Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Introducing President Kamala Harris and Vice President Tim Walz, who represent regular Americans and will crush the Republican Weirdos

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz correctly labeled the Republican Party "Weird people".  He will now be the next Vice President of the United States. 

This is a great pick because all the Reactionary journalists call it a bad pick.  The Corporate Media confidently declared the pick was going to be Josh Shapiro (in the hopes of running multiple stories of fractures in the Harris campaign) and now are mad, and most importantly because Governor Walz called Republicans what they are "weird people".  Republicans hate America.

Since, the highpoint of the RNC when Trump and his cabal of criminals thought they had a cakewalk into the White House the Republicans have been in a full blown panic and downward spiral and while the majority of this is due to the political machinations of President Joe Biden and Madam 47th President, a large boost was provided when Tim Walz correctly labeled creepy Republicans "weird"

The best part is it's true so no matter how many apoplectic tantrums weirdo Republicans throw, Truth remains an absolute defense against defamation, until the Sinister Six on the US Supremacist Court undo 60 years of precedent and throw out the 1964 New York Times vs. Sullivan ruling, 

Tim Walz has been a great progressive Democratic leader well before his "Republicans are weird people" rocketed him into consideration for Vice President.  Now, that Kamala Harris has picked him the flat-footed Republicans are going to run the standard smear playbook.  But, my god read this Faux News story about Governor Walz,

Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, putting an increased focus on his life and record in public office. 
Walz, 60, is a former U.S. Army National Guard member and a former teacher who has raised his profile in recent weeks as an effective advocate for Harris. He grew up in a small town in Nebraska, and was also a football coach and union member at a high school in Minnesota before getting into politics. Recently, he attacked former President Trump and his running mate JD Vance as "weird," a viral insult the Harris campaign has embraced. 
A former member of Congress from a Republican-leaning district, Walz has proven appeal with rural, White voters, though he has also championed progressive policies as governor, such as free school meals and expanded paid worker leave. While Minnesota is a solidly Democratic state, it is close to Wisconsin and Michigan, two crucial battlegrounds.  
"Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values," he said on a "White Dudes for Harris" call on Monday night. "One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.

And tell me that doesn't sound like a rock star progressive and the type of Democratic leader we need today.  Tim Walz resume, personality, background, achievements identify him as the type of man, American, and Democrat that should be in the highest offices of the land.

I do think there was some calculation that picking, Walz who is the same age as soon-to-be President Harris insures there to be no back-stabbing or bickering amongst the candidates not chosen.  This severely disappoints the Corporate Media who are desperate to put Trump back in the White House.

But... it's not happening!  Look, this isn't over.  We've got to beat the Fascist Wannabe DonOld Trump and his little Himmler "J.D. Vance" but, the momentum and vibes are with Harris and Walz and the Trumpublican Party of traitors, bigots, thieves, madmen, and terrorists have nothing to offer the American people.  Republicans know it.  The Media knows it.  The American people are slowly learning it.

As soon-to-be Vice President Walz said during the White Dudes for Harris event, 

“How often in 100 days do you get to change the trajectory of the world?  And how often in the world do you make that bastardd wake up afterwards and know that a Black woman kicked his ass and sent him on the road?”

When we fight, We win!  Let's Fucking Go!!!


The rollout of Governor Tim Walz with Madam President Kamala Harris in Philadelphia, Penn is full of the energy, vibes, and enthusiasm we haven't seen since 2008.  These speeches are hopeful, lively, powerful.  This is Fire.  Kamala Harris is brat and We, the People are going to win in November.  

Additional 2:

The response from rightwing weirdos to attack Tim Walz has demonstrated just how out-of-touch, creepy, and inside a propaganda bubble of their own farts, conservatives are... 

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