Sunday, October 27, 2024

If Voting ever changed anything, they'd make it Illegal... Enter the Three Trump appointed MAGA Fascists of the Odious 5th Circuit

3 Republican Judges of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled it is illegal to count ballots in Mississippi because when people vote, Republicans lose.

With deplorable shit-eating grins these 3 MAGA Fascist Injustices declared,

Congress statutorily designated a singular ‘day for the election’ of members of Congress and the appointment of presidential electors.  Text, precedent, and historical practice confirm this ‘day for the election’ is the day by which ballots must be both cast by voters and received by state officials.

As Lawyers, Guns, and Money have so often stated about Republican Judges this is an argument from Seinfeld, that the Card Says Moops.  These type of Bureaucratic Coups using legalese and byzantine wording of laws receive scant news coverage other than the day the ruling is received but, are big source of successful efforts of Republican voter suppression and disenfranchisement.

Steve Vladeck believes this bullshit decision won't actually come into play this election cycle, but, is designed to give John Roberts and the insidious Six Supremacist Judges a chance to strike down key parts of the mail-in voting, which are used by 18 States and Washington D.C.

And in fact the MAGA Fascists Judges James Ho, Kyle Duncan and Andrew Oldham of the 5th Circuit do close their brief with the Wash their Hands Clean excuse, Today's decision says nothing about remedies.  We decline to grant plaintiffs' request for an immediate injunction...

And the three Judges then made a sop to the Sinister Six Injustices of the Surpemacist Court by referencing Boofer O'Kavanaugh's anti-democracy ruling,

As Justice Kavanaugh recently emphasized: “To state the obvious, a State cannot conduct an election without deadlines . . . A deadline is not un- constitutional merely because of voters’ own failures to take timely steps toensure their franchise.” Democratic Nat’l Comm. v. Wis. State Legislature, 141 S. Ct. 28, 33 (2020) 

As, the too cool for school Gen X saying goes, "If Voting ever changed anything, they'd make it Illegal..."  John Roberts, especially, has worked his entire career to making voting harder, less accessible, and more difficult because Republicans don't want you to vote and don't want you to have a voice in any portion of the United States Government.

Like all Republicans John Roberts, and his toady 5th Circuit believes the United States should be a Neo-Feudal White Supremacist Ehtno-State.  From now until Tuesday Nov 5th you still have a chance to vote and to have your vote count.  But, like cackling jackals and rapacious hyenas Project 2025 and MAGA are waiting for you to let your guard down so they can snatch your Franchise from you and create the Fascist Fundamentalist dystopia  of their dreams.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Trump's Fascist Campaign: Fries and Lies, Dicks and Billionaires, and a complicit cowardly Corporate Media

Is that you Arnold Palmer?
It's me MAGA...
(Flag Desecration)
"We won the documents case. We’re in the process of winning all the other cases... We got immunity at the Supreme Court." - Senile Traitor Trump tells Hugh Hewitt there are no limitations on his power and revenge.  A Dictator from Day One... 

It's astounding yet unsurprising, how rapidly, eagerly, and easily Trump's campaign and everyday rhetoric descended into straight Nazi speeches, slurs, and promises of violence.  Everyone who knows or has worked for Trump knows he's a Fascist and yearns to be the next Hitler.

The racist and sexist attacks on soon-to-be President Harris were to be expected and senile traitor Trump has wasted none of his appearances without indulging his grossest base racist instincts in insulting Kamala Harris (as well as Barack HUSSEIN Obama).  But, DonOld is also threatening anyone and everyone because he knows their are no constraints on him.

A trait of elderly Alzheimer's suffers is the lack of a filter and a focus on their life-long sexually repressed desires.  Which probably explains Trump's obsession with Arnold Palmer's penis.  Trump's penchant for molesting women and criminal antics predates his senility but, his vile racist fact-free freak outs have always been a key component of his personal brand. 

What's more worrisome is to see the same historical pattern of appeasement to a ridiculous wannabe tyrant.  The Washington Post, whose banner reads "Democracy Dies in Darkness" decided they will not be making an endorsement in the 2024 Presidential Election,
Cowardice?  Or Complicit? 

The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election.

This shocking cowardice or more likely The Washington Post's obedience to fascism in advance comes on the heels of Elon Musk and Donald Trump's friend and fellow criminal Billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, instructing his Los Angeles Times editorial board his newspaper would not be making an endorsement in the Presidential election.

It also comes amidst DonOld's rapid descent into fascist senility and another woman, Stacey Williams, has come forward about King of the Rapist Pedophilies Trump and his life-long best friend Jeffrey Epstein, sexually assaulting her in 1993.  But, that's another old story and everyone knows Trump assaults women.

Everyone is bemoaning these actions by The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times as though these decisions are a shocking abandonment of their core principles and dedicated ideals.  They aren't.  The Corporate Media has been in thrall to Trump for years now and either through fear or desire is working to get him back into office.  And at this point, since the Corporate Media has been minimizing, ignoring, justifying, and sane-washing him they can't start now to point out what a danger Trump, MAGA Fascism, and Project 2025 are to the Nation

Soon-Shiong, Jeffrey Bezos, Elon Musk are not the only billionaires hoping to get senile rapist DonOld back into office.  Billionaires in the United States are either tepidly or solidly behind traitor Trump because of what a MAGA administration promises them; nothing less than an elimination of the entire Progressive Era, the neutering or elimination of every Federal regulatory agency, a return to Glided Age Corporate Hegemony over the Nation, an end to any taxation on their wealth, and chance for them to extract and steal the entire wealth of nations.

It's readily apparent that Billionaires think once Trump's back into office they will be able to not only totally eliminate the regulatory powers of the Federal Government, especially with a pliant Supremacist Court inventing new laws and completely invalidating the plain written text in existing laws, but to capture and control the United States of America.

Once, they've rendered the FDA, FCC, EPA, and whatever other agencies who resist and restrict their rapacious greed, powerless, well then Trump's rapidly approaching death will be irrelevant.  Additionally, billionaires know the MAGA base is so enraptured with senile rapist racist traitor Trump and the cult of personality they've built up around him, that they won't be able, ready, or willing to announce a successor even as the stable of slimy remoras who've attached themselves to Trump will be vying for the throne.

