Saturday, January 6, 2024

Will White Women lay back and do their duty for Trump (again) despite his horrendous B.O. #TrumpSmells

White women's “O” face when confronted
with Stinky Fat Donald's horrendous BO
Of course, #TrumpSmells.  Diaper Don eats greasy fast food, guzzles gallons of Diet Coke, routinely shits himself, and can't properly wash his bulbous body due to his limited mobility, syphilitic senility, muscular deficiency, giant rolls of blubber and tiny hands.
“It’s not good. The best way to describe it... take armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup and put that all in a blender and bottle that as a cologne,” Former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger said.
I trust Kinzinger's assessment of Trump's foul odor.  Anyone who's served time in the military becomes acutely aware of those around him who have shit hygiene.  Kinzinger it should be understood was a rabid anti-Obama 2010 Tea Party Republican stalwart but, his rightwing credentials and personal bonafides (disarming a knife wielding attacker and saving a person from a murder in Milwaukee, military service from 2003 onwards) count for naught when you go against Der Trumpenfurher.

Will Trump's horrendous body odor deter white women from voting for him?  History would indicate probably not.  Since 1952 white women have voted overwhelmingly Republican for President.  Sexy Slick Willie turned their heads in 1992.  But, they apparently couldn't resist Trump's immense sexual gravity. 

Among White women, according to NBC News, 43 percent supported Biden and 55 percent supported Trump.  On the plus side the 2024 election will be the last election whites women need to worry their pretty little heads over because once Republicans get back into power, the vote will simply be stripped away from women.

Jason Whitlock, laid out exactly what Republicans want to do as they steadily curtail rights, freedoms, and liberty for women;
You only needed one vote per household because that vote was about the entire family as they have destroyed our family structure and made this all an individual pursuit. Not everybody has to have a vote and everybody has to have an agenda that a lot of times has nothing to do with family.
Now just before Whitlock declared only one vote per household, he laid out how that household should be ordained via the "natural order",
Because a vote used to represent the family. When we were a culture that really valued family and really understood the natural order that God intended, man serving God, woman following man who serves God, man and woman developing and nurturing children.
Taking the franchise from white women will be an easy slam dunk for this Supremacist Court as Rightwingers can easily argue women voting is not "deeply rooted in this Nation's history and tradition" (Sammy Di Puzzi Alito Dobbs 2022)

Now, of course, white men are a disaster and a lost cause.  While a lot of white men did vote for Barack Obama (the first time) but this is part of the infatuation and subconscious sexual desire white people (Wypipo) have towards black bodies.  White men see Trump as a venue back into power and prominence. They don't draw him as a super hero muscle man because that's how they see him, but because that's how they see themselves.

But, while men have steadily been trending Reactionary since Ronnie Raygun's first election in 1980, white women are afforded a lot of undue credit for being progressive while consistently voting for Republicans 

Jane Junn, a political-science and gender-studies professor at the University of Southern California interviewed by Angelina Chapin at The Cut, summed it up succinctly;
Why do white women so reliably support Republicans?
The Republican Party is the party of keeping the white heteropatriarchy intact. And that’s appealing to many white women voters. One reason is because of how they were politically socialized growing up — stuff they’ve heard at the dining-room or kitchen table for many years that makes them feel heroic and patriotic in casting their ballots for Trump. But part of it is wanting to stay on top of the racial hierarchy. These women have agreed to accept second-class status with their gender, as long as the Republican Party puts them first with race and keeps them safe.

Prior to the 6 Supremacist Injustices vile Dobbs decision, white women believed they occupied a special niche in the White Supremacist Nation Republicans are trying to create.  A carve out based on their supplication to misogynistic racist Patriarchy.  White women believed, that if they needed to medical procedure, well they would get special dispensation.  They've seen that's not the case.  And Democratic candidates have to hammer home that no white women's adherence to the bigoted Republican agenda will not give them special rights in the dystopian fascist fundamentalist hellhole Republicans hope to turn the United States into. 

So, the question is:  Will the Republican successful effort to take Abortion rights away from women cost them the white women vote in 2024?  If it doesn't... if white women vote for Trump (for a third time)... well that really would stink.

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