints?  He's already made incredibly stupid orders like open the reservoirs in central California;  If Trump orders a military strike into Canada or Greenland or sends the Navy to seize the Panama Canal?  I don't believe the Nation continues.

For the first time, I felt it was possible my country might collapse.  And I don't know what that looks like.  The USSR crumbling into various successor states would seem to be the likely outcome but, I don't think Republicans and Rightwingers are going to let this all go peacefully.

The thought of U.S. Federal Government collapsing in on itself because a bunch of chuds and fascists decided to start throwing switches and pulling plugs and firing large swaths of federal workers made me realize quite unexpectedly the United States may crumble from within.

Remember, Fascism only works early on because it hijacks an existing bureaucracy and usually after a few years of mismanagement, and purges of non-fascists it begins to fail because workers are chosen for their ideological fanaticism and not their ability and competence.

The young white fascists fucking love what's happening.  Seeing Musk tweet out his elimination of this or that and watching Trump neg Canada while older Republicans justify this is what they’ve yearned for, for years.  It appears obvious either the white peoples Burn it all down Fascist Fever breaks or the Nation does.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

MAGA replacing FBI and Federal Prosecutors with MAGA party loyalists in order to facilitate the liquidation of millions of people

All Good Things...

Trump told all FAA Air Traffic Controllers to quit and look for work elsewhere.  Now he's telling the FBI and Department of Justice Prosecutors their work investigating January 6th criminals and insurrectionists is a fireable offense.    

When you want to describe a professional federal agency to Normies you probably invoke an FBI agent or a Federal prosecutor, as an example.  They go through background checks and have high education and proficiency in order to get hired in the first place as well as advance through the ranks.

The reason the Soviets were able to seamlessly takeover the Russian State was because they stepped into roles and organizations already established.  Decades before the 1917 Revolution, the Tsarist Secret Police (the Okhrana) had stepped into their role in the 19th century based on the "Third Section" which was created in the wake of the Decembrist Revolt.  Thus, a hundred years later it was easy for the early Soviet NkVD (the forerunner of the KGB and thus the FSB) to step into the role and actions done by the Tsar's Secret Police.

It is this model the MAGA and Trump Party loyalists are expecting to move into.  FBI agents insufficiently loyal and "weaponized" Department of Justice Prosecutors have been sacked.

Trump administration officials have forced out all six of the FBI’s most senior executives and multiple heads of FBI field offices across the country, current and former FBI officials told NBC News. 

They included the high-profile leader of the Washington, D.C., field office, which was involved in the prosecutions of President Donald Trump, and federal prosecutors who investigated Jan. 6 rioters. A congressional aide said the number of prosecutors impacted is roughly two dozen.

In a separate memo to the FBI workforce sent out Friday night, the bureau’s acting director, Brian J. Driscoll, Jr., informed employees that acting Deputy Attorney General, Emil Bove, had asked for a list of all FBI employees who worked on January 6 cases for "a review process to determine whether any additional personnel actions are necessary."

Trump and his Aides will pick replacements based solely on Zealotry and MAGA Fervor.  That'll be the background check.  So, expect a large amount rightwing criminals to be handed a badge, a gun, and a clearance to investigate you.  If you thought it was bad when Kyle Rittenhouse was able to shoot three people, killing two and not only be lauded by the right but exonerated.  Or when Daniel Penny was found not guilty of murder by reason of black men have no rights he was bound to respect.  Or when Greg Abbott pardoned convicted killer Daniel Perry (who broadcast his intention to commit first degree murder).  Well, now imagine all of them doing this under the auspices of "Homelnad Security".

I think many on-line forget how little violence is actually needed to quell dissent.  Or how a small act of direct violence done at the correct time can disrupt even the best run organization or strongest protest.  In 2020, Trump sent a deputized Hit Squad to assassinate Michael Reinoehl.  Reinoehl was suspected (not convicted) of a murder which he claimed was self-defense in a clash Trump supporters in August 2020.  After he was shot down without being arrested, Trump took a victory lap and gloated at the killing.

