Friday, August 16, 2024

The Political Press and DC Pundits realized Trump doesn't have a functioning campaign and have decided to act as the Trump Loving Press themselves

The American Mainstream Media are irrevocably broken in this country.

Long before Traitor Trump descended that escalator, the media had allowed itself to become an easily manipulated entity, as profit motive and stenography replaced hard-hitting investigative journalism.

The glories of old are faded and the era of being the 4th Estate are long since over. Now, they dutifully regurgitate Republican lies and engage in gossip, while purposely sitting on any news they do uncover for their book release a couple years later.  On top of this bad actors, infiltrate legacy media companies and continually push a rightwing agenda, while declaring they are nobly holding BothSides to account.

So, many excellent blogs (Driftglass), (The Establishment Bar), various sub-stacks and remaining non-Nazi twitter accounts have documented the Media's fall into being nothing more than Republican mouthpieces and Reactionary propagandists but, now everyone is noticing that President Kamala Harris and Vice President Tim Walz are handling their campaign differently.

Chris Shitlizza
Recognizing that the Political Press badly mistreated Joe Biden, The FTFNYT ran a piece in which they wrote, *not kidding*, while Joe Biden claims to be the Peace President having ended the War in Afghanistan and the DroneZ bombing campaign it sure still seemed like Biden was a wartime President.

Meanwhile, the FTFNYT runs quotes unchallenged from Traitor Trump such as his baseless claim he will bring peace to the Middle East if he's President again.  I'm reminded of something something desert something something call it peace...

Perhaps, the NYT can run another smear campaign with articles title;  Why did Senile Joe Biden let foreign nations have wars with each other? Does he not realize he is the Commander In Chief?

Besides the the all out War from the Corporate Media against President Biden, journalists waged a non-stop propaganda war for 25 fucking years against HRC, and for going on decades presented Republican outright lies as "alternative facts", Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are taking their appeal directly to the voters and organizations, while crafting their story via direct video releases;

This is a radical sea-change akin to FDR using Radio to take his message to the American people in Fireside Chats, or Kennedy using Television to broadcast the wonder of the JFK Camelot. 

Thomas Jefferson was not working in the fields
tilling "his" chili peppers in 1767.  But, when you
are a Corporate Journalist everything a Democratic
President says is a chance for a GOTCHA LIB!
This is infuriating the Washington Press Corps, the gaggle of political gadfly's who infest DC and consider themselves owed certain rights and privileges of the idle feudal nobility.  Kamala Harris is not letting "journalists" act as a gatekeepers or sieve to be the medium her message gets out to America.

Pundits are livid at Kamala Harris since she will not oblige them with sit-down interviews. Trump does them because he simply Gish gallops through his standard set lies and the same old rhetorical bullshit, while inventing new bullshit and lies which the "journalist" never pushes back on because the content and crap Trump says isn't important to them it's that Trump has given them an audience.

The Political Press are allies with the Republicans because they attend the same cocktail parties.  Look, the media as an institution are not the enemy they simply aren't designed or equipped to handle Gish Galloping weirdo liar who won't accept his upcoming election loss let alone reality but, the Political Press actually are; they've been instrumental in propping up Trump and continue to demonstrate they will not treat him like the treasonous racist liar and criminal rapist he is because he gives them access.

The Corporate Media is going to do everything they can to aid Trump.  I have yet to hear a single Journalist ask Trump who won the 2020 election as he lies his way into another shot at the White House?  Not.  A.  Single.  One.

When will The New York Times run multiple stories day after day declaring Trump must stand down for the good of the Country?  Why does the Corporate Media think a Trump campaign and possible Trump Presidency is a good thing for the Nation?

Trump continually takes credit for things which he did not do; the cost of Insulin, the skyrocketing Dow Jones, and now, Trump pissed on Medal of Honor recipients in his latest lie-filled insane rambling diatribe.  We already know Trump dishonors Veterans and Just Dishonorable Vance was sent out to be the point man on a despicable smear Swift Boat 2.0 campaign of Tim Walz!  

So WHY THE FUCK is this racist, anti-woman, anti-American campaign not receiving scathing coverage from the 4th Estate?  As Jonny Sack said in The Sopranos, "Is it all just about money?"

The Corporate Media has descended into a parody of an Ouroboros as they've BothSides BothSides BothSides BothSides BothSides BothSides themselves into simply deciding since Trump and Vance are the Republican candidates for Office they and the complete bullshit they spout are thus legitimate and worthy of consideration.

Fortunately, soon-to-be President Harris and Vice President Walz are not falling for the Corporate Media banana in the tailpipe and are bringing their message to the American people, and the American people are responding as Harris is now in the lead not only in the key battleground states but, overall.

We're not going back and President Harris is going to win the popular vote and Electoral College by a modern landslide.  After that well, that's the next post.

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