Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Newt Gingrich and Post Racial America

Is one of the buzz phrases invented by bigots, like Gingrich.

But, what's important about that phrase is the persons who harp on it. What can we note about those making the argument?

First, the ones making the argument that America is "Post Racial" without a doubt voted against President Obama, yet time and again use the phrase 'We elected Obama' as a way to indemnify themselves from charges of racism. It's a cover phrase used by Conservative Bigots, like "Oh, I have friends who are gay or black or women". Everyone knows that's not true.

Second, when Fox News propagandists, Laura Ingraham, R. Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or other any Toxic conservative garbage mouth says "post racial" or "we elected Obama" they immediately turn around and buttress their verbal diarrhea with racist comments, phrases and code words. But besides overtly racist attacks conservative garbage mouths tell us No One in America can have supported Obama for any reason other than he was black. Colin Powell? He betrayed Master and only is supporting Obama because he's black. "White" Middle Class Suburban family voted for Obama? White Guilt!

Post Racial America has simply become a method by which spectacular bigots R. Limbaugh and others can spew forth the same Racist bilge they always have...

In a sense the attacks on President Obama are nothing new, Mother Jones has an article detailing the concerted effort by conservatives to delegitimize every Democratic President since FDR including the especially fervent John Birch Society. Every time a Democrat is elected the Conservative base, out of fear the Democrat may this time actually represent the People, seeks to undermine them in order to reassert the dominance of the Wealthy on the Federal Government.

But, the canards of Obama's a Muslim Marxist Kenyan Commie and the inflammatory rhetoric of Republican Congressmen Newt Gingrich (Newt's History of Bigoted Remarks), Michele Bachmann, Steve King, Phil Gingrey, Paul Broun and pretty much every Republican in office today to turn President Obama into The Foreign Other has really only worked with those who view white, christian, heteronormative people as Real Americans.

But, the Bigots on the Right can not keep their mouths shut about Race. As more Americans understand whom the conservatives serve and that Republicans are the Party of the Wealthy and Oppression the only block of middle class and poor people who continue to vote Republican are the Bigots and Racists. Race-Baiting is all the Republicans have...

And the numerous right wing extremist bloggers who spam yahoo news stories or leave anonymous comments on progressive blog posts don't come up with this, they absorb and repeat the crap Haley Barbour, Newt Gingrich, R. Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Pamela Geller propagate. Conservative voters have no ideas, no brain power nothing other than repeating the evil smears about President Obama; Release the Documents, Death Panels, Elitist, Muslim, Kenyan Marxist!

So when Newt Gingrich cites Dinesh D'Souza in proclaiming President Obama has a "Kenyan anti-colonial" attitude or Republican Steve King supports and stands arm-in-arm with Soviet Union born KGB trained Orly Taitz it's not new. It's the same old Republican playbook. Bigotry, Bigotry, Bigotry.

Conservatism has nothing to offer. No original ideas, no hope for the future. Nothing but Bigotry.

Incidentaly, Wikipedia reports Newt’s dissertation topic was titled “Belgian Education Policy in the Congo: 1945-1960.” (Written while cowardly Newt was busy not serving in Vietnam...)

I’d like to read it to see if Newt pinned for the Colonial days of King Leopold and the cutting off of arms and rampant murder in the Congo?


Life As I Know It Now said...

In a sense the attacks on President Obama are nothing new, Mother Jones has an article detailing the concerted effort by conservatives to delegitimize every Democratic President since FDR including the especially fervent John Birch Society. Every time a Democrat is elected the Conservative base, out of fear the Democrat may this time actually represent the People, seeks to undermine them in order to reassert the dominance of the Wealthy on the Federal Government.

That has certainly been my experience in this country. We subscribe to Mother Jones and it is a great publication.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

From a political standpoint it is amazing how the republicans get so many voters who's interests they are totally against in their fold.

Anti union union members. People on Social Security and government workers that buy into the republican lies about socialism.

Apparently it comes down to these people just hate a black man as president or they're just ignorant moronic sheep. Or both, which is the likeliest explanation.