Donald Trump has made a career of pandering to racists and bigots and laundering money for Russian Pimps & Gangsters. The problem is that millions of conservatives are racists and bigots. Thus, in 2015 he knew there was a built-in base to whom he could play. Since his escalator ride down into the muck of the conservative lizard brain, his Maga Horde have heaped all manner of effluent praise and fantasy-fulfillment upon him.
Ben Garrison draws Trump as a He-Man endowed Master of the Universe and Scott 'Dilbert' Adams has imbued Trump with the powers of The Purple Man.
But, to the #QAnon acolytes and the deranged denizens of 4Chan, Trump is the billionaire playboy who gave up his lifestyle to be ridiculed and attacked in order to save America. As an incestuous regurgitation machine they have convinced themselves the latest revelations about Trump's criminal attempts at extortion and quid pro quo are really Trump finally springing the trap to drain the swamp and capture all the enemies of #Maga upon whom they pile the sum of all the rage and hate felt by their whole movement.
Conservatives will never abandon Trump. I believe even if Faux News decides Trump is too toxic and he needs to be jettisoned, in order to minimize the damage to the GOP from the 2020 elections, conservatives will rebel and kick out more of the so-called RINOs. Republicans would be happy to run the Two-Santa Claus Playbook on President Professor Elizabeth Warren and gear up to win back the White House in 2024 but, MAGA will not allow them to abandon their Chosen One.
But, Trump is not going to resign; that would be admitting defeat. And Trump is not going to abscond to a Russian Dacha on the Black Sea; as a mob adjacent Grifter his whole life Trump knows he'll be rubbed out. And Trump is not going to accept the promise of a Full Presidential Pardon; he needs protection for his odious spawn as well. And Trump is not going to start a foreign war with Iran or Venezuela; that's too hard to sell and even Trump knows Wars have a habit of ruining Presidential legacies.
Trump is the king of believing his own hype and the over-the-top ludicrous fawning fan-fiction has him believing he is the Greatest Negotiator Ever as evidenced by his Let's Make a Deal phone call to "Nancy".
What Trump is going to do is continue to escalate his violent rhetoric because he knows his base. Trump's very fine people are aching for him to declare War on Liberals, Feminists, Immigrants, minorities, journalists and the the whole cadre of Non-#Maga who are the true enemies of Conservatives.
Conservatives want blood and a White Power Nation, and Trump is going to conclude his best option is to ramp up the cries of 'Presidential Harassment' and 'Deep State Witch Hunt' until his Maga Horde decide to act on Trump's call for violence. At that point, Trump won't care what happens as the violence he unleashes will drown out his Impeachment.
So, it's But Her Emails II: Trump Strikes Back, over at Zandar vs. The Stupid we see the Trump plan; Claim this is all a Giant Conspiracy involving Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Trump is going to use the entire apparatus of Government to defend himself against Impeachment. Of course, the media is dutifully playing along by uncritically reporting Trump's State Department breathless new revelations into the emails!!!! As Traitor Tump continues his long line of saying something and getting millions of Americans to pretend what he says and what is actually happening are the same thing.