Thursday, August 22, 2024

At the Chicago DNC, Tim Walz just kept on Rockin' the United Center just like Neil Young or Michael Jordan did

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose.

Who lies about this?  Why you do Vance. You do.
Just Dishonorable Vance is a liar and discredit
to the Untied States Marine Corps and should
receive a retroactive BIG CHICKEN DINNER

Vice President Tim Walz just delivered a joyous acceptance speech at the DNC.  As America gets to know Tim Walz his authenticity comes through immediately.  At the conclusion of his speech, the United Center was closed with Keep on Rockin' in the Free World, Neil Young gave his special explicit permission to use the song.  Juxtapose this, with the Republicans who repeatedly take without permission other peoples' intellectual property rights and then sometimes produce a grotesque version unfit for human consumption.

Then juxtapose, Coach Walz taking on extra coaching duties in order to pay the lunch debt of students with the numerous Republican Governors who explicitly and deliberately turned down school-lunch programs for impoverished children in the States they control with a tyrannical glee.

Juxtapose Coach Walz talking abut Social Security survivor benefits with the giddy Republicans hoping, wishing, yearning to steal your Social Security

Republicans hate America.  Republicans hate you.  Republicans have nothing to offer the American people. 

Republicans especially hate Coach Walz because he represents a type of masculinity which is alien to them; caring, nurturing, dignified.  Walz's primetime speech was filled with the clear eyed decency which so differentiates the two parties in the 21st Century.

Multiple Republicans attacked
Gus Walz because Republicans
are shitty people
While Tim Walz family clearly loves him, having a teenage son willing to cry joyful tears on a televised event, Trump hates his kids, even ones he acknowledges, hates women, especially those who are venal enough to marry him, and they clearly hate him.  While Just Despicable Vance hates himself and really hates his not white kids.  And good god if you really want to delve into the deep endless morass of Republican hatred and lies take a gander at the despicable Megyn Kelly's horrendous twitter feed (or any other rightwing propagandist for that matter).

Fear, Hatred and Anger are all the Republicans have and the entirety of their political policies and their very souls.  Republicans offer nothing to the American people because they are nothing; empty vessels filed up with the bile and rancor of MAGA lies.  Tim Walz just laid out broadly that the Democratic Party and the Harris/Walz ticket have a great deal to offer America and We, the People.  

Reclaiming the word Freedom sums up much of this; to Republicans Freedom means you are free to do as they say, and for women Republican Freedom means the freedom to be a shackled into loveless marriages and chained into sexual servitude.  Republicans have warped, distorted, and perverted the meaning of words like Freedom, Liberty, and Patriotism.  Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the Democratic Party are taking these words back home and making them Ours again.

Understand, as Coach Walz stated, we are in the 4th quarter and down a field goal but, we have the ball and we are on the offense and marching towards the end zone.  The Corporate Media will continually try and blunt Democratic momentum and enthusiasm while ignoring blatant penalties and cheap shots by the dirty Republicans but, a good team can overcome ratfvcking from the refs.

Like Father, Like Son

Victory is right there for the taking all we have to do is fight for it; and when we fight, we win.

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