Now, with Trump back in power his Tom Homan and Kash Patel are going to advocate for this sort of Police Action towards any resisters.  Homan has already complained that Chicago people were too aware of their rights under the Constitution;

“For instance, Chicago—very well-educated,“ Homan continued. ”They‘ve been educated on how to how to defy ICE, how to hide from ICE. I‘ve seen many pamphlets from many NGOs: ’Here‘s how you escape ICE from arresting you. Here‘s what you need to do.  “They call it ‘Know Your Rights.’ I call it ‘how to escape arrest,’” Homan added.

I don't think I'd ever hear an ostensible Chief Law Enforcement Officer complain about people knowing their Rights, at least not openly!  Meanwhile, unidentified goons of Elon Musk are entering Government offices, simply taking over and doing who know what.

Obviously, no one wants to openly declare what's really going on as anything different than the early days of a new President and change of government.  The entire edifice of American Life rests upon the slender reed of a Peaceful Transfer of Power.  That reed was shattered on Jan 6th 2021 but, everyone acted as though the broken glass in the Capitol Building wasn't a symbol of the broken American fiction of Government.

So, a bunch of thugs and rightwing terrorists are going to be "deputized" into the FBI, CBP, ICE, and wherever else Trump needs his brutes to do what brutes do.  There's a lot of bluster and bravado on BlueSky about fighting back and Trump doesn't have enough Domestic Terrorists at his disposal to assault Englewood or Compton or hold large sections of America.  Well, tyrannical occupiers don't need a large Standing Army to pacify and control large populations.  Almost everyone America is simply going to go along with Trump's liquidation of millions of people, as he is the duly elected President and since Lindsey Graham said, "That's just the way it goes when you win an Election." 

Friday, January 31, 2025

MAGA is destroying the United States; Gradually, and then suddenly

It's not a Lie,
If MAGA believes it
White people love when Republicans lie to them.  The amount of young white fascists who get raging hard boners listening to Karoline Leavitt tell lie after lie and spew racist claptrap during her press conferences is grotesque.

What Liberals and Leftists don't understand is reality doesn't matter anymore, and so-called objective facts are completely irrelevant. 

 MAGA is a wholly subjective political "philosophy" in which outright lies, complete reversal of policy positions, and disingenuous arguments made in bad faith are the dominant method of winning. 

The oft-repeatedly line that you are entitled to your own opinions but, not your own facts is so much rubbish.

I think a lot of Americans are not ready or not willing to accept a very difficult truth;  White People are not only okay with the US Government being dismantled they actively want it to happen.

However, we got here and everyone in the country has their own special little theory, this moment in time is one of Disunion and Dissolution.  The Social Contract has been utterly obliterated and Republicans are going to are, right now, undoing decades of progress and work.

This week Trump ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to open up reservoirs resulting in farmland being flooded in California and claimed it as a great success.

Republicans erased whole swathes of data and research housed on the CDC website. 

Trump removed all mention of the Climate Crisis from the US Department of Agriculture website.

Reuters reported "Aides of Elon Musk" locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.

What does that sentence mean?  It means a Billionaire Oligarch pulled down the barriers between him and running a large swath of the Government.  It means a Coup in all but name was conducted.  It means the guardrails of government are gone. 

It means the End has come.

White people don't know or don't care about any of this.  To them this is all a great big lark.  A chance to make Memes which Own the Libs.  A chance to text that nephew and tell him to cry harder.  A chance to laugh at the pain and worry expressed by an LGBTQ person or an immigrant family or liberal co-worker they've always hated.

There's a knee-jerk reaction, especially amongst the useless and counter-productive Left to Blame the Democrats.  I think some people want performative nonsense to fight back.  But, White people told the Democrats at all levels to Fuck off and choose this monstrosity and nascent tyrannical authoritarianism so right now the Dems can't stop anything the Republicans are set upon doing.  Unless the blame the Democrats left want actual physical violence room the Representatives?

