Friday, October 9, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Science is Fascism!

I ain't never had much call fer... fer book learnin'. ~ SNL Skit staring Robert Duvall, Who's More Grizzled, 28 February 1998
Professor Richard Dawkins, "If a Particular Scientific Theory doesn't work do some better Science...

Bill O'Reilly, "NO!!!"

Professor Dawkins' reaction (at 4:11) to Bill O'Reilly declaration Science is Fascism will make you laugh. I guarantee it.

But, in O'Reilly's defense since Creationists have proved Biology and Evolution, a specific scientific field, are Nazism, a specific Fascist Ideology, it is a logical syllogistic conclusion then that Science, in general, is Fascism, in general.

White jesus makes me sad...


Anonymous said...

How does it feel to come form the Planet of the Apes?

Grung_e_Gene said...

to paraphrase; If the choice be between the Apes or Angels I choose the Apes...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Monkees war. Are promiscuous masturbate. Probably like the anonymous human @ 3:55.

Anonymous said...

GeG (if I may call you that), most of what Bill O'Reilly says makes me laugh. He is a funny fella, that Billy-boy, whether he knows it or not. (Especially when not.)

A noted, um, science expert, O'Reilly, proclaims that science is fascism -- that is precious, even I have to admit. And novel an idea, I think -- have not heard this one before.

How 'bout we nominate Billy for Nobel next year? Though not sure in what area, hm. Or better yet, the Ig Nobel Prize.

Or best, create one especially for him and his fellow creationists. We could have lots of fun naming it...

J. said...

What an ass. Reasons why I never watch Faux News Channel - Bill O'Reilly's twisted logic is right up there, just after Glenn "Crybaby" Beck.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Elizabeth and J. thanks for stopping by...

Educators and the Military are some of my favorite persons.

Coincidentally, Bill O'Reilly falls into neither category...

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, GeG.

Read this: Morals Without God (dedicated to Bill O'Reilly).