Sunday, December 29, 2024

Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 45: Chicago FOP teaches you: How to make sure your bitch of a wife doesn't get an Order of Protection

    On social media it is often bandied about that 40% of Police Officers wives (spouses) are victims of domestic violence. This is often meet with the cynical rejoinder 40% of wives report domestic violence sometimes using the Homer and Bart Worst Day So Far meme generator.

Well, guess who's back, post election ecstatic John Catanzara Jr, one of the dirtiest Chicago Cops still working.  Now, to be clear Catanzara who praised January 6th and urged FOP members to file exemptions from COVID Vaccinations, is no longer an Officer having been stripped off all police powers but he's still the President of the odious Chicago FOP Lodge #7 having been re-elected in 2023.

As such President Catanzara oversees the release of the monthly FOP Lodge #7 newsletter which is just a morass of Reactionary lies and zealous desires to be unleashed to Travis Bickle or Punisher the streets of Chicago.  In the December issue, Catanzara hosted an article by Tim Grace, an attorney for Grace & Thompson a firm which specializing in getting Chicago Police Officers off from civil and complaints.
The article in the FOP Newsletter is a horrendous piece minimizing domestic violence and casting the Police Officer as the victim!  It's a grotesque inversion of the process which infantilizes the Officer reading it and pretends the major worry about OOPs is the Officer losing the financial safety of being a Chicago Cop.

Here's some of the words/phrases used by Tim Grace in describing domestic violence and Orders of Protection;

  • the most devasting part is the no-pay status an officer
  • No different than jumping offsides in a foot- ball game.
  • The most devastating consequence an order of protection has on Chicago police officers is that once an emergency or plenary order of protection is granted, the respondent officer will be immediately ordered to surrender all his or her firearms and FOID card to the state police.
  • If they sneak into court, it is often too late to stop that train. Many times, the spouse doesn’t even understand the repercussions of filing for an order of protection. How is the mortgage going to be paid, how is the tuition going to be paid and all of the other bills? Our partners feelings get hurt and sometimes it is our own fault, but you must approach this head-on.

Domestic Violence has for years been a near silent epidemic. Fortunately, since the 1980's State legislatures and other organizations have focused efforts on curbing and stigmatizing domestic violence.  But, as we've seen in the on-line Man-O-sphere, with the rise of Toxic Masculinity and all the Men going there own way types, the cults surrounding Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Nick Fuentes, Matt Walsh, and so many other disgusting pukes there is a concerted and powerful push-back not only against the legal framework outlawing domestic violence but, also against the concept of women being equal at all.

There's a reason an overwhelmingly percentage of Police Officers love and gravitate to DonOld Trump and what his election promises them.  John Catanzara clearly saw this;  One of Us.  One of Us.  One of Us. 

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