 Fortunately, it seems the anonymous and heavily slandered career federal employee is the bulwark standing against the Treasonous Trump Regime.

(Editor’s note: EPA staff have been instructed to speak to the media only through approved channels. On Wednesday, HCN approached dozens of federal workers outside the agency’s main office. A handful agreed to share their experiences from the past week under the condition of anonymity.)

“A lot of people are upset and confused,” said one employee of the Office of Air and Radiation with decades of experience working at the EPA.

The staffer said that he has worked under several presidential administration transitions during his career. He called the first days of the Trump administration’s second term “unprecedented,” due to the speed with which the president has penned new executive orders seemingly without internal scrutiny. Several of the orders have been criticized as unconstitutional or illegal. New administration or no, “I’m in it for the long game,” said the scientist who works on human-product analysis. 

Another staffer who works in pesticides regulations was asked whether he would accept the buyout. “They’ll have to drag me out before I go,” he responded.

So... what's going to happen?  Well, it's clear white people have been conditioned to hate the Federal Government and are happy to see Trump and Musk and the MAGA brigade tear it all down.  I'm certain they will continue to tell themselves any ancillary harm to people they know or problems caused by these moves is unintentional and once Beloved Leader Trump is made aware he will fix it and if the Government program is really necessary (unlike the $50,000,000 worth of condoms Joe Biden sent to Gaza) surely Musk will make sure it's funded. 

But, be prepared because these moves by Trump are not going to stop and when the collapse comes it will happen, as so often it has been observed, gradually, and then suddenly.

Trump & Musk killed a bunch of people

And they are going to kill a bunch more

This Regime will result in one of two outcomes; either White peoples Burn It All Down fever breaks or the Nation does.

Young white fascists are having a fucking ball, they are laughing their asses off.  They know RFK Jr is lying during his confirmation hearing and it's absolutely hilarious to them.  He's owning Bernie Sanders.  he' Owning the Libs!  That RFK Jr is a "Democrat" is just icing on the bad faith cake RFK Jr is serving up to Sanders and the Dems.

They think it's a fucking laugh riot that Rapey Drunk Pete Hegseth is blaming "midgets" and Blacks and women for the Trump DC Midair Disaster.  It's a laugh riot!
This is the fucking theater they've wanted for years.  These current Young Fascist Trump supporters were raised in the pot of 50 years of rightwing lies and Corporate Media perfidy unlike their fathers and grandfathers who had to subsist on code words and dog whistles, Trump for the past 10 years has fed them the raw bloody racist red meat they crave.  This is the entire point missed by Leftists who rail against the Democratic Party to pass policies they think are in the economic interests of the working classes.  White people of all ages and all classes do not want an equitable Nation and Healthcare for All.  They.  Do.  Not.  Want.  It.  They are angry and want to Bash the Left and hurt lots of people and Trump and the MAGA wave which took over the entire Republican Party gives them just that.

The prime thing which aids Republicans in their attempt to undermine and destroy 20th Century America and replace it with a simulacrum of a Democratic Republic is the fact that MAGA adherents don't know anything as they live in a perpetual state of aggressive ignorance and violent stupidity reacting like amoebas to the stimulus of rightwing liars.

This, of course, encompasses everything.  MAGA don't try to, don't want to, and don't care to learn anything therefore they believe everything some grifter tells them; whether that's Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Moms for Liberty, Christopher Rufo, Charlie Kirk, or whomever.  MAGA is forever primed to believe things which aren't true and once they believe untrue things it can never be dislodged.

Thus, DEI and CRT are to blame for everything.  Everything.

Whatever disasters are going to befall this Nation int he next 4 years white Young Fascists know everyone else will have it worse than them and will delight in every disingenuous press conference and every trolling memo placing the blame on Trans women and Kamala Harris and whomever the Republicans identify as the enemy du jour. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Trump's Plane Crash Disaster is merely the beginning

    Traitor Trump predictably blamed DEI and President's Biden and Obama for the D.C. plane crash which happened as a direct result of his "gutting" of the FAA and Elon Musk hounding the Director of the FAA and demanding he resign.  I don't know why anyone would expect anything less and even when Traitor Trump was pushed on how he could possibly claim it was "Diversity" when he also said the investigation is going on, he said "Because I have common sense."  No one needed to be a prognosticator to know Republicans would blame DEI, it's entirely fitting with their standard operating procedure for decades to blame the blacks.  And Racist Trump blaming disabled Americans for this is also not a shocker after his decades long mocking of people with disabilities.

