Thursday, August 10, 2023

Imagine if James Comer and the Republicans investigated Clarence Thomas for Bribery

Ettin's are a Greedy species
“I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it. No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court—period,” Supremacist Court InJustice Sammy Alito.

ProPublica did another dive into the blatant open bribery Clarence Thomas is receiving from numerous billionaires;

At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an additional eight by helicopter; a dozen VIP passes to professional and college sporting events, typically perched in the skybox; two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica; and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic coast.

This accounting of Thomas’ travel, revealed for the first time here from an array of previously unavailable information, is the fullest to date of the generosity that has regularly afforded Thomas a lifestyle far beyond what his income could provide. And it is almost certainly an undercount.

Unlike, Sammy di Puzzi Alito, Clarence is giddy and loves fucking over the American people as payback against everyone who engaged in the so-called "High Tech Lynching" in 1991.  That everything Anita Harris said about Clarence Thomas was true and that Clarence's tenure on the Supreme Court has borne out what a debased unethical monster he is, is incidental and immaterial. 

Just imagine if the Jim Comer and the House Republicans actually cared about Bribery and investigated the billionaires who shower Clarence Thomas with gifts in a wink-wink unspoken quid pro quo.  Just imagine if Faux News spent one-hundredth of the programming time covering the amount of gifts, bribes, trips, fine dining, wine, and money funneled to Clarence that they do to Hunter Biden's dick...

The details of the ProPublica piece are god awfully ridiculous and just demonstrate a level of unethical behavior reserved for comic book villains.  In 2019, David Sokol a Hedge Fund Vulture having flown Clarence and Ginni out to his 12,000+ acre ranch in Wyoming, also hosted rightwing criminal Mark Paoletta and his wife Tricia.  The Paoletta's wrote a tribute song about Clarence and sang it to him as they sat around the fire.

Just imagine if Faux News focused their anti-George Soros campaign on these Billionaires who have wined and dined the immoral Clarence Thomas for 30 years?  Just imagine if Republicans were honorable and not a fully fascist organization hell-bent on destroying the United States and then you would see them upholding the principles of America.  

But, that's not the country we live in... Instead we live in the Nation spiraling towards outright assassination attempts from rightwing domestic terrorists on President Biden and one were a Gang of Six emotionally stunted, angry, mentally unstable, unaccountable Fundamentalists are bribed by Billionaires to decide "Correctly" the rights of Americans.

ETA:  Additionally, House Republicans are salivating at the prospect of Democrats censuring or trying to hold Clarence Thomas accountable for his unethical and illegal gift taking because they can't wait to have Marge T. Greene get up with her slave holder accent and declare the Democrats are the Real Racists!

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