Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Petulant Republican weirdos and Corporate media toadies are really upset Vice President Walz made a couch joke yesterday

Alanis Morissette should sue for Ironic
To the Fainting Couches!!!

For fucking years, Republicans have hurled the most vile, despicable, scurrilous, bigoted lies, smears and false accusations at liberals, elected Democratic officials, and anyone who pushes back against the rightwing agenda of intolerance, oppression, and the destruction of the United States.

The insults have ranged from micro aggressions of insulting Transpeople by calling them the wrong name to claiming Barack Obama, the duly elected President of the United States, was illegitimate and not really an American.

And now that liberals and Democratic officials are punching back, with absolutely true allegations, the Corporate Media and Reactionary journalists are mad and pouting about how unfair and nasty this is.

It's the bully and the toady dynamic.  Republicans are bullies who have and their Corporate Media toadies to tell the victims that you can't defend yourself or *gasp* fight back against their bullying.

David French says you can't punch back
It's really shameless.  Disgusting.  And demonstrates how captured and subservient the so-called Liberal Media is to Republicans.  For fucking years that treasonous criminal toad has insulted, slandered, and threatened anyone who opposes him.  Including members of the Justice Department, Judges, and officers of the court while he loses actual court cases.  And the Mainstream Media not only accepts it as Trump being Trump, they help spread his attacks.

Just. Last. Week.  Trump revived the Birther slur and declared soon-to-be President Kamala Harris isn't black according to his mind.  And the New York Times didn't immediately call for his resignation.  No, the FTFNYT, NPR, Washington Post and numerous other journalists declared Trump's Racist Attack raises questions for the Kamala Harris campaign.  Bullies and Toadies, a symbiotic relationship.

In fact, in response ABC News invited Byron Donalds of Florida, a black man married to a white women, who proceeded to defend DonOld Traitor Trump's charges of Miscegenation and racism, as he's done for years. And last week "J.D. Vance" proudly told a MAGA crowd while his wife isn't white, she's a good mother but, don't worry Vance is a shithead to his "mixed race" children as he posted a video of himself telling his son to shut the hell up about Pikachu for 30 seconds because he's on the phone with a DonOld Traitor Trump.  I can not believe these poor kids are going to have to grow up knowing the people whom their father idolizes think they are garbage.  What a weird mean thing to do to your son, especially for the King of the Weirdos.

Mary Katherine Ham says lay back and take it
Now, here is the unfortunate truth;  J.D. Vance did, in fact, fuck a couch despite what Republicans and the Corporate Media would have you believe, but did you also know his name isn't even "Vance"?  And his initials aren't "J.D."?  These were not the names assigned to him at his birth but, ones he adopted along the way?  And he expects other people to honor his later life choices, while he and his despicable Party of thugs and bullies treat people who are different like garbage and repeatedly threaten to murder them.  And Vance and several high-profile Republicans are repeatedly lying and claiming the Democratic Party was behind the shooting at Donald Trump, stoking the MAGA mob into taking the matter into their own hands with violence.
Always remember these calls for "be better" are
demands by Corporate Media journalists for
Democrats to not fight back

These fucking creepy criminals are the people the Corporate Media and Republican journalists demand you not make fun of or call them weird.  Because for 30 plus years, ever since that bloated fucking turd Newt Gingrich slandered and smeared Democrats as a political strategy, Republicans have gotten away with attacks over and over and over while Democrats crouched in a defensive stance like punching bags.

Well, that fucking time is over.  Soon-to-be President Kamala Harris and Vice President have signaled they are going to be Joyful Warriors pummeling the dour criminal duo of Traitor Trump and Couch Fucker Vance.  When we fight (back), we win.

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