"FAA employees with disabilities did not cause last night’s tragic plane crash.  The investigation into the crash is still ongoing. It is extremely inappropriate for the President to use this tragedy to push an anti-diversity hiring agenda. Doing so makes all Americans less safe,” the ADA said in a statement.

“Despicable. As families grieve, Trump should be leading, not lying. We put safety first, drove down close calls, grew Air Traffic Control, and had zero commercial airline crash fatalities out of millions of flights on our watch,” Pete Buttigieg wrote on X.

Pete Buttigieg is absolutely correct but, right now MAGA will blame DEI and the Democrats for all of the coming Trump crafted disasters.  And they are coming.  In all corners of the Nation and all facets of daily life;  Trump, Musk, and Billionaire policy choices are going to result in a breakdown of American society.

White people have been primed by years of ceaseless rightwing propaganda and now they are deep in a cycle of self-deception believing every new Republican lie and seeking out everything they can to reinforce the lies they've heard and want to believe.  Christopher Rufo said DEI and CRT are why white peoples lives are miserable and they will never stop believing it.

There's no way out for them and probably no way for Democrats or the Left to break in and break the cycle.  What's going to happen is the crisis in the United States are going to worsen.  They are going to increase.  Gradually, and then suddenly, as Hemingway once wrote.  Republicans, Faux News, and MAGA propagandists will continually try try deflect and blame President Biden and "Wokeness" but, as crops fail, as the Tariffs invoke Trade Wars, as Elon destroys NASA, as FEMA vanishes, as vicious stories of inhumanity emerge from the Gitmo Concentration Camp, there is going to come a breaking point.

I don't think White People's slavish devotion to Trump will be what breaks; instead its going be the Nation.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Destroying the US Government: Tonight's plane crash is just the beginning

Trump FA with the FAA and We FO
    How fast will Pete Hegseth's absence of leadership break the US military and how quickly will the Nation collapse?  Instead of addressing the mid-air crisis involving an Army Blackhawk helicopter and an American Airlines flight Drunk Rapist Hegseth went on to Jesse Watters Faux show to declare "Diversity is not our strength."  And who knows where the fat fvcking traitor is right now?  Sleeping in Mar-a-Lago after another day golfing and issuing orders to set up Guantanamo Bay as a 30,000 concentration camp?

Oh and just 5 fucking days ago Traitor Trump ordered FAA cuts, along with every other Department in the Republican anti-DEI, anti-CRT, anti-Woke, anti-American agenda,  just before the rope-a-dope Fire every Federal Employee and Freeze every Federal appropriations bill in these last 2 days and his bonkers claim he sent the US Military into California to turn on the water.

Harris and Walz and so many others warned Americans and in response the Corporate Media said, ‘Nah… Dems be Lying!’  White People wanted Fascism and they are going to get it, because Mussolini didn't make the Trains run on time, that was merely a bit of Italian Propaganda, and Trump isn't making America great he's busting the Nation out and he and bunch of Billionaires are stealing everything in sight.  Get used to Trump saying, as he did when Covid overwhelmed America because Trump threw away President Obama's pandemic playbook, "No.  I don't take any responsibility at all."  So, expect Charlie Kirk or Ben Shapiro to whatever rightwing asshole propagandist you care to pay attention to to spend the next few days blaming DEI and blaming Biden and blaming whatever.

Republicans hate America.  Their response will be what they always do immediately launch a propaganda campaign against the American people. They’ll gaslight and smear Democrats as “politicizing” a tragedy just as they ruthlessly undermine every part of the United States.

