Sunday, September 1, 2024

Despicable Traitor Trump hates Veterans and danced on Graves at Arlington National Cemetery for political gain falls back on I didn't know the rules defense

DonOld's Double Handjob Dance
Having conducted despicable acts of desecration at Arlington National Cemetery, Trump has fallen back on his go to move when facing political pushback; Blame Others.

Well, we have a lot of people, TikTok people. You know, we’re leading the Internet. That was the other thing, we’re so far ahead of her on the Internet.  I don’t know what the rules or regulations are, I don’t know who did it. It could have been them! It could have been the parents. It could have been somebody.”  This is not true. Informed his campaign published videos from the visit on TikTok, he said, “I really don’t know anything about it.”

Hahahahahaha.  What a fucking joke.  The former President, doesn't know the Rules.  So fucking pathetic.  Whenever ugly weirdo Trump faces a tiny bit adversary the big tough guy immediately throws someone else under the bus.  This is what MAGA calls leadership, this is what MAGA calls courage and strength.  Trump is a coward, a fraud, a fascist, a rapist, a racist.  But, Trump is contemptuous of Veterans and even more so of his supporters.

Do this.  
Don't do that.  
Can't you read the sign?
Treasonous Trump thought he'd use a fraudulent ceremony to get the Corporate Media to attack President Biden and soon-to-be President Harris but, instead because he is a disgusting slob, a cretinous criminal, and traitor he ended up posting the most shameless photos and videos of himself absolutely disrespecting those buried at Arlington, the families of those lost, and the entire United States military.  And the rightwing media and Mainstream media tried to cover for him by asking about the "Event".  As though this was some Official Government Event.  As if Trump had attended this yearly.  Trump has trampled on graves before in his buffoonish clowning way and recall in 2018 Trump refused to go to a WW1 American Veteran Ossuary because he'd get his har wet.

But, using other peoples bravery and then claiming it for himself is something Trump does often.  Never Forget, Trump claimed to have gone down to Ground Zero in NYC on 9/11 and helped and claimed to have done much over the years for firefighters, survivors, and others.  These tales are all false.  

Trump is a loathsome scumbag.  Yet... here we are with the absolute knowledge that some 70,000,000 people are going to vote for a criminal whose aspirations extend no further than the length of his extra long red tie and his only thoughts center on what's in it for me?

Trump has gotten away with so much lies and so much evil over the years.  His desecration of Arlington National Cemetery and his staff's brutal attack on a dedicated Federal employee looking to save the honor of those interred on those sacred grounds can not be let go.  We, the People have a chance to halt Trump's Totalitarian dream and put an end to these last 10 years of Trump.


As usual political cartoonists cut through the mendacious Corporate Media coverage and protection of their beloved Dear Leader DonOld and depict despicable Donald Trump's dishonorable acts and desecration of those interred at Arlington, at a link from the great progressive Hackwhackers blog.

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