Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Revenge on the Thin Blue 11: The Art of Self-Defund starring Candace Owens

One of the saddest things about the on-going Covid Pandemic is how easily misinformation, rightwing memes, Faux News propaganda, and outright lies have so readily been absorbed by Police Officers across the Nation.  It's simple and insidious.  And it's led to Police Officers defunding themselves by dying of Covid.  

Having been conditioned for years to discount the LIEbral Media and place outsized trust and support in Republican liars and rightwing talking heads, Police Officers have allowed themselves to be duped and misled.  Every rightwing antivaxxer social media is festooned with dank memes by Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Faux News, OAN and any of the other low-level rightwing grifters.

This has lead to Police Officers across the Nation dying from Covid.  Looking at the Officer Down Covid page all I can do is shake my head and plead with fellow Officers to get vaccinated instead of posting the Babylon Bee CDC seatbelt gotcha meme and then dying.

One of the amazing feats of research by reddit shows a high correlation of retweeting Candeath Ovens (Candace Owens) and then dying of Covid.  Obviously her most ardent fans retweet Candace because they believe her being black immediately and forever indemnifies them from charges of racism.  But, because of her incessant, non-stop tweeting of anti-vaxx lies, I must conclude Owens is actually a #BLM paid employee or #ACAB sleeper agent getting Cops and whitey to off themselves.  Candace is the grim reaper for fat-faced white dudes with gray goatees.

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