Friday, January 12, 2024

Migrant Buses and the Government's inability to handle any Crisis - Part 1: Background

Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt. - Exodus 22:21

"One-to-one problem, yes.  FIVE-to-one problem too much ask anyone," - The Karate Kid (1984)

As a massive blizzard descends upon Chicago and the stories coming out about the struggles migrant people are facing having been shipped to Northern Illinois by vile Republican human traffickers it's useful to understand a little of how we got here.

As Republicans continue to demonstrate on Capitol Hill, they have zero ability to respond to any real crisis.  Now, Republicans certainly have the ability to create crises such as when Tommy Tubberbrain decided he was going to use his Liberum Veto to personally hold up the promotions of senior military officers.  Or with the Republican led House continued inability to fund the government.  Or with the Republican circuses surrounding Hunter Biden, which demonstrates Republicans have no interest in governing but in merely grandstanding and using the awesome power government to go after anyone who threatens their power.

Republican governance consists solely of the hollowing out of the functions of Government and the creation of a Nation which has zero-margin for error when dealing with any crisis.  Now, this is partially because Republicans have said for decades that government doesn't work so it's imperative for them to prove that axiom true by undermining the government all the time.  Doing so under the a of a Democratic President is an added bonus of them being able to blame Barack or Biden for Republican perfidy.

Immigration is not a crisis it's not even a problem but, because of 40+ years of Republicans slashing the social safety net, of Republicans undermining the Nation's industry and foundation, of Republicans using social issues to undercut government programs and funnel taxpayer money into the hands of private business, the Government at local, State, and the Federal level seems unable to address it.

Republicans have hollowed out the concept of community.  Much like the dumb car culture in America, the creation of suburbs and exurbs has led to the atomization of thinking Americans have been brain-washed into thinking each of them and all of us are individual islands instead of a shared continent.  When you couple, Republicans mean-spirited social programs with ruinous Republicans economic theories and policies the majority of the American people are too focused on their own day-to-day struggles to try and help their fellow man.

Of course, Government was supposed to be the creation of people to collectively handle issues too big for any one man to handle themselves.  This is also the mytho-historical truth of the creation of the United States of America; from the Founding Fathers "Join, or Die" to Abraham Lincoln "In Union there is Strength" and is absolutely why Republicans do not want Civics or history taught to children anymore. 

The United States has been limping along on the bones of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and Works Progress Administration for decades now.  That evil slime Ronnie Raygun was hired by the Republican apparatchiks to slay the New Deal and make the idea of government toxic, which he successfully did.

One of his prime targets was the idea of government social services.   Raygun famously declared Social security was going bankrupt over 40 years ago a cry which Republicans echo til this day without anyone in the Corporate Media calling them out for their bullshit.
"As you know, the Social Security System is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy," Ronnie Raygun letter to Congress May 21st 1981.
Raygun also famously got his start by cutting a record for Chesterfield cigarettes calling Medicare and Medicaid "Socialism",
"One of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America... when men were free."
That scumbag Reagan damaged the country in so many ways but...  But!  He also granted amnesty to 11 million immigrants in a move no Republican today would tolerate and rightwing propagandists would call for the impeachment and the execution of any President DemocRAT who did.  (OH LOOK, Republicans are trying to bootstrap the term "Insurrection" because of the "8 Million" onto Joe Biden even if Missouri Attorney General Jay NEPO BABY Ashcroft couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground during an interview with CNN.

The basic facts are the Republican Party is completely uninterested in helping anyone; immigrants or American citizens.  The Republican Party does not believe the federal government should aid or help anyone; you are on your own.  The 40+ years of "compassionate conservatism" has been a cover the Party and the Media allies use to cover the awful truth of the Republican Party; a wholly Fascist Organization wedded to destroying the American dream and shackling the vast majority of the American People into perpetual corporate bondage and under the tyrannical thumb of christian fundamentalism. 

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