Sunday, October 6, 2024

Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 45: A (True) False Report of Rape in Morton Grove

One of the persistent beliefs by men in general and male Police Officers specifically is that most rape accusations are false.

You see this especially in this MAGA era as a way to defend senile rapist traitor Trump who is guilty of sexual assault but nonetheless finds his 70 million supporters absolutely discounting it.

One of the worst things that can ever happen is a false allegation of rape because it allows bigoted and shameless police officers to then claim all rape accusations are lies.

The National Institute of Health in 2010 released a 10 year study of 136 cases which the abstract concluded the following;

Of the 136 cases of sexual assault reported over the 10-year period, 8 (5.9%) are coded as false allegations. These results, taken in the context of an examination of previous research, indicate that the prevalence of false allegations is between 2% and 10%.

Now, let's be very, very clear.  I have pity for this woman because she is obviously suffering from some mental illness which led her to try and gain attention by concocting this absurd daytime abduction from a Metra train station story.

But...  let us also not lose sight of the false details she crafted for her attackers.  Spanish speakers in a stolen Escalade and "This used to be a safe neighborhood."

This lie is tailor made to fit into the Migrant Crime Wave lie being pushed Trump & Vance.

Since this initial claim by Bankhead she has been charged with a Disorderly Conduct for filing a false police report.  Now, whether or not she committed a crime the question of using the criminal courts to treat a woman most likely suffering some kind of mental distress.

Now, this story is not going to get 1/100th the coverage of the Jussie Smollet story, and if any rightwingers do reference it what they will say is it absolutely justifies their prior beliefs that bitches be crazy and all women lie about Rape. 

While the Illinois legislature mandated all Police Officers in the State undergo Sexual Assault Trauma Informed Responder training every 3 years, back in 2017.  There are still enough troglodytes and biased Officers who will dismiss and do everything they can to undermine a victim when she comes in to report.

The book A False Report:  A True Story of Rape in America should be required reading for every police officer.  As it highlights how Officers once they've formed an initial impression don't care to change it and will actively work to prove it even against evidence to the contrary.  It also highlights how rape victims are treated as suspects as soon as they come in to make a report and at the time were forced to relive their traumatic incident over and over again while the Officers and Detectives looked for any minor discrepancy to discredit her.

So, I don't know where Lacie Bankhead is but, I hope she can try to recover from this and I'm thankful no innocent people were taken into custody or worse after her false allegation.

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