Trump and Republicans and their Billionaire backers don't give a FLYING FUCK about aviation safety.  Elon Musk was mad the FAA criticized his shoddy SpaceX safety standards and fined him for blatant gross violations so he demanded the FAA chief resign.  MAGA ethos is "move fast and break stuff" as rightwing assholes seek to remake America and reshape it into a White Supremacist Fascist Fundamentalist Nation.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Firing every Federal Worker: May the Fork be with You

You’re Fired! Let that Sink in Part 2
    Trump's demand email with the ridiculous title of "Fork in the Road" for Federal workers to return to work immediately or be forced out smacks of some plot device he swiped from Defending Your Life (1991) or Office Space (1999). It’s also obviously Trump is employing his “You’re Fired!” Catchphrase.

It apparently was crafted by mincemeat brained Ketamine addict Elon Musk in keeping with his using old-timey puns to show how funny he is but, also illustrates again Billionaires have no need of a Federal government with functions other than to quell domestic dissent and to open foreign Nations up for exploitation.

And to all those Federal employees and researchers and program directors put under fear and duress by Trump's childish antics, tawdry Click-the-box ⌧ if you like Me and MAGA, Republicans don't give a shit.

Of course, if you or any Democratic Representative point this out, rightwingers take to the internet to bully and harass.  To deny anything bad is happening.  To claim Trump's only going after Fraud, Waste, and Abuse and if your job is so important or vital it'll be safe.  They'll blame Joe Biden and the Democrats for the bloated DEI/Woke jobs as the eternal Republican campaign of gas-lighting and lying never stops.  Now, instead of covering this as a termination letter email, Corporate Media has massaged it into a "buyout" as it's the media's job to lie for Republicans.

It also includes a ham-fisted Orwellian section titled Enhanced standards of conduct: 

The federal workforce should be comprised of employees who are reliable, loyal, trustworthy, and who strive for excellence in their daily work. Employees will be subject to enhanced standards of suitability and conduct as we move forward.

You're either a loyal member the MAGA Party or you are subject to termination.  My guess is that Charlie Kirk has a Turning Point staffer ready to be placed into these Government jobs.  The goal has been to replace every bureaucrat with a MAGA Loyalist whose duty and oath are not to the Constitution but to Trump himself and the broader anti-American MAGA movement.

Filing every job with MAGA Party members will be a great way to ensure the Federal Government remains in their hands, especially as they push illegal and unconstitutional actions using Federal Law Enforcement and as evidence of crimes grow, and then as all draconic, tyrannical, criminal fascist regimes do, Republicans will turn to rounding-up and eliminating those who oppose them.

Destroying the US Government

    I went to the Veteran Evaluation Services (VES) page to check on my upcoming appointment.  Thanks to President Biden who championed the PACT Act (bitterly resisted by Republicans in the Senate) I became available for possible benefits due to my exposure during deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq.  Anyway the VES page had a strange error message and re-logging in took me to a blank homepage with links that did not lead me anywhere.

Well, Trump just shut down appropriations across the entire United States government.  Everything.  All manner of agencies and all manner of programs.  White people have wanted the US government destroyed for years and it looks like under Traitor Trump they are going to get it good and hard.

Yesterday, January 27, 2025, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued Memorandum 25-13, entitled “Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs.” The far-reaching memo states:

[T]o the extent permissible under applicable law, Federal agencies must temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance, and other relevant agency activities that may be implicated by the executive orders [recently issued by the President], including, but not limited to, financial assistance for foreign aid, nongovernmental organizations, DEI, woke gender ideology, and the green new deal.

It further states the purpose of this pause is to facilitate review of all awards for potential impacts of the recent Executive Orders.

Republicans have flirted with shutting down and doing away with multiple parts of the Federal Government for a long, long time.  Rapist Trump has made his entire career doing illegal shit and daring anyone to try and stop him.

