Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Hey! Why isn't anyone talking about Chemtrails (Contrails) anymore?

     Look I know RFK Jr is in the midst of making a Measles outbreak in Texas become a full-blown Nationwide epidemic but, why isn't he moving on stopping chemtrails in the sky?

Time for me to Fly

"We are going to stop this crime.  Kind of frightening to think that somebody may be putting large amounts of bioavailable aluminum into the environment, spraying it in microscopic particulates from airplanes.” - RFK Jr in August 2024

This was a major point of RFK Jr's 2024 campaign and part and parcel of his plan to replace the highly respected, world-renown, US scientific medical community based on a century of hands-on work, decades of research, thousands of trials, and millions of man-hours of painstaking study, theory, and effort with some bullshit the worm in his brain came up with.

Ah wait!  Now, I get why Elon Musk is firing hundreds of FAA traffic controllers.  And why Sean Himbo Duffy is overseeing an aviation accident every day.

Always remember things like spewing conspiracy theories about chemtrails is part of the Republican plan prior to an election.  They concoct and spread as many lies to see which one gains traction amongst their billing accomplices in the Corporate Media and which ones their base gravitates towards.  After the election, they get busy destroying the Government and pilfering as much as they can (after all this is the reason Republicans run for office) and forget all about the propaganda and lies until and unless they find a need, excuse, or reason to bring it back up.  The joy offing a Republican is having no memory and being able to change their deeply held beliefs and convictions from day-to-day as needed.

White people for their part love being lied to and actively seek out Republican lies.

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