If you read any of the fawning adoration in the Twitter posts about him, like say his recent stunt at a McDonald's, MAGA cultists believe him or have allowed themselves to believe, Trump is the man of the people.  No other "star" in the MAGA universe evokes this level of slavish devotion or obsequious personal debasement.

So, once again I implore you to vote, do some last minute phone banking, or knock on doors, or send out last minute GOTV mailers because The Billionaire Class and Corporate Media clearly see lots of upside to a Fascist America built around the sundowning Trump.  They clearly believe their status, power, and money will insulate them from the Mass Deportations and State-sponsored Terror Regime of the Project 2025 America.  I hope we never have to find out because I'll take very little solace in 'Told ya so' them while they ride in the train cars to Stephen Miller's "The Staging Grounds" with me...

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Republicans are Lying Weirdos: Twitter smear merchant Black Insurrectionist is infamous Trump troll Ali Alexander? Seems to be a white dude named Jason G. Palmer

Republicans love Lies and Hate America.

WASHINGTON (AP) — “Black Insurrectionist,” the anonymous social media persona behind some of the most widely circulated conspiracy theories about the 2024 election, can be traced to a man from upstate New York. He’s also white.

The reach that the Black Insurrectionist account attained with assistance from Trump and his allies demonstrates the ease with which unverified information from dubious sources can metastasize online to shape public opinion. The speed and scale of disinformation has been an animating force in the presidential campaign, with the potential to affect the outcome in a close election.

The Black Insurrectionist account is linked directly to Jason G. Palmer, who has his own questionable backstory, starting with the fact that he isn’t Black, according to an Associated Press review of public records, open source data and interviews with a half-dozen people who interacted closely with Palmer over the past two decades.

Still Fighting the Bad Fight for The Fash
The slimy rightwing liar "Black Insurrectionist" (@DocNetyoutube) is apparently no longer on Twitter, much to the consternation and disappointment to the MAGA Fash who've taken over Twitter to spread non-stop lies.  Black Insurrectionist was one of the daily stops MAGA went to, to get their daily dose of lies, activate their R-complex, invoke their Fear&Anger response, and spend the day in a constant state of agitation.  

I wrote about the utterly evil and ugliest Republican October Surprise being the unconscionable but, predictable false smears of Tim Walz.  Much of the lies and smears of Harris and Walz were spearheaded by Black Insurrectionist on X(Twitter) himself.  While probably not a Russian himself, this writer, Matt Osborne, contends it was infamous Trump troll Ali Alexander, everything it spread has ties to a quick campaign crafted by known Russian disinformation trolls.  As for Ali himself, along with Charlie Kirk, he is remembered chiefly for sending buses full of MAGA criminals to Washington DC and coordinating with other rightwing criminals to try and halt the transfer of power and overthrow the  United States Government.

When Tim Walz correctly labelled Republicans as "weird" it really, really struck a nerve.  For years, Republicans have been living in a bubble of self-delusion and demanded their creepy weirdo ideas were actually mainstream and not wildly out of step with American society, deeply offensive, highly unusual, and off-putting.  Weird.

Senile traitor Trump was particularly perturbed by being called weird.  And used his senile weave technique to declare, 'No Weird! No Weird! You're the Weird!'

So, multiple MAGA propagandists used the #QAnon lies and child grooming/pedophile campaign against Tim Walz.  In early October, former Florida Cop and now Russian disinformation specialist John Mark Dougan, began the hit job against Tim Walz; 

The initial claim emerged on Oct. 5 during a Rumble livestream, where an anonymous man said Walz abused him when he was a Future Leaders Exchange, or FLEX, Program student in Minnesota from 2004 to 2005. The man, whose voice appears altered, was interviewed by John Mark Dougan, a former Florida sheriff’s deputy living in Russia with alleged ties to disinformation campaigns.

Both the U.S. State Department and FLEX told CBS News they have no record “of any FLEX student from Kazakhstan in Mankato area schools from 2000 through 2020.” Mel Helling, the communications director for Mankato Area Public Schools, told CBS News they have no record of the allegations. NewsGuard first reported the claim. 
When contacted by CBS News, Dougan claimed he has the alleged victim’s U.S. visa and the FLEX Program certificate. CBS News reviewed the documents and found several inconsistencies: The date of birth on the visa does not match the age the alleged victim stated in the livestream and the certificate has an incorrect logo on it. 
The claims were picked up by other accounts that are not linked to Russian disinformation. On Oct. 12, an X account credited as Matt Wallace posted a Rumble video where he claimed without evidence that Walz may have acted inappropriately with the students during trips to China. The video was later removed and the user did not respond to a request for comment.  
A third claim surfaced on Oct. 13 when an X account dubbed “Black Insurrectionist” posted grainy screenshots of supposed emails alleging Walz’s misconduct with a minor at a concert in 1995.  
The supposed emails appeared manipulated. Among the clues was a comma in the date-time stamp that is not typically found in emails. “Black Insurrectionist” later deleted their account. Researchers have not linked this account to Russian disinformation.  
On Oct. 16, another claim circulated when a man purporting to be Matthew Metro, a former Mankato West High School student, posted a video alleging Walz sexually assaulted him in 1997. 
However, The Washington Post and AFP reported that a man named Matthew Metro did attend the school but the person in the video is not him. The Post interviewed Metro, who said he never met Walz. 
Hany Farid, a professor at University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in manipulated media, said he believes the video was not created using AI; rather, he believes it is a “cheap fake,” in which a man is impersonating someone else. 

Truth is Irrelevant;
Joey Mannarino pretended to be a black woman

Earlier this year, Dougan fronted the Russian created smear about a Kamala Harris hit-and-run, and has routinely spread anti-Ukraine Russian propaganda which is picked up and uncritically regurgitated by conservatives in the States.