Fascism is a Lark
To most uninformed White People this is a huge lark, a giant Yes! He's stopping all THOSE PEOPLE from getting my hard-earned money moment.  Their moment to bask in the reflected glory of Trump and his Billionaires, compliant Congress, and Supremacist Court taking a hacksaw to the Gordian knot of the US Federal Government.

And I am absolutely certain those MAGA acolytes and devotees will simply smile and clap expecting their benefits and their medicare and their federal dollars to be turned back on any moment now by their fat fvcking fascist Overlord.  And Trump's cabinet of grotesqueries may in fact be able to restart programs to the tyrannical Republican States while fucking over Democratic led States. 

I'm tired of hearing from anyone how Harris ran a bad campaign or the Gaza situation cost the Democrats the election, or any such nonsense from the accelerationist Left or the savvy centrist pundits;  Every single time Harris, or Tim Walz, or Pete Buttigeig, or Gavin Newsom, or whatever Democratic operative, candidate, or sitting politician said the Republicans are going to steal your Social Security, they are going to swindle the American people out of our Nation, they are going to destroy the country, the Corporate Media pushed back and told everyone, 'Naaaah. Democrats are lying.'  When Harris pointed out Trump and Vance were lying about Haitians eating cats or the draconic inhumane and illegal actions MAGA was going to take to hurt Immigrants legal or otherwise, the Corporate Media said, 'Bothsides make assertions who knows what's true?' And when Harris said on the debate stage Project 2025 and the abolition of Freedom, Liberty, Self-Determination are precisely what Trump will do in Office, the Corporate Media threw a multi-week fit and screamed over and over and over and over, 'TRUMP HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PROJECT 2025! NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING!!! DEMOCRATS ARE BIG LIARS!!!'

And so here we are, with CNN's blaring headline 

Trump administration denies it is pausing all federal grants after sweeping memo to government agencies

So, here we are with a bunch of terminally on-line assholes, who spent the last year undermining Joe Biden and then undermining Kamala Harris, demanding the Democrats do something (and ignoring the things they are doing while the Democratic Party has literally zero control of zero branches of the Federal Government) while the Corporate Media continues to assure White People that everything is fine.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Trump's Deportation StormTroopers coming soon to an Illinois school near you on their Nationwide Tour

     There are a large number of Police Officers who are going to be put on the spot to determine if they actually believe in Law&Order or if they are willing to accept a Fascist takeover.  I don't like our odds. 

Fortunately, guidance from Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul to all Law Enforcement in the state helps protect people from the Unlawful search and seizure orders coming from the Trump White House. 

The TRUST Act prevents law enforcement officials across the state from arresting and detaining people based solely on their immigration status. 

I've already had interactions with people who rushed to tell me they believed certain people were here, in the US, "illegally".  After telling them flatly "I don't care", I pondered why individuals of displaced and mistreated ethnicity would be so eager to turn the power of Government onto others.

So, there was an initial report yesterday that ICE Agents showed up at Hamline Elementary School in Back of the Yards, and being turned away, but, further reporting determined the two Officials were Secret Service Agents apparently seeking to speak to an 11 year old about a Tik-Tok video threat against Trump.  Now, first off get the fuck outta here with this being some metaphysical threat requiring SS Agents go into the school to apprehend this fucking child.  It's already obvious they know who the child in question is and could easily figure out their   

Secondly, perhaps you recall the video posted from Jeremy Kauffman, the operator of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire Twitter page, where he repeatedly called for Vice President Harris to be assassinated.  Two FBI agents showed up to interview him and he negged and insulted them openly and defiantly without fear of being taken into custody let alone being shot.  At the end of the encounter the two Agents obviously exasperated simply walk away and he's an adult.  So spare me any claims that some Chicago-land 11 year old is a serious threat of getting anywhere near the fat fuck at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

The only time Officers should be doing enforcement action in a school is when there's an active threat or a person in custody.  Interviews with children don't need to involve going into classrooms to grab a child with a bunch of other innocent children present.  But, remember Federal Law Enforcement is going to act very differently under an Authoritarian Republican than under a Democratic administration.

