Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Traitor Trump desecrates Arlington National Cemetery


Trump has a pattern when he wants to do a photo op, use violence.

That Trump would use the bravery of others and the grief and sorrow of families to aggrandize himself is no surprise. That Trump would pose in his disgusting fashion over the grave site in Arlington National Cemetery is no surprise. That Trump would do this for a tawdry photo op while his putrid staff attacks and insults those who work at the National Cemetery is likewise no surprise.
“Hollowed grounds…” Everyone who supports Trump is a Traitor and Thief
Trump is an infantile despicable conman who uses people to enrich himself.

We saw this the he used the White House itself for a campaign ad after he asked is their any law that’ll stop me?

We saw this when he ordered the Police and Military to violently clear the streets so he could walk through Lafayette Park to St. John’s Episcopal church to hold a never opened bible up upside down.

Trump hates Veterans.  Trump dishonors and disrespects Veterans.  Trump, like all Republicans, thinks Veterans are useful pawns to gain political power and then are easily pushed aside once they have it.

Trump doesn't care about rules, norms, laws, traditions.  What's in it for me and will this help me roll the suckers for another day is the only calculus that enters that weird old traitors spongy brain.

And Trump doesn't have to worry about losing any support after this despicable desecration.  All over Twitter (X) they rally to his defense.  They denigrate and attack President Biden and Vice President Harris.  They bring up the lies they told about Biden not being present at Dover AFB for the return of the remains in 2021.

The truth was Trump stopped showing up for the return of Service members remains during his despicable term in Office, but the Corporate Media didn't care and didn't cover it.  The Truth is Trump lied and insulted and sent that Special Forces team to their deaths in Niger without a plan, without backup, with air cover, without a QRF, without a chance.  And true to form Trump insulted the widow and families by telling them bluntly, “they knew what they signed up for…”

When he says he'll be a Dictator Day One, you'd better believe him.  When Just Dishonorable Vance says Republicans are going to round-up 20,000,000 people you'd better believe them, when Stephen Miller says the rounded-up people will be put into Concentration Camps he calls "The Staging Grounds" for liquidation you'd better believe them.

When soon-to-be President Harris said at her acceptance speech, “In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious," you’d better believe it.

Understand Harris knows what she’s talking about.  Trump and his MAGA cultists are an existential threat to Freedom.  We the People must overwhelmingly defeat Trump.  He’s already planning to Steal 24.  Trump and his monstrous cabal of criminals, racists, and traitors must never be allowed near the White House again. 

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