Thursday, July 18, 2024

Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 45: Southern View Police Chief Roy Maki is a worried about BLACKS "a RIOT/LOOTING" in response to the death of Sonya Massey

Former Sangamon Sheriff's Deputy Sean Grayson was charged with 1st Degree Murder for the unlawful killing of Sonya Massey.  

In the early morning of July 6th, Sonya Massey was shot to death inside her unincorporated Springfield home after she had called the police for a possible intruder.  The family has viewed the body camera footage but, as far as I know nothing has been released to the press or been improperly leaked.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker reacted to the charges.
"I am enraged that another innocent Black woman had her life taken from her at the hands of a police officer," Pritzker said. "I'm grateful to the Springfield State's Attorney's office for bringing the appropriate charges in this case. May Sonya Massey's memory be a blessing, and may it fuel our work to build a system of justice in this country that truly protects all of its citizens."

In case you didn't know members of The Thin Blue Line don't like Governor Pritzker because he doesn't support them...

In response, the Police Chief of Southern View, Illinois Roy Maki released this ridiculous SAFETY ALERT to his constituents.  Because???  Because black people of course...  

Have you ever heard of Southern View, Illinois?  I had not.  It is a little hamlet of 1600 people abutting Springfield, Illinois at the intersection of 55 and 72.  It's just north of the Illinois State Police recruit Academy.

Sheriff Maki is greatly a-feared of "a RIOT/LOOTING and DESTRUCTION of PROPERTY" from the "Shooting of the Female subject".  First, of all this isn't the Queen's English, no one in America is a "subject".  Victim is the correct title but why is Shooting and Female capitalized?  But, despite placing his phone number for any questions the Sheriff's Office has not responded to press questions of why he felt it necessary to respond to said questions.  I'm reminded when the Cook County Sheriff's Intel Division released a memo about the 30,000 strong ANTIFA army that was going to descend upon Gettysburg for the 4th of July in 2020.

And why would there be RIOT/LOOTING despite all protests being peaceful at this point thus far and that Southern View may not even be involved?  Why because black people of course... 

The Springfield City Council wasn't to pleased with Chief Maki's ridiculous letter,

“I think it was very offensive and unprofessional to say we’re going to be looting and rioting businesses,” said Springfield Alderwoman Lakeisha Purchase. She and fellow city council member Shawn Gregory were at the Wednesday protest to show support for the family and community. She said that there had been no disruption from any of the protests.

Lakeisha?  Well, as Chief Maki would no doubt note, with a name like that she's black and you know how those people are, with the RIOT/LOOTING at all.  No matter how far we've come it always comes back to this; it's an unforgivable crime in this country to be black and no matter what mistreatment, injustice, or extrajudicial killing you face, for some White People it's always 1964 and you people are protesting wrong and just obey the police.

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