What the Chicago Tribune article highlights is the fear permeating the Latin/Hispanic communities in and around Chicago, as well as the micro and macro economic impact.  But, this is all a Lark to white people who voted for Trump.

Many Officers may be queasy at the thought of ICE Stormtroopers kicking in doors and rounding up hispanic or latin persons on no pretext other than their brown skin but, actually doing something in resistance is not part of their make-up.  To be fair, many Officer are just plain lazy and don't want to do anything, while others are scared about losing their job/pensions. But, unfortunately, some are actual Nazis who ecstatically shit their pants when Elon Musk gave back-to-back Nazi Salutes.

I've wondered if Trump, Tom Homan, Stephen Miller are going to use the slice-the-salami tactics to avoid backlash or if flush with power they are simply going to whole hog and send Red Army troops into big cities to simply grab up everyone they can.

The tentative ICE raids in this frigid January seem to be a prelude for mass arrests come spring.  Fascist Republicans, Unconstitutional Sheriffs, and companies in business to incarcerate people certainly seem to believe Trump and MAGA will be building massive concentration camp complexes. 

A spokesperson for GEO Group, one of those private companies, told NPR in a statement they are investing $70 million toward more housing, transportation and monitoring capabilities.

Some state officials are eager to help. Texas officials promised Trump 1,400 acres to use as a detention camp, about the size of a thousand football fields. Arizona Republican Sen. John Kavanagh plans to introduce a bill to offer ICE two empty state prisons, leased for a dollar a year each.

"We were using both of them until recently. It's just that we ran out of prisoners. So we closed them," Kavanagh said. "It's kind of like opening up the old country house in the spring."

But Jonathan Thompson, executive director of the National Sheriffs' Association, said there is "significant willingness" among the nation's more than 3,000 sheriffs to help, offering bed space or participating in the federal 287(g) program, which gives local law enforcement authority to perform certain immigration duties.

Sheriff Brian Kozak in Laramie County, Wyo., says his jail has more than 200 empty beds he plans to offer to ICE.

"If they're going to be detained and held somewhere, our jail offers pretty good resources to help people in their transition," said Kozak, who also plans to join the 287(g) program.

Kozak said his jail already has an agreement with the U.S. Marshals Service to hold people for $120 a day, and imagines the reimbursement from ICE would be similar. Most of his empty bed space is already accounted for in the jail's budget.

"Anyone that we hold above and beyond that is then just extra revenue that we have, that we normally would not have."

Extra Revenue. I don't think we are going to have too wonder for very long.  Despite the good stance by Illinois elected Governor and Attorney General, there are enough fascists in waiting who will enjoy being unleashed.  They've been Standing Back and Standing By for over 4 years.  Paper impediments like the the 4th and 14th Amendment aren't going to stop them when they get the Marching Orders from Trump.

MAGA Stormtroopers are absolutely going to raid schools and kidnap children without warrants and without any care for due process, rights, or the Constitution.


Meanwhile, the MAGA response is going exactly as I predicted.  I said Trump admin people would claim the arrests were the Worst of the Worst, and the (white) people who say never trust the Government would swallow the statements about who was arrested without question,

Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said, "The Trump Administration arrested 538 illegal immigrant criminals including a suspected terrorist, four members of the Tren de Aragua gang, and several illegals convicted of sex crimes against minors." 

Any Americans caught up in the the Raids have only themselves to blame...

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Trump fires Inspectors General; The Law is nothing more than a Club for the Rich and Powerful and Trump owns the Club

    Last night Trump fired 17 Inspectors General, as the New York Times and Washington Post, in their fawning coverage of their Beloved Dictator DonOld labelled Trump's bold move as an ousting that maybe appeared to violate the Law.  However, I am assured by multiple reputable sources that this is against the law.

Donald Trump fired 17 independent watchdogs at multiple US government agencies on Friday, a person with knowledge of the matter said, eliminating a critical oversight component and clearing the way for the president to replace them with loyalists.

The inspectors general at agencies including the departments of state, defense and transportation were notified by emails from the White House personnel director that they had been terminated immediately, the source said on condition of anonymity.