Conservatives have for decades been openly broadcasting their abject hatred of America and the ways in which anyone paying attention could influence and control them and one of the intelligence victories by the FSB, GRU, and Russian Government has been to collect this open-source intel and repeat Republicans hatred for America back to them.

One of the most depressing things about this whole smear is how ready, how eager, and how easily Republicans will swallow such propaganda.  Truth is Irrelevant.  Because what MAGA wants to be true is true. 
MAGA loves lies
And being lied to

I pointed out how eager MAGA is to be lied to by Trump, look at how they loved being lied to about he "took a shift serving fries" at a McDonald's.  MAGA yearns to be lied to about everything.  Lies and conspiracies confirm what they've always believed, what they've been told by 50 years of Elon Musk, of Faux News, of Racist Limbaugh, of every Republican.

And so what all those years of brainwashing have lead to is the complete capture of the Republican Party and all their minds by a creepy, weird, racist, rapist grifter with the slimy charisma of a cheap Mobster from Manhattan.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

January 6th Hostages Mark and Jalise Middleton and the Coming Republican attack on America

 Facts don't care about your feelings is an oft-quoted shibboleth by rightwingers.  But, what they really mean is their subjective take on society is logical reality and anything you counter their argument with is emotion based and dismissible.

We posted our crimes on Facebook
"Ass whooping' coming" - Jalise 01/05/21
In fact, their feelings are all that matter to MAGA Republicans; Facts are irrelevant and often detrimental to them, therefore Facts (and Truth and Reality) are jettisoned for their preferred narrative. 

This is nowhere more evident with January 6th.  As the saying goes Fuck Around Find Out (FAFO).  I happened upon the so-called MAGA Derek Zoolander, a disreputable chap named John Strand.  Strand is a January 6th criminal who was arrested, charged, and incarcerated for his part in the violent Trump-led successful attempt to halt the peaceful  transfer of power and thus far unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States.

Since his actions on that day, he's fully embraced the Jan6th persecuted political prisoners victimized by the Biden Department of Justice, Kamala Harris Department of Justice.  He calls himself a J6 hostage, repeats the lies about the event itself being peaceful & patriotic, and claims he did nothing wrong.  Of course, when Strand was flush with the excitement of that day, entering the Capitol to trash the place and stop the certification, exuberant, arms raised in triumph he stated, "We stormed the Capitol, it's Insane." and declared himself "amongst the first dozen patriots" who "literally made history just now".

Here's the story of the Underwear Hurricane!
The man authorities came to blame!
For something he had done!
But, as the official spokesmodel of the criminals, besides grifting for money, he's also taken to bemoaning that he and his fellow criminals are facing justice while pushing ridiculous lies about other Jan6th Insurrectionists.  So, Strand pushed the bogus claim about the convicted criminal Texas couple Mark and Jalise Middleton, who were convicted in Federal Court and sentenced and are now going to serve their sentence.

According to trial evidence and police body-worn camera footage, as the officers struggled with the group of rioters, a male individual, later identified as Mark Middleton, pushed against the barricades and the police line with his body. Officers are heard on body-worn camera footage repeatedly ordering Mark Middleton and others to “Get back!” In response, Mark Middleton is heard yelling “f— you!” as he continued to push against the police barricades. Evidence showed that Mark Middleton resisted MPD officers, grabbed onto an MPD officer’s left hand or wrist, and pulled the officer forward towards the crowd.

            At the same time, a female individual, later identified as Jalise Middleton, is seen on body-worn camera footage repeatedly grabbing and striking the same officer over the barricade with her hand. Another officer then approached to assist, and Jalise Middleton struck that officer as well. Video footage shows that the couple continued to grapple with and strike at the officers, and attempt to pull an officer into the crowd, as various flags were jabbed toward the officers’ faces.

            MPD officers later deployed a chemical spray, forcing the Middletons to retreat from the barricaded line. Both defendants later posted social media messages touting their key role in helping to breach the barricades by fighting officers and that they had only stopped due to pepper spray.

But, Strand posted this beautiful peaceful couple were in prayer and attacked from behind by the Police and are victims of Kamala Harris weaponization of the Department of Justice and thousands of replies on Elon Musk's Nazi Twitter pile on this miscarriage of justice and hope for the day when they can slaughter as many Democrats as possible.  Are the replies bots?  I don't know.  What matters is the lies Republicans tell themselves and their followers and the Fear & Anger rightwingers manifest in themselves as they believe and incestuously amplify their lies to each other.

This, by the way, explains the entire allure of senile traitor Trump.  MAGA zealots see him stride through American society like a colossus, flouting all conventions, actively ignoring Laws, getting away with massive scams and schemes which would land any of them into jail, all the while the Corporate Media kowtows and fawns over his every word, deed, and action.  Trump takes what he wants, does what he wants, shits on those who displease him, encourages hatred and death upon those who oppose him.  This is what they want to be and by latching onto him they gain some small portion of that invulnerability. 

So, as the Trump train reaches its' final stop this November 5th there are going to be a lot of desperate, financially and legally strapped people, with few options, and less hope.  Those are the sort of people who can be induced to act out.  They did so on January 6th, 2021 and when Trump calls on them to do it again...  well I don't know what's going to happen and while I doubt there will be any large-scale violence,  Republicans are going to do something.  Be prepared and don't be caught unawares.  If you can be brave do so but, protect yourself and your loved ones and be ready to defend America from another Republican led attack on Freedom and Democracy.

Yankees - Dodgers World Series: Can we finally put to rest the bullshit Moneyball theory of baseball?

 Among all of the major sports, Baseball has resisted the idea that Superstars are not only a sufficient condition but, also a necessary condition to win a Championship.  We've been assured throughout our childhoods that how you play the game is the most important aspect and that a scrappy team of fighters can overcome the obstacles and win.  This is so much nonsense.

Moneyball caught everyone's attention, mainly when the Brad Pitt led film came out in 2010 but, also with the book in 2002.  And all the Sports Nerds who asserted that professional scouts, and baseball managers and general managers didn't know the game at a deep fundamental level were ignoring the Holy Algorithm first established by Bill James, and then expanded refined, reinvented by PECOTA, Sabermetrics, Wins Over Replacement, or On-Base+Slugging Plus or any of the cutesy, new fangled statistics and statical measurements which many people claim are the true measure of the player and of the game.

