Saturday, August 31, 2024

The J.D. Vance Project 2025 Housing Plan: Mass Arrests and the Elimination of 20,000,000 people

"I think it's interesting that people focus on, well, how do you deport 18 million people? Let's start with 1 million.  And then we can go from there," Just Dishonorable Vance said.

Lost in the whirlwind of the last months in the 2024 election cycle is the Monstrous Republican Plan to round-up 20,000,000 people and eliminate them.

Now, read very carefully.  Yes, I'm sure you've heard Republicans claim this is just going to be a deportation program for "illegals" and is going to be very legal with absolutely no evil intent.  Well, that's just malarkey or more directly complete and utter horse shit.

Republicans are Fascists.  One tenet of fascism is you issue orders;  a Fascist like Couch Fucker Vance or ugly weirdo Trump, issues the immoral, impossible, or insane dictates, then leaves it bureaucratic state to implement them.  They know people who believe in service or government or law&order will try and figure out how best to make this "lawful" order happen despite all the logistic difficulties, moral quandaries, and illegal gray areas.  This is precisely what happened in Iraq and Poland, during the illegal torture program Bush and Cheney dictated, which Don Rumsfeld ordered, and John Yoo sanitized, and Naval Lawyer Ron DeSantis vigorously defended.  They relied on regular CIA agents and normal everyday people to carry out the actual acts of torture without specifying how and thus the upper levels of the Bush Regime got away with their War Crimes.

Project 2025 Housing/Deportation Plan
And make no mistake, the mere act of ordering Law Enforcement to round-up millions of people is going a monstrous crime and rend the Nation apart.  I think when local Police forces collapse under the strain of such unlawful commands, and (some) State Police Departments refuse to follow orders, that's when Project 2025 people are expecting there to be plenty of rightwing paramilitary volunteers whom they can deputize to go around pulling people out of restaurant kitchens, kicking in doors of homes in the middle of night and pulling them from their beds.

Stephen Miller euphemistically called the Concentration Camps he and the Republicans will set up "The Staging Grounds"...

And Vance hasn't just spoken about rounding-up and eliminating 20,000,000 once but over and over and over and over again.  But, the Corporate Media's job is never to push for policy details from the likes of Trump or Vance, it's to polish those turds and bothsides every issue while working tirelessly to tamp down Harris/Walz momentum.

“People always say, Well, isn't it really difficult logistically to get all these illegal immigrants out of the country? Well, first of all, the first thing you have to do is stop the bleeding,” Vance said. “The second thing is, okay, well, ‘now that we've gotten illegal immigration as close to zero as physically possible, what are you and President Trump going to do about the 20 million illegal aliens who are here?’ And I think of it, it's kind of like somebody asking me, ‘well, that's a really big sandwich. It's 10 times the size of your mouth. How are you possibly going to eat the whole thing?’”

J.D. Vance is about squared away as a Soup Sandwich.  That fucking fat fascist has attached himself to America's Hitler, the Shit Sandwich he and the Republicans want to feed the American people bite after bite after bite is nothing less than the destruction of the United States of America.

Addendum: I should add that Laws enacted by States, such as Illinois Legislature passing the Illinois Way Forward Act in 2021, to buttress smaller laws passed by Counties and Chicago to protect Immigrants would not stand in the Way of the Totalitarian Trump Secret Police rounding up and brutalizing hispanic peoples.  Although I don't know any self-respecting Sheriff or municipal Deputy Chief who is going to take orders fro Steve Bannon or Stephen Miller all got up in Fascist garb.


The Fucking New York Times is once again all on-board with Nazi proposals and has to make sure the BothSides BothSides BothSides BothSides narrative is the narrative of the Corporate Media.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Trump hates Veterans his despicable behavior and his crass staged stunt at Arlington Nation Cemetery won't be forgotten

 As much as Trump, his hadn't-picked toady Just Dishonorable Vance, and the Corporate Media want to give this traitor a pass for his evil actions at Arlington National Cemetery the story of Trump's continued disrespect and disgraceful treatment of Veterans isn't going to go away.

Very Somber!  Very Respectful!
Trump, like most Republicans, pisses on the memory of Veterans and sees them as nothing more than props to be shamelessly used and abused by Republicans. 

Trump latest claim is the family came to him, with tears in the eyes, and begged him Sir!  Sir, please take a photo with us!  Everyone was crying!

