Thursday, July 13, 2023

Republican "witnesses" are Republicans i.e. Liars, crooks, thieves, and traitors

Everything Trump is accusing President Biden of being guilty of is a litany of Trump's own crimes.  Yet, the Corporate Media still can not break the 8 year spell they put themselves under and accurately cover Trump in the proper context; the proper context is Traitor Trump a life-long conman, Russian compromised, serial sexual abuser, thief, racist, Traitor who was impeached twice and attempted to overthrow the United States Government, directing a violent mob of Republicans into the US Capitol, who succeeded in stopping the peaceful transfer of power in this Nation.

At every turn we are faced with the awful truth that Republicans have decided to destroy the United States.  They will rule or Ruin this Nation.

So, it turns out the so-called Whistleblower Gal Luft touted by James Comer, Nancy Mace, Gym Jordan, and every other House Republican is nothing but criminal.  And is charged with everything he has claimed Hunter Biden was doing.  But, Republicans throughout this Nation don't care.  They are, by their own admissions, not interested in the Truth but, in the accusation.  Every Republican Accusation is a Confession.  There is a lot of good reporting about Luft and his crimes which I can't cover in depth here compared to some of the work already done.

The Rightwing Wurlitzer of Lies has been non-stop in going after Hunter Biden.  I will reiterate why; conservatives want to put so much pressure on Hunter Biden that he suffers a relapse in his addiction recovery, begins using again, suffers an overdose, and dies.  Hunter Biden death, of course, would shatter President Joe Biden.

There is almost nothing they won't stop at to bring this about.  And to that effort the Corporate Media will aid them at every step along the way.  That's the most egregious part of this saga.  The Corporate Media again find themselves being used by the unsavory and criminal Republican Party to advance rightwing lies and agitprop.  Instead of used I will point out that the Corporate Media are once again willing accomplices.

Marcy Wheeler over at EmptyWheel wrote this  pretty accurate column on the origin of the Hunter Biden saga and the Republicans mobilization of the their entire media apparatus to Kill Hunter Biden,

I do know this: in 2014, some corrupt oligarchs decided to put Joe Biden’s son in a place where, no matter what he did, they could use it to their future advantage. It was stupid for him to take that offer, but let’s all acknowledge it was a set-up from the start. I know that no later than 2018, other corrupt oligarchs, some with clear ties to Russian spooks, started pitching Hunter Biden as a scandal, all wrapped up for Donald Trump’s personal consumption. I know that ever since, Republicans have been milking the addiction recovery of a private citizen relentlessly. I’m not sure a private figure has ever been scrutinized so closely and relentlessly by Congress, including past mob or union corruption investigations that actually served the public interest. I know that Trump’s own tax scandals, Ivanka and Jared’s influence peddling, Trump’s corrupt oligarch ties, Trump’s pardons — including of far bigger tax cheats than Hunter Biden — have gotten nowhere near this level of scrutiny, and almost no one is making the GOP’s base hypocrisy here the story.

I know that Hunter Biden has made a ton of mistakes in his life, and I admire that he is doing the hard work to turn his life around. I can’t imagine trying to do it at a time when millions of people have made him their personal plaything for scandal.

What I don’t understand is how self-respecting people can so willingly play a part of the effort to rip Hunter Biden to shreds solely because Republicans choose to run on wildly hypocritical scandal-mongering rather than policy. You’re letting half-wit bozos manipulate you like children, and you’re positively gleeful about it! Do you not understand — or care — what a grotesque project you’re playing useful idiots for?

This is the key thing.  The Corporate Media and journalists are not being led astray by bad faith Republicans but, are cooperating in the most disingenuous propaganda efforts willingly.  I think subtly the Biden Administration does recognize this and is actively minimizing the bad faith efforts of the Media.  Won't stop the Corporate Media from speculating about Sleepy Joe's coke habit after a Republican planted cocaine at the White House.

Republicans long march and guerrilla war agains the Media has finally been won.  Republican anger at the Media goes back at least 50 years since Nixon was forced to resign and Republican leaders made it their mission to make sure no Republican would ever face the same thing again.  George Santos continuing to occupy his House seat and being a shoo-in for the 2024 Congressional election illustrates this.

But, Republicans knew they couldn't fix their Media problem overnight so they set about doing what Republicans do best; subverting, infiltrating, and undermining from within.  So, they created their own entire Media apparatus.  Ronnie Raygun eliminated the fairness doctrine.  Republicans perfected the "some people are saying" and where there's smoke there's fire Hearsay method of broadcasting their lies and getting the Corporate Media to then cover their manufactured scandals.  And now, today what do we have;  terrestrial talk radio lead to the proliferation of hundreds of these Rightwing Youtube nincompoops,  Fox News stole Florida in the 2000 election providing the Rightwing Supreme Court the chance to steal the election,  Dick Cheney reported that even the Liberal New York Times confirmed Saddam Hussein has Nukes, the Ultimate Conman Grifter Trump used the Media to breathlessly report on Hillary's Emails.  And those are merely the biggest, most grave illustrations.  The Corporate Media dutifully and without question hears rightwing framing of an issue and uncritically regurgitates it.  For instance, ABC calling the Moms 4 Hitler group "Joyful Warriors" instead of the correct term lying Fascist Barbies.

HRC was absolutely correct about a vast right-wing conspiracy, as well as a great many other things, and the Corporate Media made sure she was destroyed for saying it.

Things haven't changed to this day.  The Corporate Media still loves Donald John Traitor Trump with CNN giving him a Town Hall forum even after Trump tried to overthrow the US Government.  They can't wait to report on the latest nonsense Major Traitor Greene has to say from the House floor.  The Media Bothsides everything, rush out in the rural coffeehouses on Cletus Safari's to find out what Trump supporters think, and rush to report how this or that is bad news for President Biden and the Dems are in Disarray. 

To be absolutely clear this is Pure Fascism.  Republicans have adopted a ridiculous double standard and the unequal application of laws, and because they've done so the GOP desperately needs to Accuse Biden and the Democrats of what the Republicans are doing; i.e. the so-called Weaponization of the Department of Justice.  Be Ready, because Republicans are a fully Fascist Organization now and history always teaches us Fascist Organizations like the Republicans will engage in terrorism and mass murder as soon as they gain enough control of the levers of Government.

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