Well, it's all crap.  And it's always been crap.  You need Superstars to win in Baseball, and superstars cost money.  Look at these rosters for Dodgers and Yankees.  Aaron Judge and Juan Soto?  Shohei Otani and Freddie Freeman?  These teams aren't comprised of plucky, grit and gristle, hustle players but, with players who cost more by themselves than many other teams rosters.

This list of the Team salaries for 2024, shows the top 6 highest payrolls made the Playoffs and #2 and #5 made the World Series.  You can go back to 2011 and find this pattern every time, the highest payrolls make the Playoffs and one of them wins.  But, you might point out other teams with lower payrolls also made the playoffs; and yes some teams get there and get bounced and then their best players are cannibalized by the Dodgers or Yankees. 

What's the last team you can think of built not bought to make and win the World Series;  the Kansas City Royals of 2014 and 2015?  That team hit with players on the rookie deals who panned out and since then when those players left (for Big Contracts) the Royals haven't sniffed the Playoffs until this year with a new crop of players on rookie contracts playing well.

And that Moneyball team in 2010 movie didn't win because of David Justice or Scott Hatteberg even though those players performed well enough, or because of Billy Beane's savvy mathematical wizardry.  They had Miguel Tejada (131 RBI), Barry Zito (23wins), Jermaine Dye, and a young Eric Chavez.  None of whom were even mentioned once in the movie.

But, nobody wants to admit that money is more important in this game than the vaunted Sabermetrics and even more important than old head baseball man Ken Hawk Harrelson's "TWTW" The Will to Win...  because then everyone would understand that as long as there are rich teams and poor teams, the rich are going to dominant the Playoffs and World Series and undercut the Hollywood fantasy of a Bad News Bears scruffy team of misfits catching lightning in a bottle and banding together to win it all, and all the LIES and PROPAGANDA sold to the GenX and Millennial kids about the True Champions winning.

This guy wants to tell me we're living in a community. 
Don't make me laugh. I'm living in America,
and in America, you're on your own. 
America's not a country.
It's just a business. 
Now fucking pay me.

So enjoy this Dodgers/Yankees World Series with big name players but, don't fool yourself into believing anyone can build a team and win because it's like everything in America, as Brad Pitt (playing Billy Beane) said about America in Killing them Softly the Official/Unofficial sequel to Moneyball...

Monday, October 21, 2024

Tim Sheehy, Bernie Moreno, Eric Hovde, and all the Phony Men running to be Republican Senators

The race for United States Senate was considered disadvantageous for the Democratic Party until Kamala Harris and Tim Walz took over at the top of ticket.  Even now it's a toss-up at best.  And then you look at the the men the Republican Party put forth in so many states and you wonder why it's a toss-up. 

Having that Scarlet R absolves every one of these loser candidates of the need to have principles, or morals, or ethics, or values, little alone coherent policy ideas.

In Montana, Tim Sheehy has been lying outrageously about a bullet wound claiming it was from service in Afghanistan when it fact the loser weirdo shot himself while in Glacier National Park, most likely while drunk and playing around with a firearm.  Just despicable but, IOKIYAR.

In interviews with the Washington Post, the Glacier National Park Ranger shared his report and account of the events involving Tim Sheehy negligently discharging a firearm resulting in Sheehy shooting himself only later to invent a total bullshit story of being shot in Afghanistan but covering it up for fear his superiors would find out about it and someone would be reprimanded.  Just utterly outrageous to claim a combat wound (even if a ND friendly fire incident) to deny the truth he shot himself "accidentally". 

Last spring, Peach shared his account of ticketing Sheehy $525 for discharging a weapon in Glacier National Park in October of 2015 with The Washington Post — an account that was backed up by U.S. District Court and national park documents from the incident. The Post allowed him to speak on the condition of anonymity at the time because he feared political retaliation. But Laura Loomer and other conservative pundits quickly shared his identity online after the story published, leading to harassment, Peach said.

But in April, Sheehy told The Post that he sought medical attention that day because he fell during a hike and feared he had dislodged a bullet in his arm from Afghanistan that he had never reported to his superiors, for fear of sparking an investigation into its origins. He said hospital staff reported the gunshot wound to the local authorities, even though it was not fresh. Then, Sheehy said, he lied to Peach when the ranger came to investigate and said he had accidentally shot himself to avoid potentially triggering a military investigation into his former unit. 

In Texas,well-known closet case Ted Cruz was absolutely annihilated during a debate with Colin Allred.  Cruz's long history of being a creepy off-putting weirdo is well known as is his abject cowardice and treason.

In Ohio, Bernie Moreno is running on the hopes that white women over 50 will bow down and subject younger women to draconian Republican plans on Abortion because those women over 50 don't need them anymore.  So come home to daddy little ladies.

In my beloved Wisconsin, a Californian money launder for the Mexican Drug cartels, who lives in an Orange County Mansion by the sea believed by simply growing a bushy Tom Selleck mustache he'd able to unseat longtime Senator Tammy Baldwin

In Missouri, that infamous Coward Josh Hawley has been repeatedly destroyed by Lucas Kunce in debates, in a staged confrontation at a Missouri State Fair, and at every appearance.

Yet, each of these cowardly weirdo Phonies has a good chance at being returned to the US Senate for another 6 years.  The question; Why? has been the topic of discussion and the over-arching political question for the last 50 years.

The answer is actually simple;  Republicans tell comforting lies to white men to get them to vote for Republicans.  Republicans have spent the last 50 years crafting, refining, and honing this phony narrative.

I often write Republicans hate America, and it's absolutely true but, I also tag posts with a Republicans have nothing to offer the American people and that's not true.  What's more correct to declare is Republicans have nothing concrete to offer Americans.  No policies, no platforms.  But, they do have something to offer Fear & Anger.  Republicans entire platform is nothing more than what the Corporate Media calls "cultural issues", and from Republicans these are always, always, always lies.  Republicans for decades invent some false story, use that story to rile up their followers, and then ride the waves of anger and fear back into office.  Afterwards. Republicans do what they always do in office, eliminate safety regulations, cut taxes on Billionaires, further impoverish working class Americans, attempt to slash the social safety net, and slowly chip away at the American Dream.