This photo??? with Trump's ill-fitting suit, ridiculous red tie, tiny hands and teeny thumbs up, and a corpse's rictus grin aping, clowning and trampling on the graves of people far better than he.

Vile MAGAts on Twitter (X) have taken to claiming the family invited him and that's all that matters.  Well, fuck that.  Other families with loved ones interned there didn't invite him nor did they acquiesce to ugly weird Trump using the bravery and valor of their loved ones for his political stunt.  But, remember MAGA is all Fuck Your Feelings.  So, stick your stiletto heels in that grave of the man next to your "loved one", thrust out your hip in a jaunty stance, and smile.  Thumbs Up!

Trump saw a perfect opportunity to get the Media to once again frame this as an attack on President Biden and soon-to-be President Harris.  Because that is precisely what Trump's team of dishonorable curs and criminals conspired to pull off with the family here.  

Traitor Trump staged a Fake Event knowing Faux News and rightwing liars would claim this was some *Official* Government event that President Biden and soon-to-be President Kamala Harris purposefully skipped when all along it was a deceitfully contrived and disgracefully handled campaign stunt.

I wrote a month ago this was going to get ugly and it has, Faux News, every rightwing propagandist, conservative social media, and the Legacy Media are all in on getting Traitor Trump back into office.  They will throw every lie, every piece of agitprop, every smear, every slander out in the hopes of one of their falsehoods will gain traction and be used to defeat Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Fortunately, it's not 2004 anymore the Swiftboating of Tim Walz didn't work, and this attempted Gotcha Biden! at Arlington National Cemetery didn't work because Trump violated all manner of norms, traditions, and laws while his thugs pushed a women around.

We're still waiting for that Video Steven Cheung promised would exonerate the Trump staffers who battered and abused the ANC Federal employee.

Trump's shockingly racist and sexist behavior, antics, statements, and despicable political stunts are disqualifying for the Office of President

 So, why hasn't he Corporate Media said so?


After his shockingly disparaging comments, which he's repeatedly several times, denigrating Medal of Honor recipients, Trump has upped his game and been engaged in numerous incidents which demonstrably demonstrate he is unfit for the Office of President.

Trump has engaged in shockingly sexist and racist comments at his rallies and interviews against future President Kamala Harris.  

Trump has invented shockingly racist and sexist and totally false claims about helicopter rides and meetings with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

Trump has engaged in shockingly puerile and juvenile insults mispronouncing the future President's first and last name. 

Trump has posted shockingly racist and sexist images directly on his "Truth Social" account against Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama.

Trump engaged in one of the most despicable political stunts at Arlington National Cemetery trampling over graves, pushing women around, aping and clowning over the dead bodies all in violation of Federal Law prohibiting using the ANC and markers as political props for his tawdry campaign.

Trump's and his gang of goons behavior at Arlington was so egregious and unconscionable the United States Army took the unprecedented step of rebuking their former Commander-in-Chief.  So... why hasn't the Corporate Media come out said Trump is not qualified for the Office of President?

This isn't even taking into account the crimes Trump committed before, during, and after his evil term in office.  Let alone the false promises about Infrastructure Week, or his "Big Beautiful Healthcare plan" which never materialized.  Or him destroying Roe, setting the Taliban up for success in Afghanistan, or taking credit for Presidents Biden and Obama accomplishments.  Nor does it cover the whole violation of his Oath of Office, after losing the Presidential Election in 2020 leading up to his attempt to overthrow the United States Government on January 6th.

So, I'm going to tell you why the Corporate Media won't declare Trump must step down, Trump can not be President, Trump's age disqualifies him, or Trump is wholly unfit for Office.  There are two reasons; one base and crass, and the other dangerous for the future of the Nation.

First and foremost, The Corporate Media wants Trump back in office.  They yearn for the chaotic ya never know what he's gonna do next!  The Showmanship!  The "funny" insults!  Oooooh, what a time that was!  The Corporate Media loves their Dear Leader DonOld Trump.

Second, and this is more serious, the Constitution, the system of "checks & balances", the guardrails, the norms and traditions, the majesty of the office, The Law, and the Corporate Media are institutionally not able to handle a committed conman like Trump.  The Founding Fathers, (PBUT), set up the government on the tacit understanding that those who would follow would be just like them, gentlemen farmers, educated, well-read, adhering to Enlightenment concepts and political philosophy.  The mechanism they created to handle a rogue actor (Impeachment) has an impossibly high bar because, they did not believe a faction of America would be wholly disingenuous and act in bad faith, and use their offices to destroy the very fabric of the Nation, which is exactly what Republicans are doing.

