Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Stolen Valor at Arlington National Cemetery as Donald Trump and J. D. Vance use dead Marines as a Photo Op and campaign promo

Stealing Valor is a prime feature of Traitor Trump and Just Dishonorable Vance despicable campaign as they engaged in the classic Republican move of using  dead service members as a campaign photo op to help their flailing and failing campaign.  Just despicable and shameless.  This is 100% Stolen Valor.  This is using the courage or others to advance the political fortunes of vile traitors and cowards.  This is disgusting and reprehensible behavior.  This is Republican politics.

Samuel Johnson famous quote needs to be updated to more accurately reflect Republican beliefs; Faux patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Fortunately, the military services and Veterans are, like the American electorate, far more progressive than they were 20 or 40 years ago.

I am incensed at Traitor Trump, a man who violated his Oath of Office, who literally argued in court he, "did not take an oath 'to support the Constitution of the United States.' and is not an 'Officer of United States'.  That this treasonous filth who did not end the war in Afghanistan but, instead released the Taliban to retake the country and dropped the difficult part of extracting Us from Afghanistan after 20 years to his successor and then has the fucking gall and temerity to criticize his betters is just par for the course for ugly weirdo Trump.

Just Dishonorable Vance has hitched his political future to the worst people in the country he's fully disavowed his Marine Corps boot camp training. Of course, you know Vance didn't serve in Afghanistan so I don't know where he gets the fucking chutzpah to have an opinion since he didn't have the courage to serve there.

But, we don't live in era where such despicable photo ops are treated as the shameless and unacceptable.  We live in an Era when Republicans use other people and are on the cusp of destroying the United States of America.
This grotesque display is Republican "Patriotism"

Who in the FUCK does a photo op grinning with a teeny tiny thumbs up over the grave?

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