Because that is the goal of each and every single Republicans in the Federal Government;  ending the American Dream and destroying the Untied States of America to replace it with a Fascist Dystopia. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Don't be caught unawares; the Elon Musk led Department of Government Executioners (DOGE) Corps will come for you

“I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within.  We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they’re the big — and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen.” 

Musk knows he who controls
the Media controls the Law
Rightwing political science, as it were, these days is to invent some grand lie or some racist false story to get mad about, repeat those false stories to each other, and then get mad.  Fear & Anger thus rule every waking moment of the Republican mind.  Listen to Trump's rhetoric these last few months as it became clear he won't win the 2024 election.

And let's be clear,  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are going to win the 2024 election.  Then Traitor Trump and his cabal of Republican criminals are going to try and steal it.  

But, in the run up to his defeat Trump is now engaged in straight Nazi Rhetoric at every rally he's able to attend, though his flagging energy, weakness, and blatant senility are now an open secret amongst the Corporate Media and Republicans.  Traitor Trump is also in the phase of promising everything to everyone knowing if he can just get back into office he can simply fail to deliver while proclaiming greatness and the US Political Press will cover for him non-stop.

I can't make an accurate prediction of what's going to happen after Trump loses but, be prepared.  I doubt any group of Republicans have the gall or courage to openly declare a Civil War;  they'll invent lies about election fraud to get angry about, seek and engage in bureaucratic delaying tactics, and invoke all manner of byzantine undemocratic claims to try and get someone else (ultimately probably the Supreme Court) to seize power but, most likely conservatives won't attempt widespread violence.

There might be pockets of violence, similar to the Bundy Insurrections and yes psychotic madman Mike Flynn is repeatedly calling for violence from his Sarasota bunker in Florida, threatening the "Gates of Hell" and he can probably call upon several hundred brain-washed partisans to conduct a rightwing domestic terrorist campaign but, eventually we will settle into the same pattern we've seen Republicans do after 2008, 2012, and 2020 engage in all manner of lies and Faux News supported propaganda efforts to undermine a Democratic Administration and to tire out the American people while fracturing the slender institutional guard rails keeping the Untied States from descending into the preferred Republican Fascist States of America.
You can take the Apartheid out of South Africa
But, then bigoted South African racists come to
America and team up w/ senile treasonous Fascists

But, if Trump is to win or "win" his way back into the White House we can expect a rising tide of State-sponsored and State-supported domestic terror campaign.  This will be accomplished slowly, at least at first, as Trump and the Republicans enjoy a period of breathing room, or Lebensraum if you prefer, to enact the first stages of Project 2025.

At the beginning sure, a few more women will die of treatable pregnancy complications, of course assorted Trans people will be killed and the Police will do nothing more than a cursory investigation, tangentially a few more blacks will be gunned down and die near Police from a bullet induced "excited delirium" or hopped up with (legal) cannabis in their system, a few more Lone Wolf rightwing gunmen will go on shooting sprees, some Central American immigrants will be separated from their children and be deported back to Mexico, some overly privileged college students will lose their scholarships, some elitist College Presidents will be fired, some Generals sacked, and some service members will be court-martialed for not following the shoot on sight order against "Dissidents".  But, for the vast, vast majority of white America things under a Donald Trump Regime will go on pretty much the same.

Republicans looked from Elon to Trump and
Trump to Elon and from Elon to Trump again
and it was impossible to say which was which.
Already we see how conservatives rush onto Twitter to pushback in a coordinated way against any news story critical of traitor Trump.  Now, imagine Musk's Nazi Bot Army weaponized via Department of Justice money and power to employ professional Doxxers, on-line smear merchants, buttressed by legions of Russian troll accounts to stifle dissent and frighten the American people into acquiesce of the new world Trump Fascist order. This social media and internet battlefield will be the key space in controlling the battlefield.  And white people are all ready predisposed to accept rightwing framing of every issue and when they are largely unaffected by Trump's domestic terrorism will conclude the Dems are being hysterical and the media is lying to them about those people that are supposedly suffering because other media tells them nothing bad is happening.

The digital battlefield has been written about for years but what Republicans have done is clear away all impediments and open their flock up to accept any piece of propaganda while entrusting them to fight (and die) to defend that propaganda at all costs.  There will still be on the ground rightwing terrorists, including in elected office, like Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski in Portage County who wanted addresses of residents with Harris/Walz signs willing to engage in classic East German Stasi techniques of terror and intimidation but, the digital model of the Musk Auskunftspersonen, will ruthlessly and semi-anonymously provide the Trump Secret Police with the information and data they need to round-up and disappear anyone threatening the MAGA Fascist Utopia.

But, fascinatingly grotesquely, I think many in the Republican Party are already planning and positioning themselves to take on the Trump Mantle.  I don't think any Republican believes Trump will make it through 4 more years.  Look at him, his rally schedule has him exhausted and there won't be enough adderral and Diet Coke in the country to keep him awake and active if he's President again, even though we all know Trump did nothing in the White House other than sleep til noon, play golf, watch Faux News, embarrass the Nation worldwide, and yearn to be the next Hitler.

Obviously, Peter Thiel believed Trump is going to die soon, which is why he positioned his thrall Just Dishonorable Vance to seize power and be his Cat's Paw in remaking the Nation into a Saudi style Billionaire Paradise.  But, Elon Musk in his meetings with traitor Trump has obviously come to the same conclusion.  Musk is a creepy weirdo, ketamine-addict but in his meetings with senile DonOld he's probably come to the conclusion that Trump isn't going to survive his Presidency and Musk has positioned himself as the next real power in the United States.  With his multiple Government subsides propping up his companies and with his Trump created position as Head of the Department of Government Efficiency Executioners (D.O.G.E.), Musk will be positioned to unleash his Digital Nazi Army on anyone who resists him. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Jupiter Florida shows the Biden Economy is good and MAGA is rife with Neo-Nazis

Famous Jupiter Lighthouse w/o Nazis
(My photo November 2023)
The US Economy under President Biden is soaring but, for the past few years Americans have claimed the economy is hurting them and things are terrible.