So... don't expect the bombshell Corporate Media October Surprise to knock Trump out.  Mind you, the Media is still searching for someway to hit Harris and Walz but, even Trump's despicable criminal desecration of Arlington National Cemetery isn't enough to get the Media to call for his immediate withdrawal.  

We, the People have to fight to overcome Trump Fascism and keep the MAGA Nazis out of power.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The United States Army rebukes Traitor Trump for his despicable desecration of Arlington National Cemetery (Btw, Veterans hate Trump)

The details surrounding Trump's despicable and slimy political stunt at Arlington National Cemetery continue to get worse and worse.

After having convinced this family to let him use their pain as a prop Trump was initially denied access to Section 60.  And that's when Speaker Mike Johnson intervened.  Johnson improperly used the power of his office to get Trump in and when ugly weirdo traitor Trump showed up he came heavy with a thuggish crew of criminals to trample on graves, push women around and film a shockingly tawdry campaign video literally using the Valor of braver people for a treasonous chicken hawk cowardly draft dodger bent upon destroying the United States and one who asserts it’s his right to trod upon every law up to and including the Constitution to achieve his fascist power grab.

It's no surprise that little weasel Speaker Johnson pressured Arlington to let Treasonous Trump in to film his grotesque and illegal campaign ad while clowning and stomping on grave sites to use the valor of others to help his viscerally evil campaign because Trump respects no laws, honors no traditions, and recognizes no constraints on his rapacious greed and ego.

Trump classless and unlawful behavior was so out-of-bounds, the United States Army took the unprecedented step of chiding and officially reprimanding the former Commander-in-Chief. To call Trump a disgrace is to give him too much credit.

Only despicable traitor Trump caused an incident at Arlington

Trump’s staff brutalized a dedicated Federal employee who after filing the incident report decided to not press the matter further because she is justly afraid Trump and his cadre of criminal traitors will sic his MAGA horde upon her.  And I guarantee you, once her report is released, Republicans are going to doxx her and she will get a string of death threats and abuse.  It should also not be lost that Trump posted this disgraceful and illegal video using ANC on Tik Tok after years of Republicans claiming the platform is  Chinese spyware.  Nor should anyone forget that in his latest Klan Rally Trump yet again insulted Medal of Honor recipients and claimed his Presidential Freedom medals are a greater honor.

But, you should read the psychotic cultish responses on Twitter (X).  The MAGA Fash defend everything Trump does without fail.  They are all over this incident being awesome.

Republicans shit all over Veterans all the time.  Again and again.  But, it's not the post-Vietnam military anymore.  These kids in now and the generation that just preceded them (to include myself) loathe Republicans and are way more progressive in their beliefs and views.

So MAGA is on for another rude shock on Election Day in November, Veterans and active duty service members are going to vote overwhelmingly for Harris and Walz and against traitor Trump.  When reality hits these Fascist wannabes and Trump loses again in 2024 I don't know how they will process the cognitive dissonance.  Violence is the most likely answer.  

So, keep pushing, we've got to defeat Trumpism and his fascist MAGA followers and we've got to be prepared for the violence they are sure to unleash.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Trump desecrated Arlington National Cemetery while his staff beat up an employee

 So... it seems quite clear the Corporate Media was gearing up to let Trump's disgraceful use of Arlington National Cemetery as his personal campaign photo op slide and just chalk it up to there was a minor controversy as Trump team clashed with an official... but We, the People aren't!

The caption at the bottom of the image reads:
President Donald Trump
Should Have Never Happened
Donald Trump has a fundamental disrespect for service members and Veterans.  Trump oozes with contempt for Veterans and Veterans know it.

While Trump was standing on the graves of better and braver people than him self, grinning his rictus grin, flashing his teeny thumbs up, literally clowning on top of hallowed (not "hollowed" as Chris LaCivita wrote) ground, his team was pushing an National monument employee around, assaulting them and probably knocking them to the ground.  And in this cemetery are Medal of Honor recipients whom Trump just a few days ago, repeatedly mocked and insulted.  And it's quite fucking clear that Trump planned on using footage from Arlington to advance his despicable campaign.

