Saturday, August 3, 2024

Creepy Republicans weirdos (including woman-hating J.D. Vance) and numerous conservatives worldwide demand they be allowed to inspect Olympic athletes genitals

“The central purpose of every society is to figure out the distribution of women because women are valuable”

Andrew Creepy Klavan, every conservative you know is a weird off-putting sexist sicko creep

The whole controversy over Women's Boxing in the Olympics (and Republicans White Knighting for Women's sports in general) is a useful facade for what Republicans and reactionary rightwingers want to do;  namely inspect on demand the genitals and private parts of anyone they so wish.

King of the Weirdos Trump of course merely wants to ogle at naked little girls, like he's done in the past.  But, Trump has so accurately been stung by the description of him as weird he's resorted to his most telling confession from the 2016 debate with HRC,

No Weirdo! No Weirdo You're the Weirdo!

But, the rest of the Republican Party and their conservative "journalists" are panty-sniffing weirdos who have arbitrarily conferred upon themselves the title of Genital Inspector General.

Republicans have a weird fixation with other peoples' private parts, let alone their creepy obsession with what other people do with said parts.  Matt Walsh, Tim Pool, Jesse 'Tyre Deflater' Watters, and Michael Knowles have for years demanded the right to look at and thoroughly inspect juvenile female student athlete's genitals to ensure no Transgender gets through.

In 2022, creepy Matt Walsh, who used to film weird videos of himself sitting in his car outside elementary schools, once told Joe Rogan, that millions of little girls were on puberty blockers and hundreds of thousands had their breasts cut off in preparation for sex reassignment surgery, this was too much of an obvious lie even for Rogan, who normally uncritically repeats any piece of Republican agitprop to his gullible fanbase without question, that even he questioned it during his podcast with the off-putting lying Walsh.

But, now as rightwingers everywhere are annoyed at the 2024 Paris Olympics, Republicans here in the States and conservatives abroad (especially British TERF J.K. Rowling) decided that the Algerian women's boxer Imane Khelif was a man because she hit the Italian competitor too hard.  Now, I'm not going to say the Olympic Committee is an unimpeachable body, anyone who remembers the judges robbing Roy Jones Jr of the Gold in Korea in 1988 knows this but, to claim they are letting a "biological male" beat up a women like Rowling, Logan Paul, or whomever are claiming aren't arguing in good faith.

 Especially since the organization which everyone is basing their attacks on Imane Khelif is the disgraced and war crime defending Russian psyop organization the International Boxing Association.  So... don't go acting like the IBA or it's President Uma Kremlev are some unimpeachable source and pure arbiter of boxing and defending the honor of women's sports.

But, in an effort to wash off the BIG TIME LOSER STINK he's absolutely oozing creepy couch fellator J.D. Vance placed the blame onto soon-to-be President Kamala Harris, which is just weird; 

"This is where Kamala Harris's ideas about gender lead: to a grown man pummeling a woman in a boxing match."

Now, "Vance" as he likes to call himself though that's not his given name and though I won't dead-name him is just weird and dishonest in blaming the Olympic Committee decision to allow an Algerian National into women's boxing on soon-to-be President Harris but then"Vance" is a creepy weirdo.

What's also weird is Vance going on television to say 'even though his wife's not white she's a good mom', and being on-board with Trump and the Republicans racist attacks on President Kamala Harris ancestry .  I sure hope his kids aren't told they can't be white...

What's also weird and unsettling is Vance's comments on abortion in which he tells rape victims to enjoy it because abortion would be "inconvenient for society" so they don't get any control over their body as Vance does not believe women are fully human beings who deserve any rights.

So it comes as no surprise Vance's unsettling foreword for the Heritage Foundation Project 2025 creator's manifesto on how Republicans need to be violent and murder a whole lot of people, endorses murder;
We need an offensive conservatism, not merely one that tries to prevent the left from doing things we don’t like. 
The old conservative movement argued if you just got government out of the way, natural forces would resolve problems—we are no longer in this situation and must take a different approach. 
We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.

 In the fights that lay ahead, weirdos like J.D. Vance, Squeaker of the House Mike Johnson, Republican Governor of Idaho will accuse little girls and adult women of being transgender and then forcibly inspect their genitals.  While these creepy weirdos are down there I'm sure Republicans will conduct a forcible transvaginal ultrasound to make sure that slutty 10 year old isn't pregnant and thinking of getting an abortion. 


It's important to understand this is not the case of "nut-picking" like Faux News does when they find some Twitter rando and claim they represent the entire Democratic leadership.  No.  In states in which Republicans control the legislature or governorship (Ohio in 2022 for instance), have passed mandatory Genital Inspection Laws, which weirdo Republicans always couch in euphemistic language of Save Women's Sports.  Republicans use whatever level of governmental power (local, county, state, Federal) to enact these types of laws using their classic weapons of Fear & Anger.  


Anonymous said...

Of course! The thing they get most agitated about with trans students - bathrooms, with trans athletes - locker rooms. They don't give a fuck about treating people fairly, only satisfying their own voyeurism.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Reading Carl Sagan monumental final work The Demon Haunted World I was struck by how the Inquistors and Witch Finders in Salem and early New England were fascinated and driven to inspect women's bodies (especially breasts, genitals, and buttocks) for the "devil's marks". What these icky weird conservatives today with the Transonic demand is no less the inalienable right to inspect at their whim the equipment of anyone they so wish.