Monday, September 9, 2024

The Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 44: What if it wasn't Tyreek Hill? Republicans would have loved to seen him killed.

Miami-Dade Police Officer tries to make Dolphins
WR Tryeek Hill inactive to win his Fan Duel Parlay
No doubt on the Leon Muck hellsite of X-Twitter the Just Comply Guys are back at it telling black people they deserve mistreatment up to and including extrajudicial murder at the hands of the Police because no black person, no matter how rich or famous has any rights, the Police or Justice System is bound to recognize.  To Republicans every black person is a priori guilty of something and therefore they deserve whatever happens to them. 

On NFL Opening Sunday, Tyreek Hill was stopped for speeding as he went to play in the Dolphins home opener.  When Hill told the Officer just "Give me my ticket, bro, so I can go, I'm gonna be late. Do what you gotta do," this did not sit well with the Miami-Dade Biker Cops, who within one minute of conducting the traffic stop, escalated the situation out of control, yanked Hill out of the car onto the pavement, where they put a knee on his back.  Hill was paraded to the curb, thrown to the ground when he didn't sit fast enough, handcuffed, and was subject to some really unprofessional wise ass comments about his knee surgery,

"What a coincidence.  Did you have surgery on your ears when we told you to put the window down?"

Miami Dolphins superstar wideout Tyreek Hill was treated the way Republicans and white people want to treat every Blackman in America; with maximum force and no regard of rights, liberties, or the vaunted due process they pay lip service too.

His real crime?  The original sin of Unforgivable Blackness.  Of course, the hispanic officers were not happy that they were being called out for participating in the Systematic Racist American Justice system, 

"I'm just being a Black man, that's it," Hill called out. "I'm just being Black in America."

"We're dark, too, brother," one officer replied. "We're people of color, too. Don't play like that's special."


As you read the encounter so many things point to the Miami-Dade Officers out of control anger at Hill, when he dismissed them with 'just give me the ticket I gotta go' that snapped whatever slender reed of self-control the Officers had, they wanted the window down to visibly search for something anything they could see to arrest him, they wanted the window down so they could smell for the faintest wiff of canabis, they wanted him out of the car to demonstrate their authority.  As other Dolphin players saw this they approached arms raised because black men know how trigger happy Police in America are towards black men.  Even at 10 am on a Sunday morning.  Hill was kept almost half-an-hour until his rich powerful agent Drew Rosenhaus arrived on scene.  Hill never even played the "Do you know who I am?" card.  

Stephen Ross, the billionaire owner of the Dolphins is a fanatical supporter of senile traitor Trump, I'm certain if Hill had been killed by the Officers that day he'd be first in line to receive compensation for the value of his lost property, just like back in the old days.

Recall that under Florida Tyrant Little Boots DeSantis police officers from across the country can come down to Florida, no questions asked, to pick up policing again.  Which is why the Fascist Police Union (in Florida they are euphemistically called South Florida Benevolent Police Association) went on to declare Hill was being uncooperative.

What if it wasn't Tyreek Hill?  Well, everyone knows there'd be another Police "involved" killing of a black man...

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