And now, Just Dishonorable Vance has decided to tell future President Kamala Harris to "go to hell" in a transparent effort to seem like a tough guy and to try to drag Harris into this issue so Trump and MAGA can get the Corporate Media to attack VicePresident Harris for them.

Here's the thing, J.D. Vance is a coward.  He never served in Afghanistan.  He chickened out of service there and did not re-enlist when his time came.  He's disgraced himself with this campaign and should be ashamed to call himself a Marine. 

But, Trump's treatment of Federal employees and his weirdo campaign staff's giant fucking ego in thinking they can just trounce around whatever site they want in full fascist swagger is not new.  This is exactly what Trump incited on January 6th when he sent his unruly mob into Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power and advance an Autogolpe to remain in power.  His entitled behavior emboldens traitors to treat the National cemetery as their personal plaything.

Patrick Dillion points out there are numerous Trump staff members of whom it is conceivable would push a woman to the ground.  And grotesque Steven Cheung claimed there was video of the incident and yet... we've not seen one second of that video released by the Treasonous Trump team.  Instead what we have seen is exactly what we knew this was a tawdry political stunt and disgraceful use of 

Republicans love Dead Marines because Republicans can stick their lies into the mouths of the dead and use Marines valor to help prop up evil Republican plans.  Trump is using this family's grief, stoking it in the most obscene way, and blatantly using dead service members to help quicken his dying campaign. 

It's the epitome of Stolen Valor.  It's Trump's way.

Traitor Trump desecrates Arlington National Cemetery


Trump has a pattern when he wants to do a photo op, use violence.

That Trump would use the bravery of others and the grief and sorrow of families to aggrandize himself is no surprise. That Trump would pose in his disgusting fashion over the grave site in Arlington National Cemetery is no surprise. That Trump would do this for a tawdry photo op while his putrid staff attacks and insults those who work at the National Cemetery is likewise no surprise.
“Hollowed grounds…” Everyone who supports Trump is a Traitor and Thief
Trump is an infantile despicable conman who uses people to enrich himself.

We saw this the he used the White House itself for a campaign ad after he asked is their any law that’ll stop me?

We saw this when he ordered the Police and Military to violently clear the streets so he could walk through Lafayette Park to St. John’s Episcopal church to hold a never opened bible up upside down.

Trump hates Veterans.  Trump dishonors and disrespects Veterans.  Trump, like all Republicans, thinks Veterans are useful pawns to gain political power and then are easily pushed aside once they have it.

Trump doesn't care about rules, norms, laws, traditions.  What's in it for me and will this help me roll the suckers for another day is the only calculus that enters that weird old traitors spongy brain.

And Trump doesn't have to worry about losing any support after this despicable desecration.  All over Twitter (X) they rally to his defense.  They denigrate and attack President Biden and Vice President Harris.  They bring up the lies they told about Biden not being present at Dover AFB for the return of the remains in 2021.

The truth was Trump stopped showing up for the return of Service members remains during his despicable term in Office, but the Corporate Media didn't care and didn't cover it.  The Truth is Trump lied and insulted and sent that Special Forces team to their deaths in Niger without a plan, without backup, with air cover, without a QRF, without a chance.  And true to form Trump insulted the widow and families by telling them bluntly, “they knew what they signed up for…”

When he says he'll be a Dictator Day One, you'd better believe him.  When Just Dishonorable Vance says Republicans are going to round-up 20,000,000 people you'd better believe them, when Stephen Miller says the rounded-up people will be put into Concentration Camps he calls "The Staging Grounds" for liquidation you'd better believe them.

When soon-to-be President Harris said at her acceptance speech, “In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious," you’d better believe it.

Understand Harris knows what she’s talking about.  Trump and his MAGA cultists are an existential threat to Freedom.  We the People must overwhelmingly defeat Trump.  He’s already planning to Steal 24.  Trump and his monstrous cabal of criminals, racists, and traitors must never be allowed near the White House again. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Stolen Valor and abusive insulting despicable behavior by draft dodger Donald Trump and his criminal cronies at Arlington National Cemetery

"We have the real generals. Not the Fake Woke generals who did so poorly in Afghanistan." - reprehensible Traitor Trump (August 21, 2024) continues to wantonly insult and disrespect Veterans and service members.