Why is there a disconnect?

Well, mainly due to rightwingers actively accepting Trump's lies and the Corporate Media has made this a topic via their non-stop lying about the economy.  Republicans have finally fully embraced subjectivity as a moral/political philosophy.  There is no truth outside the truth of whatever best suits the Republicans today.  Thus, the economy is bad when it isn't and Trump's insane 200% Tariffs are good even though it would obliterate the US Economy and send us into a Depression.

Of course, senile traitor Trump was always going to claim Inflation is out of control and the economy is wrecked and we are the verge of a 1929 Depression blah blah blah.  Of course, anytime Faux News is forced to report on the actual numbers of the thriving economy under President Biden, senile traitor Trump gets angry and blasts off one of his ranting racist missives on Truth Social. But, understand if traitor Trump somehow regains control of the US Government, MAGA will immediately declare the Economy the Greatest of All Time... Again.  It's crucial to understand that even as Trump crashed the Nation in 2020, Republicans pretend he didn't and repeatedly assert to their brain-washed followers that everything was the Best of All Time and the greatest ever and perfect under Trump because reality is an illusion and all that matters is getting that Propaganda out there and winning the day.

Thus, Trump and the Republicans;
  • Take all the credit for things they did not do
  • Pass all the blame for the things they did do
  • Proclaim themselves the Greatest of All Time
Last week, in Jupiter, Florida, Lara and Eric Trump threw another Boat Parade.  If you know anything about Jupiter Florida, then you know the houses on the causeway run into the 8 figure range.  And condos anywhere start in the million dollar range.  Michael Jordan has a $35,000,000 dollar mansion in Jupiter.  Jupiter is also where Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, got a massage hand-job and the only person to suffer because of it was the Asian immigrant who was arrested.

And if you own a boat, you're not struggling financially.  No matter what you might claim and have a overly credulous Corporate Media dutifully report.  But, of course, during this MAGA Boat Parade, Neo-Nazis joined in because The Fash, absolutely adores Trump, feels incredibly confident in his ability to steal into the White House, and is comfortable being out in the open because Trump and Project 2025 will grant them the ability to accomplish many of their terrorist dreams.

The problem is the Corporate Media is unwilling to admit the people who are claiming the economy is terrible are well-to-do or actually very rich.  And all the claims abut the price of eggs and milk or the cost of gas are lies being told by willing rightwingers who know that what they want to be true is true and there are no experts anymore and expertise and accreditation are the true liars trying to undermine their perceived truth and received wisdom.  MAGA loves being lied to by Trump because he tells them the things they want to be true are true and he gives them the latitude and permission to be their worst selves.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Get Ready for the Ugliest October Surprise in American History as Republicans smear Tim Walz

You may have thought multiple bigoted white male Republicans calling Vice President Kamala Harris a
DEI candidate was the lowest point of the campaign.  Or making constant oral sex jokes was too tawdry and unbefitting the Republican Party. 

You may have thought claiming multiple times including during both television debates that Haitian migrants, here legally, were eating peoples' cats and dogs was the lowest most disreputable racist attack since the infamous Willie Horton ad.

You may have thought smearing Tim Walz with the claim of Stolen Valor, from the cowardly Republican Party comprised of Vietnam Era Chickenhawks and Global War on Terror Rear-Echelon Mother Fucker Warmongers was just about as dishonorable as anyone could get.

You may have thought desecrating Arlington National Cemetery and belittling Medal of Honor recipients was just about the most disgraceful act anyone wanting to be President could do.

Or you may have believed all those years Republicans pushed lies about the Hunter Biden Laptop, and the Biden crime Family lies, or claimed Russian agent Tara Reade was telling the truth about President Biden assaulting her were just politics. 

You may have believed Republicans couldn't get any uglier or more heinous in their pursuit of Power.  Well, you'd have been wrong.

All those years of #QAnon claims.  All those years of attacking Teachers.  All those years of claiming anyone who fights for or defends LGBTQ persons are secret pedophiles.  All those years of attacks have culminated in the ultimate Kill Shot.  Via Elon Muck's Swasitka ✠ Twitter, Republicans have released a claim that Tim Walz molested 3 young boys while he was a teacher.  The account leading this charge is the infamous troll "Black Insurrectionist", famous for lying about an ABC whistleblower.

You can look up the account and read his despicable lies if you'd like.  I won't link it.  Fortunately, there appear to be a major Twitter accounts FordNews and Agent Self FBI which have debunked and demonstrated the so-called Black Insurrectionist is lying and fabricating.  Additional, debunking has been done by Will Sommer, and on Reddit (of all places), and the young student Todd Almond, who the Walz's took to the Indigo Girls concert in 1995 who far from being a "victim" has written about his friendship with Tim and Gwen.  There's a lot speculation this was written by "Black Insurrectionist" himself and that he may be infamous Trump Troll Jacob Wohl but...

But, it doesn't matter how often the truth is demonstrated or how many times Republican lies are disproven.  Republicans have adopted pure subjectivity.  The goal isn't to have this end the Harris /Walz campaign it's another vile lie Republicans will use in their multi-pronged assault on the election.  Every avenue of attack is designed to peel a few voters away here and shave a few votes off there until its' close enough for this state or that Republican Governor to steal or get the whole thing into a morass requiring the Supremacist Court (or Republican controlled State Legislatures) to declare Trump the winner.

In Republicans eyes, everything is lined up perfectly.  Republicans know if they can steal this Election, they can Steal America.  Project 2025 will just be the start of the dismantling of the Untied States of America and its' replacement with a Fascist Fundamentalist Ethonstate built upon the twin pillars of White Power and perpetual corporate bondage.

