Friday, August 30, 2024

Trump's shockingly racist and sexist behavior, antics, statements, and despicable political stunts are disqualifying for the Office of President

 So, why hasn't he Corporate Media said so?


After his shockingly disparaging comments, which he's repeatedly several times, denigrating Medal of Honor recipients, Trump has upped his game and been engaged in numerous incidents which demonstrably demonstrate he is unfit for the Office of President.

Trump has engaged in shockingly sexist and racist comments at his rallies and interviews against future President Kamala Harris.  

Trump has invented shockingly racist and sexist and totally false claims about helicopter rides and meetings with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

Trump has engaged in shockingly puerile and juvenile insults mispronouncing the future President's first and last name. 

Trump has posted shockingly racist and sexist images directly on his "Truth Social" account against Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama.

Trump engaged in one of the most despicable political stunts at Arlington National Cemetery trampling over graves, pushing women around, aping and clowning over the dead bodies all in violation of Federal Law prohibiting using the ANC and markers as political props for his tawdry campaign.

Trump's and his gang of goons behavior at Arlington was so egregious and unconscionable the United States Army took the unprecedented step of rebuking their former Commander-in-Chief.  So... why hasn't the Corporate Media come out said Trump is not qualified for the Office of President?

This isn't even taking into account the crimes Trump committed before, during, and after his evil term in office.  Let alone the false promises about Infrastructure Week, or his "Big Beautiful Healthcare plan" which never materialized.  Or him destroying Roe, setting the Taliban up for success in Afghanistan, or taking credit for Presidents Biden and Obama accomplishments.  Nor does it cover the whole violation of his Oath of Office, after losing the Presidential Election in 2020 leading up to his attempt to overthrow the United States Government on January 6th.

So, I'm going to tell you why the Corporate Media won't declare Trump must step down, Trump can not be President, Trump's age disqualifies him, or Trump is wholly unfit for Office.  There are two reasons; one base and crass, and the other dangerous for the future of the Nation.

First and foremost, The Corporate Media wants Trump back in office.  They yearn for the chaotic ya never know what he's gonna do next!  The Showmanship!  The "funny" insults!  Oooooh, what a time that was!  The Corporate Media loves their Dear Leader DonOld Trump.

Second, and this is more serious, the Constitution, the system of "checks & balances", the guardrails, the norms and traditions, the majesty of the office, The Law, and the Corporate Media are institutionally not able to handle a committed conman like Trump.  The Founding Fathers, (PBUT), set up the government on the tacit understanding that those who would follow would be just like them, gentlemen farmers, educated, well-read, adhering to Enlightenment concepts and political philosophy.  The mechanism they created to handle a rogue actor (Impeachment) has an impossibly high bar because, they did not believe a faction of America would be wholly disingenuous and act in bad faith, and use their offices to destroy the very fabric of the Nation, which is exactly what Republicans are doing.

So... don't expect the bombshell Corporate Media October Surprise to knock Trump out.  Mind you, the Media is still searching for someway to hit Harris and Walz but, even Trump's despicable criminal desecration of Arlington National Cemetery isn't enough to get the Media to call for his immediate withdrawal.  

We, the People have to fight to overcome Trump Fascism and keep the MAGA Nazis out of power.

1 comment:

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"tRump can win on character" -- yes, bad character. His followers love the fact that he is a huge a-hole.