New reporting from NPR shows how vile and abhorrent Trump's cronies acted during Traitor Trump use the bodies and courage and valor of other's to help his treasonous campaign.

Two members of Donald Trump’s campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery where the former president participated in a wreath laying ceremony, NPR has learned.

Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign," according to the statement. "Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants."

Trump's weird and despicable bigoted spokesman Steven Cheung claimed the Arlington National Cemetery employee was suffering a mental health episode in order to defame him.

Trump and his dishonorable criminal staff used Arlington National Cemetery as their own personal campaign prop.  Trump has shown nothing but blatant disrespect and contempt for America's military members he repeatedly shits on Veterans, Medal of Honor recipients, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and his followers don't fucking care.  It's utterly abhorrent and absolutely disqualifying.

What an irredeemable piece of shit ugly weirdo Trump and everyone who has attached themselves to his ass are...  As Trump and his campaign continue to insult Veterans and the Military will anyone tell that ugly weirdo Traitor to his face that he is a liar and a monumental disrespectful pile of crap?  Any chance?

Shades of I will make it legal!

They won't, of course.  Instead the Corporate Media will dutifully record and broadcast all the lies Trump spews and ignore the insults.  Oh and the Corporate Media will studiously ignore Trump openly declaring he is going to personally repeal the 1st Amendment,

Trump claims we will restore world peace and it will be peace through strength. What does that fucking mean? Who knows? Who cares! Woo-hoo Dear Leader Trump is a Strongman!!!

I don't know if the Press is shell-shocked by decades of Trump's brazen and easily disproven lies or if they admire him and are willing accomplices.  Whatever, the case, the Corporate Media will never hold him to account and will never admit they failed the American People in their one job of being the Fourth Estate telling Truth to Power. Instead they will continue to treat Trump as a legitimate candidate for President and not the lying anti-Democratic traitor, thieving felon, and wannabe autocrat. 
Trump watched Braveheart (1995) recently and thinks he's King 

Don't act like this is Trump alone claiming Harris is weak, that's what the whole rightwing attack Kamala Harris eats Doritos! Or when puerile asshole Jesse Watters said ho-ho-ho the Generals are going to have their way with President Kamala Harris har-har.    

The entire Republican Party is scum. 

Soon-to-be President Kamala Harris not only has to deal with the problems facing 21st century United States she has to reckon with the Cult of Trump which is hell-bent upon overthrowing the Nation and establishing a White Supremacist Fascist Fundamentalist Regime founded on non-stop lying and barely constrained threats of widespread Domestic Terrorism.

And he still keeps repeating his completely made-up "Almost went down in a Helicopter with Willie Brown" story, which is just a thinly veiled way for him to make crude juvenile sex jokes like Jesse Watters is doing.  Of course, when the Press stupidly ask him for evidence for his bullshit claim, instead of calling him despicable liar, ugly weird Trump responds in a petulant whiny voice, 'Oh you wanna see the evidence? Oh you wanna see the evidence?'

Trump, has for the most part escaped justice for his innumerable High Crimes and Misdemeanors, but he believes the only way to be sure is that he ensconces himself into the White House issues blanket pardons and rules up to the moment of his death.

Look MAGA doesn't give a fuck about any of this. There is literally (not figuratively literally but literally literally) nothing Trump can say or do which will lose him a single supporter. These are people we must resoundingly defeat in the 2024 Election. But, understand Republicans in Federal Office, at State Level, and at Faux News and other rightwing propagandist outlets will be working ceaselessly to steal the election, delay the results, undermine the Harris Presidency because Republicans know 2024 might be their last solid chance to achieve their dream of destroying the United States, enslaving women, murdering blacks and rounding up and liquidating millions of migrants and American citizens.

Stolen Valor at Arlington National Cemetery as Donald Trump and J. D. Vance use dead Marines as a Photo Op and campaign promo

Stealing Valor is a prime feature of Traitor Trump and Just Dishonorable Vance despicable campaign as they engaged in the classic Republican move of using  dead service members as a campaign photo op to help their flailing and failing campaign.  Just despicable and shameless.  This is 100% Stolen Valor.  This is using the courage or others to advance the political fortunes of vile traitors and cowards.  This is disgusting and reprehensible behavior.  This is Republican politics.

