Friday, February 16, 2024

The nonsense attacks on Joe Biden's age are also Racist Whitelash against Kamala Harris

The Corporate Media  is fully invested in making jello-brained Trump President again.  To that end they will do everything in their Power to highlight President Biden's Age.  

They also expect anyone defending him to couch all praise or list of accomplishments with the sad acknowledgement that President Biden is old (but never Traitor Trump).

Listening to NPR yesterday they had a story on Vice President Harris traveling to the Munich Security Conference and how Trump declaration that Russia should attack NATO and Republicans in the Federal Government will sabotage the Nation and alliances in every way and anyway possible is a BIG PROBLEM... 

for President Biden.  (Reminiscent of the Media declaring everything happening in 2008 was Good News for John McCain)

NPR White House correspondent Asma Khalid:  But the reality is, it is going to be difficult for Harris to stand up and say, have faith in the U.S. when even a Democratic president, we are seeing, cannot guarantee additional money for Ukraine because of partisan fights in Congress. The former German ambassador, Ischinger, flatly told me that Europeans are increasingly thinking about a plan B - how to defend themselves if there is indeed a future in which they cannot depend on the U.S. 
And because of the politics at home as we head into an election amidst growing questions about Biden's age, Harris really does have no room for error.

NPR even got a reference to Biden's Age in their story!  Trump's cheap mobster threats are Bad News for Biden and Harris!  Everything must be framed as a problem for President Biden, as the Corporate Media does everything they can to keep Trump as a viable candidate for President even as his brain melts out his asshole of a mouth.

Michael Tomasky in the The New Republic illustrates how the Corporate Media continually covers for Trump's rapid on-set Dementia;

And: What about Donald Trump’s brain? For God’s sakes, he confused E. Jean Carroll with his ex-wife! He makes verbal gaffes all. The. Time. Just last Friday, in a speech before an NRA crowd, he made several. He slurred “subsidies” as “subsies.” He groused that it gets covered if he “said one word a little bit mispronunciation.” He confused Biden with Barack Obama (again). He said the Democrats were going to rename Pennsylvania (?!?). 
He also said: “Nice Saturday afternoon. I could tell you, if I weren’t doing this, where I would have been, I would have been in a very nice location.” 
It was Friday.  
Can you imagine if Biden had done that? The Times covered the NRA speech, as did the Post. Neither piece made any mention of these malapropisms.

But, one of the glaring subtexts about the non-stop pundits screeching Joe Biden is Old is the next in line in the Presidential Succession is Kamala Harris.  And conservatives want no part of that...

Harris, of course, invokes funny feelings for Republicans who call her Ho but, are sexually attracted to her in that way all rightwingers view women; as a conquest, arm candy, trophy to display their virility towards other men whose approval and desire they care about much much more.

But, the Corporate Media is led around and follows the narrative set by Rightwing media, again in the The New Republic piece by Michael Tomasky;

So this is where we are. We have one media whose goal is still largely to educate, explore, and explain. And we have another media whose goal is to elect members of a certain political party. The first media will sometimes pursue stories at odds with the priorities of the second media—Donald Trump’s indictments, for example. But it will at other times pursue stories that fit perfectly into the second media’s agenda—Joe Biden’s age.

However, the second media will never, ever, ever pursue stories that might coincide with the first media’s priorities. And this imbalance—the mainstream media will sometimes do the bidding of the right-wing media, but the opposite will never happen—is the precise reason why the right-wing media has become the agenda-setting media in the United States.

Nikki Haley is a disreputable scumbag but, perhaps her most shocking display of perfidy is her willingness to slag Vice President Harris to make all the white bigots, her party is comprised of, happy.  Haley wants all the angry racist white men know that she's a cool girl...  Rightwing Media is still angry President Obama won both his elections and the Racist Whitelash we are still feeling today is being transferred over to Kamala Harris.

Of course, the Corporate Media is more than willing to air Haley's attacks even though she has no chance of winning the Republican nomination because the Media desperately wants a Republican women to be the 1st President.  They yearned for this when Sarah Palin nominated.  So, I expect they are hoping/expecting Trump will nominate a women, even someone as stupid, weird, and vapid as Kristi Noem or as vile and dishonest as Sarah Suckabee Sanders expecting that Trump is going to keel over and one of those little fascist cupcakes will become the 1st Female President.

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