The dismissals appeared to violate federal law, which requires the president to give both houses of Congress reasons for the dismissals 30 days in advance.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump's entire career has been to do illegal things and dare anyone to stop him.  At this point, anyone unwilling to address this matter of a Lawless Authoritarian Dictator in the White House is fine with it or frightened of what is coming.

For decades, Lawyers have duped the American people about what The Law is; with such rousing Hollywood tales as Judgement at Nuremberg and Raymond Burr's Perry Mason, Americans have been led to believe such homilies as No One is Above the Law and the Wheels of Justice turn slowly but grind very fine.  This has been nothing but an elite con game. 

First off, there is no such thing as Natural Law, codes of laws throughout time are a wholly human made invention subject to the whims and vicissitudes of those who have access to it.  And worse, Lawyers and high level Government Officials, have for years scolded Americans into believing The Law was some holy esoteric cosmological constant floating in Platonic perfection in aether only to be approached by those trained in the special arts (themselves) intoning the proper phrases in just the right order and tone.

Instead The Law is just a giant club for those who went to the right schools and relies entirely upon who ya know not what you know.  Trump as a boorish cad was excluded from that Club so he bought it.  Now, The Law is whatever Trump and MAGA say it is.

Americans are going to get a big fucking lesson under Traitor Trump, whose known for decades what a paper tiger the Law is and has danced circles around those, like Merrick Fucking Garland, who as a deeply invested institutionalist thought the rules, norms and laws were binding, when in fact they are not.

So, all those terminally on-line Liberals who put stock in the Mueller Report, or fart sniffing assholes over at EmptyWheel who chided everyone for years to trust the process and you had to get the small fish to get the big fish and if you're going to go after the King you best not miss where either deluding themselves as to the majesty of "THE LAW" or watching as Merrick Garland spent years catching a lot of little fish only to have the Big Fish come in and release them with a stroke of the pen.

The Law isn't going to save us.  The question is for how long will Trump, MAGA, Stephen Miller, and the whole cadre of criminal co-conspirators restrain them? 

I don't think it will be very long.

Friday, January 24, 2025

In his official capacity, Trump shits giant dumps on Veterans

    In one of his least remarkable actions, Trump issued a hiring and vendor freeze for the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Republicans hate Veterans.

While the Veteran community is no longer the rightwing monolith it was in the post-vietnam and Ronnie Raygun 1980's.  It's still disappointing the current generations didn't learn how little Republicans think of them with their phony GWoT.

Trump especially doesn't give a rat's hind tit about Veterans except to use them as props.  While I don't need any guidance it should be instructive how Trump's actions and those of his immediate inner circle demonstrate how routinely MAGA shits all over Veterans and active duty service members.

We never got a full unreacted accounting of the bullshit Trump and his staffers pulled at Arlington National Cemetery.  Now we never will. 
Senate Republicans blocked and celebrated stopping burn pit legislation.  Republicans demonized LGBTQ people for decades while President Biden and his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin undertook the task of removing bad conduct and dishonorable discharges given to service members for the crime of being "homosexual".  Republicans, in response, put up a drunk rapist TV Host whose own unit warned higher ups he was a security risk as the SecDef.
Top: Started - Bottom: Going

Under President Biden, I was contacted by VA reps without me putting in a request and told me time in and tours in Afghanistan and Iraq now afforded me access to VA healthcare.  My interactions with the staff at the Hines VA Hospital, in suburban Chicagoland have been courteous and amenable.

And now that's all gone because white people expect to be taken care of and bite the hands of Democratic administrations because they've spent decades believing rightwing and Corporate Media lies about Republicans supporting the Troops because Trump stood on the graves of men and women braver and more moral than him smiling a ruckus grin.

Well, some fuckwad MAGA acolytes are finding out Trump doesn't give a shit about them but, I don't expect any change of heart or mind, Republicans have given themselves body & soul to Trump and any single one of them who might suffer isn't due to Trump but, the evil deep state.