Samuel Johnson famous quote needs to be updated to more accurately reflect Republican beliefs; Faux patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Fortunately, the military services and Veterans are, like the American electorate, far more progressive than they were 20 or 40 years ago.

I am incensed at Traitor Trump, a man who violated his Oath of Office, who literally argued in court he, "did not take an oath 'to support the Constitution of the United States.' and is not an 'Officer of United States'.  That this treasonous filth who did not end the war in Afghanistan but, instead released the Taliban to retake the country and dropped the difficult part of extracting Us from Afghanistan after 20 years to his successor and then has the fucking gall and temerity to criticize his betters is just par for the course for ugly weirdo Trump.

Just Dishonorable Vance has hitched his political future to the worst people in the country he's fully disavowed his Marine Corps boot camp training. Of course, you know Vance didn't serve in Afghanistan so I don't know where he gets the fucking chutzpah to have an opinion since he didn't have the courage to serve there.

But, we don't live in era where such despicable photo ops are treated as the shameless and unacceptable.  We live in an Era when Republicans use other people and are on the cusp of destroying the United States of America.
This grotesque display is Republican "Patriotism"

Who in the FUCK does a photo op grinning with a teeny tiny thumbs up over the grave?

Monday, August 26, 2024

The ULTIMATE Revenge of the Thin Blue Line: 1968 Chicago DNC Redux That Wasn't in 2024

The other night I watched a dad coming from the protest with his little girl, giving a good hard few final snaps on the drum he was carrying, nodding at her in crisp salute, percussing his perspective into her little mind. This is not peaceful. -
Ridiculous John McWhorter a Professor at Columbia University doesn't like drums or dads!

After the Campus Protests this spring, McWhorter was writing about, and the over-the-top heavy-handed response from University Administrators and several Police Departments, Republicans and their Corporate Media allies geared up for the Ultimate MAGA reunion; Making The Chicago DNC 1968 Great Again.

I don't know who is more upset;  the Chicago (and Suburban Police held in reserve) hoping to descend on some protestors and club them like their grand daddies did, Republicans who were hoping to declare Democrat Crime and Democrat Jew-Haters or the Corporate Media who were giddy at the thought of protestors derailing the Harris/Walz freight train towards victory.

Ok! Honeymoons Over! We say it's over! Stop it!
Stop it right now! We in the Media say it's over!!!
The Corporate Media, Republicans, and Reactionaries in the Police wanted their very own Kent State, and their own 1968 DNC in 2024, so the Media could declare the Harris Honeymoon Over and now it's DEMS IN DISARRAY til Election Day and we need a Strongman like Dear Leader DonOld Trump to bring Order to this Nation.

Man you can see how much the Mainstream Press Corps and elite Journalists yearned for chaos and violence in Chicago.  It's dripping from the dozens of pieces they wrote and when it didn't materialize they were reduced to complaining their seats in the United Center were waaaaaaaaaaaay up in the 300 level and their free accommodations were so poor and the free dinner portions were so small!  

Fortunately, the Biden/Harris campaign team seems to have recognized the Corporate Media are not only not neutral, the Corporate Media is actively working for ugly weirdo Traitor Trump and the Republican Project 2025 Agenda.

But, besides the disappoint for the Republican Neo-Nazis, the other great outcome from the DNC 2024 Riots That Weren't was the utter inconsequential Dirtbag Left attack on the Democratic Party.  With the thought that Joe Biden would be accepting the nomination, the DNC and CeaseFire Now groups thought why would have up to 40,000 protestors making things miserable for "Genocide Joe" and the DNC; 

Then came Kamala Harris — and the protest fizzled.

Organizers anticipated there would be 30,000 to 40,000 protesters on hand for Monday’s kickoff. But only a few thousand showed up; police estimated 3,500.

“There were more reporters than protesters,” observed Bennett Weiss. He was there selling Gaza-related buttons, including one that, he said, describes himself: “Self-Ambivalent Jew Against Zionism.”

Instead, perhaps a few thousand showed up, and they were either non-entities or such idiots they made the Chicago Police look good in comparison!  This was a great success for the Chicago Police and showed what can happen with proper planning and training in Police Forces,

“Can we stop talking about 1968?” Chicago police Superintendent Larry Snelling asked at a news conference Friday. “2024 is the new standard, and the men and women of the Chicago Police Department set that new standard out in the field.” 