Of course, Republicans would love if the Mainstream Media picked this up they way they always do with a Republican Propaganda Campaign.  But, even if the Media doesn't run with these vile allegations, the goal is to undermine the very concept of truth and lies.  And to ease the Nation into the grasp of Billionaires and Republicans Fascists, who once ensconced will never cede power and will usher in the Totalitarian Dream Republicans have sought for decades.

Mankind has been in this position before;  Hannah Ardent warned about the conclusion from what the last 50 years of Republican Agitprop and campaign to destroy truth, facts, honesty, expertise were designed to accomplish;

What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Stealing My Valor - the incredible pettiness and shamelessness of Trump's Core Supporters

Clown to the Left of Me
My home is bracketed by two rich recently retired old white men and their dutiful wives.  Now, everyone on my block knows I'm a Police Officer without me telling them.  So, it came as a massive surprise to them when in 2016, I didn't support the racist rapist senile criminal traitor for the White House.

So, when I got my VoteVets for Harris/Walz sign for my front yard, they each responded with a Trump/Vance sign!  And since then every week they've added a new Trump sign and now each has 5 signs in his yard including the pictured Law Enforcement and Veterans for Trump signs.

Now, here's the thing neither of these two are law enforcement and neither are Veterans.  Yet they have no compunction in placing those signs in their yards.  I really want to troll them and get a Blacks for Trump sign and put it up next to theirs...  but, it's quite possible they might add that one themselves.
Joker to the Right

Of all the most pathetic displays of servile obsequiousness by Trump supporters, the flood of signage and flags festooning their mansions and massive $100K coal-rolling trucks has to be most pathetic. 

Remember, Trump's MAGA core strongest component are the well-to-do American Boyars.  These types comprised the core Jan6th supporters, like these two rich sons of the Northbrook based Kulas Maids, wearing their most chic Burberry attire to the riot. 

Veterans, of course, recognize Trump for what he is and voted against him in 2020.  Of course, Trump lies constantly and claims Veterans and active-duty Service Members support him.  Traitor Trump is a boorish asshole who's never cared about anyone other than himself and views every interaction in terms of how he can get the "best deal" for himself by whatever means it's been no surprise to see Trump repeatedly shit and spit on Veterans, their families, and military service members.  Trump also routinely exploits peoples' grief and trauma, as seen in his despicable desecration of Arlington National Cemetery and the rampant lies and falsehoods he's sowing around FEMA and the Hurricane relief. 

Now, Cops are a different matter entirely.  I'm probably one of the furthest left Officers I've ever encountered in almost 20 years and I've encountered some outright fascist wannabes.  And of course there's segment of "Law Enforcement" who yearn to be unleashed in the same way MAGA fantasizes about getting Trump in the White House so they can visit all manners of evils on the people.

And that's the entire key to Trump's charisma and his cult;  Trump says all manner of evil lies as a way to give his most hateful the permission structure they are going to need to do the evil things they want to do.

But, one of the reasons I don't believe there will be any large scale uprising; despite the dreams of paid Putin operative Tim Poole, is what would these two old turds would be willing to do?  Certainly, in this age of rightwing stochastic terrorism you can never guess when one registered Republican will conduct a terrorist attack on America but, battalion-sized or higher concentrations of conservative traitors?  Led by that coward Josh Hawley in Missouri?  Or Tom Cotton?  Or even Mike Flynn at his traitorous compound in Sarasota, Florida?  I'm doubtful.

Tom Filipkowski points out what a sham all these 'This or That Group for Trump' stunts are:

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Suddenly, the Corporate Media doesn't care about: Age of the Candidate, Hacked Emails, or the Economy

In MAGA America, Putin kills You 
or the drop in Immigration...

or the drop in fentanyl-related overdoses...

or any of the things the Corporate Media claimed were the most important issues facing the President and going to be the most important issue facing the American people in the voting booth.

Opioid-related overdose deaths have been rising as for decades, especially once dastardly pharmaceutical companies and drug pushing families got hold of political influence in marketing oxycontin to rural America.

Only the rise in gun violence related deaths (especially amongst children) have kept pace. Yet, for the first time since the National Institute for Health began tracking overdose deaths dropped in 2023.   This was overseen by President Biden and Vice President Harris so the perfidious Corporate Media won't cover it because they are spitting mad at Kamala Harris for correctly spurning their odious "reporting" and going onto alternative media channels, like Howard Stern, Call Her Daddy podcast, or The View.

'Why this is Bad News for President Harris' 

Additionally, The Dow Jones has broken records and is over 40,000.  Now, the universal caveat by thoughtful and working class people is the Stock Market isn't the economy and thus is not an indicator of the health of the financial Nation.  But, that has never, ever been the standard adopted by the Corporate Media who trumpeted every Republican false proclamation of how great the economy is under Republicans and regurgitated every Republican lie about how bad the economy is under a Democratic administration.  If this was the economy under Trump the race for President would be declared over.  Of course, other economic indicators and metrics, such as job growth and inflation, also highlight how good the Biden/Harris administration is and has been for the Nation, yet the Corporate Media not only doesn't report this it reports that the economy is terrible. 

But, the things that most illustrate how much in the bag the fucking grotesque media is for their Beloved Leader Trump is the Age and Hacked Emails scandals.

Trump has dissolved into syphilitic senility and increasingly is a rambling incoherent sloppy mess during his fascist rallies yet, the Corporate Media has yet to call for him to step aside, nor spent half their reporting day talking about how old and unfit racist traitor Trump is for office.  But, as of July 21st 2024, the age of the candidate for Presidency no longer became an issue and any verbal mistakes or cognitive errors or ridiculous statements became unimportant.

Similarly, the Corporate Media now no longer cares about hacked emails.  Of course, the political press claims they've decided for the good of the Nation they must not, they can not produce these emails that were so unlawfully purloined!!!  What's amazing is the FTFNYT spent months promoting every single Hillary Clinton related email released and put the issue on the front page daily as the election neared.  But, now Elon Muck and his Nazi Twitter are working in coordination with the Trump campaign to suspend anyone who releases the Trump emails.  This would seem to be the biggest scandal in Political interference with Freedom of the Press and the 1st Amendment yet the Corporate Media is always willing to produce a minor news story and move on when it affects Trump.

