As Hurricane Sandy demolishes the East Coast of the United States, Mitt Romney is helping out... in Ohio hundreds of miles away from the nearest damage. Perhaps Mitt Romney thinks Ohio is The Ocean State just like Syria is Iran's Path to the Sea?
Mitt Romney's heart is with his money in the Cayman Islands. So you would think he would understand Hurricane relief efforts.
But, Mitt Romney is first and foremost a Vulture Capitalist, as such any disaster is an opportunity for Romney to suck the life's blood from wounded and hurt Americans.
Of course, Mitt Romney doesn't care about those Americans injured by Hurricane Sandy either. Why they're just those lazy American Moochers who think they're entitled to Government protection,
In Mitt Romney's America if you don't have money he'll set you adrift to die on some flotsam and jetsam.
Mitt Romney refused to answer when he was asked 14 times whether he would eliminate FEMA. Because Romney can't let the battered conservative voters know he plans to sell them into slavery to Bain Capital, Halliburton and China
Mitt Romney's heart is with his money in the Cayman Islands. So you would think he would understand Hurricane relief efforts.
But, Mitt Romney is first and foremost a Vulture Capitalist, as such any disaster is an opportunity for Romney to suck the life's blood from wounded and hurt Americans.
"And so my job is not to worry about those people- I'll never convince them to take personal responsibility and care for their lives.""President" Mitt Romney would eliminate FEMA and Federal Disaster relief would be handled by the Private Sector.
"We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids. It is simply immoral, in my view, for us to continue to rack up larger and larger debts and pass them on to our kids, knowing full well that we’ll all be dead and gone before it’s paid off. It makes no sense at all.”
Meaning Without Money you're on your own Honey. It's Mitt declaring 'Let FEMA go bankrupt'... Under Vulture Romney the Country can not afford to help Americans and parts of the United States devastated by Natural Disasters. That money is earmarked for Plutocrats Cayman Island Bank Accounts.
Mitt Romney's idea on Disaster Relief are in line with his Vulture career at Bain Capital and his ideas on Healthcare,
Mitt Romney's idea on Disaster Relief are in line with his Vulture career at Bain Capital and his ideas on Healthcare,
If You were Wealthy You'd Be Healthy. Vulture Mitt has the smooth misunderstanding of Health Insurance that comes from being born a child of privilege never having to worry if he or his family members got sick or injured, had their job outsourced by Bain Capital, lost their coverage or had their foot run over by one of the many illegals mowing Mitt Romney's palatial estate.“It seems to me like children and people with preexisting conditions should be covered,” Jay Leno noted in an interview with Romney in March 2012.“People with preexisting conditions — as long as they’ve been insured before, they’re going to continue to have insurance,” Vulture Mitt explained.“Suppose they were never insured?” Leno asked.“Well, if they’re 45 years old, and they show up, and they say, I want insurance, because I’ve got a heart disease, it’s like, `Hey guys, we can’t play the game like that. You’ve got to get insurance when you’re well, and if you get ill, then you’re going to be covered,’” Romney replied.“I know guys that work in the auto industry and they’re just not covered because they work in brake dust,” Leno pressed. “And then they get to be 30, 35, and were never able to get insurance before. Now they have it. That seems like a good thing.”
Of course, Mitt Romney doesn't care about those Americans injured by Hurricane Sandy either. Why they're just those lazy American Moochers who think they're entitled to Government protection,
"All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them."
Mitt Romney refused to answer when he was asked 14 times whether he would eliminate FEMA. Because Romney can't let the battered conservative voters know he plans to sell them into slavery to Bain Capital, Halliburton and China