Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Traitor DonOld Trump and Weirdo Elon Muck openly plot the destruction of the United States and discuss their hatred of the American people

Fortunately, We're Not Going Back!  And the energy surrounding the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz campaign is getting bigger crowds, more energy, and more engagement from the American people.
“We have this very organic, very real, very palpable energy from people that want to support the ticket,” said Dan Kanninen, the Harris campaign’s battleground states director. “We are turning that energy and that enthusiasm into action. And at all of these events, because we’re organized, because there is a large campaign presence across the battleground states — more than 1,500 staff, more than 260 offices — those teams are able to effectively marshal that enthusiasm into volunteer shifts that mean a direct line into additional volunteer recruitment, into voter contact, knocking doors, making phone calls and driving that forward in a way that actually appreciably changes the margins in these very, very close states.”
This is driving Trump crazy.  How Long can this loser Trump/Vance Campaign continue?

Trump is so fucking desperate right now that he decided to undermine his own "Troth Central" platform to appear on Twitter (X) with noted Fascist Elon Muck.  Together the two plutocratic dictator-wannabes openly discussed their hatred for the American people and plans to undermine and destroy the United States of America.  Kamala HQ has the fortune of being able to simply post Trump destroying the Department of Education, firing workers who try to fight for better pay or benefits 

This is the 2nd longest election cycle in American history;  it began on Jan 6th 2021, when Trump successfully delayed the Peaceful Transfer of Power and the Treasonous Republican Party sent the last 4 years actively undermining the United State of America.

Thank goodness, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are so good at campaigning and that Joe Biden was so good at politics he was able to defeat Trump in 2020 and set up the Democratic infrastructure to defeat him again.

In the 3 weeks since Joe Biden made the Washingtonian decision to voluntarily cede power Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have skyrocketed into a lead at every poll and appear to be pulling away.  Although it's unbelievable the race is close at all it's completely due to the despicable floor that Trump has cultivated.
Trump's Top Ten Lunatic
Claims of the Summer

The Treasonous Republican Party must be stopped and defeated.  What the Republicans have in store for We, the People under their Project 2025 Banner would shock Putin and be too over-the-top evil for writers of the Warhammer 40K universe.

The Republicans want nothing less than the eradication of the Untied States and the establishment of a rigid Fascist Fundamentalist EthnoState built upon the pillars of racism, sexism, bigotry, and xenophobia.  The Republicans saw the Taliban in Afghanistan and decided they wanted to emulate that here.

Of course, the insane treasonous Trump campaign is really being kept aloft by 3 main factors;
  1. Trump's base of MAGA traitors, criminals, lunatics, assholes, and sycophants will never abandon him no matter what he says or does (like for instance flying to Bozeman, Montana on Jeffrey Epstein's plane)
  2. The Corporate Media is keeping Trump afloat by doing what they have always done; acting as a Free Campaign Press, obscuring his insane glitchy pronouncements, and Bothsides-Bothsides-Bothsidesing themselves into a parody of an Ouroboros by acting as though Trump's crazy claims about AI-generated crowds, fantasy helicopter rides with Willie Brown, or racist tirades about soon-to-be President Kamala Harris are not the ravings of a syphilitic madman on the verge of a long stay at "an insane asylum".
  3.   Rich Plutocrats and Multi-National Corporations which seek to plunder the United States and raid all manner of assets both financial and physical.
Meanwhile, the Harris/Walz campaign isn't waiting for the Mainstream Media to save Us.  (Because the media won't - Politico has been sitting on the story of Trump's emails being hacked "supposedly" by Iran for 3 fucking weeks!)

Madam President and Coach Walz are operating on the assumption that We have to save ourselves;  which we do.  Fortunately, as I noted both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are very good at campaigning, 
“What a monster. Kids are eating and having full bellies so they can go learn, and women are making their own healthcare decisions."


One thing I wanted add about the Trump/Muck interview was besides Trump lisping the whole way through and weirdo Muck's bizarre speech patterns, was Trump talking about the shooting.  Besides grotesquely saying God saved him from the bullets (but killed that fireman), Trump claimed, 

"One of the miracles was that nobody ran... You know, you had a small group behind us in the grandstand, and that was full, and you look at it as it was taking place, and normally they'd be running. They didn't leave.  They saw that I was hurt. They saw a lot of blood, and they saw that I went down, and it's almost like they wanted to be with me. "

Let's address this.  How much of a raging asshole narcissistic pile of pig shit is Trump?  He made this about how his people swoon at his wounding and their love for him kept them with him.  As Muck says Go Fuck Yourself.

Trump is a pampered pile of excrement who until that day never heard a gunshot in anger.  Those people didn't stay because they wanted to be with you, they froze.  Because that's what people do who have lived a sheltered life of relative ease and comfort and are so bored and flush with money they can attend one of your stupid rallies.  Those people didn't know what to do because they didn't attend schools in the Age of the Republican NRA unrestricted gun violence.  Those people froze because they eschewed military service.  Those people froze because the only violence they've been exposed to are Police killing black men and then those people support the extrajudicial killing every time.

It's why when Republicans start grousing about a Second Civil War, I shake my head.  Just like their ideological forefathers, the Arch-Traitors of the Confederacy, Rightwingers today overinflate their martial prowess and underestimate Democrats and the Left.

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