Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ukraine Quagmire convinces conservatives to consider invading Canada

The Pentagon estimates the now stalled Russian invasion of Ukraine has suffered a 10% degradation of forces and the attack itself has clearly failed to achieve whatever unrealistic timetables the Von Putin Plan called for.

Even during the darkest days of Iraq and Afghanistan, the US didn't have a disaster like this on their hands.

While facing losses and reversals on the actual battlefield, Russia and Putin continue to enjoy a sizable advantage in the United States on the virtual front of the War since the Republican Party continues to gleefully "catapult the propaganda" and to actively support Vladimir Putin and his war crimes.

All of this of course stems from the fact the Republicans entire brand of politics has been inexorably tied into that of Russia; first as erstwhile foes, now as ardent allies.  Republicans have more in common with Putin and his murderous Neo-Fascism than they do with the United States and American people. 

For decades, conservatives have broadcast, on open source platforms, that their true enemy; that they hate, that they yearn to be unleashed to round-up and murder, are Liberals.  It was easy for foreign adversaries to read, watch, and listen to conservatives year after year propound their ardent desire to "Lock'em up" and kill the non-MAGA and then craft and hone propaganda dissemination machines (rapidly assisted by the advent of social media) which amplified and now create rightwing outrages which conservatives dutifully absorb and re-transmit.

It has become a core tenet of the Republican worldview to consider the Democratic party as not simply a political opponent, but an enemy pursuing an “un-American” project of turning what is supposed to be a white Christian patriarchal nation into a land of godless multiracial pluralism. Conversely, Republicans see themselves as the sole proponents of “real” America, defending the country from the forces of radical leftism, liberalism and wokeism. - Professor Thomas Zimmer Georgetown University.

But, the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (besides being a war crime and sparking a humanitarian crisis) has shown the utter buffoonery of conservatives in the United States.  In response to the invasion of Ukraine conservatives called for the invasion of Canada,

Ha ha ha... perhaps you think this is more of that droll rightwing sense of humor?  Or this is more of the conservative need to be more and more outrageous to attract clicks and attention (and $$$) and they must be joking or can't be serious?  Well... stop it.  American Conservatives funded the fascist convoy in Canada and it morphed into an earnest attempt to topple the Trudeau Administration.  Conservatives are ideologically aligned with Putin and would love to emulate his actions in the United States and Canada. 

Fascism is on the March folks.  Stop ignoring it.  Stop whining that the Democratic Party isn't taking it seriously.  The Corporate and Rightwing Media will eviscerate any Democrat who points out what's obvious; the Republican Party and millions of their supporters are hoping and planning on ensconcing a Fundamentalist Fascist Ethno-State with the trappings of democracy, with violence meted out to non-MAGA at whim and backed with the awesome power of the State.


dervy scram said...

Oooh, I'm so afraid of Lauren Boobird

Grung_e_Gene said...

Boebert herself isn't frightening, even if she does where a gun on her hip in an odious genital flashing monkey display. But, I have no doubt she would have shot Speaker Pelosi if the Republican Putsch had been given the evening to round up and execute the Democratic lawmakers hiding at the Capitol.