Let's also not overlook how little coverage the rightwing liars who claimed to have definitive proof of a stolen 2020 election has received;  even as those Trump loving liars flee to Dubai to avoid court depositions, or face fines from Judges for claiming to have all sorts of evidence and eyewitnesses to the 2020 election, or go to jail for committing Election Fraud themselves by giving data to other Trump loving liars.  These would all seem to be very important and pertinent News Stories as we are about to reach Election Day in 2024.  Yet, 

So, look we can not place any trust in the Corporate Media.  Joe Biden saw this while he was Vice President under Barack Obama as the Media continually pushed Republican lies, acted as though the Tea Party was a 3rd political party in America, gave undo focus to bad faith disingenuous rightwing complaints.  Now, Vice President Kamala Harris has seen first-hand how the Media turned on President Biden over the withdrawal from Afghanistan and decided to punish him non-stop for the next 3 years by promoting Republican lies.

The Republicans spent the last 50 years "working the refs" and brow-beating the Media into always framing every issue from the Republican perspective.  We can address this after we defeat the Fascists in 2024.  Maybe... But, better than that we should continue to freeze out the courtier class of Washington political pundits who have conferred upon themselves unearned titles and go onto these alternate media outlets that are more in line with the Millennial and Zoomer tastes.

So, keep helping Kamala Harris Get Out the Vote and get ready for Republicans to attempt to overthrow the Nation when Harris and Walz win this election in a blowout.

Friday, October 11, 2024

The perfidious Corporate Media, treasonous Republicans, and Billionaire Morlocks have a Dream of destroying and consuming America

If you want a picture of the future, imagine these
"human" faces stamping on you - forever.
In H.G. Wells,  Time Machine (1895) humanity diverges into two; the above ground Eloi and below ground Morlocks, who husband the Eloi like cattle.  Republicans and their Billionaire backers are already Morlocks and have already passed laws to enslave Americans in numerous states and are more than willing to sacrifice Us and even their own followers, as they seek to achieve the Ultimate Goal of the Republican Party:  The Complete Destruction of the United States of America.

When Covid denialism and anti-vaxx lies took hold in America and Republicans were more than willing to die and were happy to let their so-called loved ones die alone in hospital beds hooked up to ventilators in fear and terror as their bodies failed I was saddened we'd reached the point were MAGA Cultists were willing to die rather than believe experts, reality, and truth.  We've now reached the point when Republicans cultists are eager and ready to kill Us to deny reality and replace it with their own feelings of hatred and anger.

The Republican response to their recalcitrant denialism and blatant disregard towards the Climate Crisis is playing out exactly as you expect;  Republicans are blaming Democrats, scapegoating Immigrants, and declining to properly ascribe the causes of the devastating hurricanes to climate change.  And it's only going to get worse and more monstrous as the effects continue to batter the Nation.  And once insurance markets collapse, Billionaires have safely rendered their ill-gotten assets from being touched, and Republicans continue to loosen regulations and allow direct pollution and indirect pollution to poison the planet they will simply shrug and tell people, 'Too bad'.  

Republicans and Billionaires absolutely want to destroy the American Dream and crush working Americans into Penury and Servitude.  Now, Republicans used to not admit this but, over and over and over Republicans and their Billionaire backers talk wistfully about slashing the Social Safety Net and eliminating Obamacare, even while Just Dishonorable Vance credits traitor Trump with saving Obamacare and getting his dear Ole MeeMaw healthcare coverage.

Thom Hartmann, one of the best and longest standing left media commentators to accurately describe the rapacious Republican Party, lays out exactly what the Republican American Dream is:

When Republicans — particularly billionaires and multimillionaires like Trump and Vance — invoke the American Dream, they largely ignore the middle class. Instead, that phrase to them means the ability to:
— Get rich beyond the dreams of King Midas 
— Own multiple mansions from Florida to Colorado to Switzerland (and Trump added Venezuela on his Monday night call with Musk)  
— Cavort with nubile young women and investment bankers on your very own superyacht or Lolita Express private jet  
— Have private concierge doctors and nurses on call at all times  
— Employ private security to guard your mansions and wield weapons of war to keep them safe from the masses 
— Buy judges for the Supreme Court to get decisions that make your life easier  
— Legally bribe judges and politicians at every level from the county commissioners to Congress and the president, and 
— Avoid paying taxes so successfully that the average American billionaire today pays less than 8 percent in income taxes.

Billionaires want to set themselves up as an American Nobility but, primarily they want Republicans to impoverish you and leave you starving, because the starving hungry man will do as he is told. The starving family will take all work offered with very little pushback or complaint.  The desperate are pliable to the whims and dictates of the 1%.

Republicans want you poor, starving and desperate because then they can enslave you.  And Billionaires believe they have acquired enough wealthy, status, and power to insulate themselves from anyone who might try and rise up against them; while also being assured that MAGA conservatives would relish an opportunity to engage in an euphemistic "One Rough Hour" against their perceived enemies.

Trump = Make America Nazi Germany Again
But, yet again the Corporate Media is loathe to call out Trump's Straight Nazi Rhetoric.  The way the Corporate Media framed traitor Trump's eugenicist call for a Final Solution for Immigrants in America is nothing less than a shocking dereliction of duty and a clear reminder the Media's goal is to help their Beloved Trump back into the White House.

Meanwhile, Trump is broadcasting vile non-stop lies about Hurricane relief efforts in North Carolina and, the Corporate Media is tentatively waiting to see if the rightwing propaganda about Hurricanes gets purchase so they can help Republicans spread their lies and win elections... like they always do. 

This is the last month before Election Day; do everything you can, send post-cards, phone bank, knock on doors, talk to friends and family and GOTV because the Morlocks are waiting and they won't be satisfied or satiated by rounding up and liquidating migrants, they want to destroy millions, and return America to the Greatness of the Colonial Era when rich white men owned everything and the majority of the people in these United States were little more than chattel.