After their outside agitation failed, these groups demanded a speaking spot at the DNC which was rightly declined because why would anyone give the erstwhile Left a chance to derail the Triumphant Harris/Walz DNC?  

What a colossal failure by the erstwhile Left, I write erstwhile left because this is a group which voted for Trump in 2016, preemptively declared they would never support Joe Biden in 2020, and decided to rebrand on the fly from ABANDON BIDEN to ABANDON HARRIS because like a horseshoe many of those "leftists" hate the Democratic Party as much as Faux News and the rightwing propagandists like Charlie Kirk, Mike Pillow Lindell, and Jack Proboscis trying to desperately to get some soundbite from some Kefir wearing malcontent which they could use to label Doug Emhoff an "anti-Semite".  Instead, Mike Pillow Lindell was fighting with children and Jack Proboscis was reduced to crying don't say any naughty words during my disingenuous podcast!

Meanwhile, soon-to-be President Harris and Vice President Walz continue to take their message of Joy & Freedom, True Liberty & Real Patriotism directly to the American people and the Corporate Media are getting more and more desperate to blunt what looks to be a 21st century electoral blowout of the Dear Leader DonOld Trump.

The Corporate Media hates Joy and hates that Kamala Harris will be the next President and is desperate to help their Dearly Beloved Leader Trump

The Media Storm cried out NO JOY and Kamala Harris responded, "I AM THE JOY!"

 "People don't want to feel joy," Conservative News Network Scott Jennings declared Sunday. 

The Corporate Media is currently in a race to see who can more obsequiously prostrate themselves at the feet of Dear Leader Trump .  Thus, far The New York Fucking Times and Politifact are in a dead heat to see who can tamp down the Harris/Walz enthusiasm, cover up on-going Republicans lies, and help bring Trump back into a race;  they recognize that in a month Harris has completely flipped the field moving 6 points in the polls from Biden minus 2 to being up 4 points over ugly weirdo Trump.

The Republican and Corporate Media coordinated campaign appears clear.

The RFK Jr bump never materialized and never will and the phony Jill Stein led ABANDON BIDEN ABANDON HARRIS!!! ceasefire now dirtbags is no threat of taking any votes away from Harris/Walz in 2024, as the people who adhere to Jill Stein voted for her (or Trump in 2016) and voted for Trump in 2020 and are going to vote for Trump again in 2024.

Republicans have focused their efforts on Tim Walz, they know all they have to say about President Kamala Harris is she's dumb, she's not really black, she slept her way to the top, and she's DEI.  This is the totality of the Republican attack on her and guaranteed to keep their white male base in the fold.  Republicans know the Corporate Media will take on the dirty work of slandering Kamala Harris at a middle brow level (see above tweet from Snarky Stardust) by claiming she doesn't have any proper policies and her campaign is all fluff!  NO JOY!!!

But, with Tim Walz, ahhhh, this is where Republicans know they have to concentrate fire and really besmirch, slander, and smear him (and attack his son Gus Walz) because Tim Walz represents everything Republicans claim to revere and hold up as their ideals.  In reality, Republicans long ago jettisoned their so-called principles and have long been a fascist adjacent organization.  That's why Republicans are so desperate to damage him, Tim Walz shows how hollow and phony and weird Republicans are; therefore they've adopted a campaign to claim he's dishonest and to besmirch his military service, his political achievements, his family story, and hid creditinals in order to make people believe Walz isn't who he says he is so vote for Traitor Trump and Just Dishonorable Vance!

The Corporate Media is more than willing to play along producing such hit pieces as Walz claims to be a "Coach" but in reality he was a "Defensive Coordinator" GOTCHA LIB!

Or Walz claims the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce awarded him but in reality it was the Junior Chamber of Commerce GOTCHA LIB!

What the Corporate Media has made clear is they are supporters of Trump and in the business of reaching a MAGA readership, and re-establishing the Trump White House Circus.

Trump makes insane unintelligible proclamations about sharks and batteries, falsely takes credit for Joe Biden's or Barack Obama's achievements, about replacing Obamacare and this is treated as though it is a rational coherent policy position. The Courtier Press have for years accepted Trump's and Republicans hollow promises as though they were the equivalent as actual political achievements.  Thus, Trump year after year talk about this plan or that bill which is a mere two weeks away and receive laudatory press coverage and when that time passes he can simply repeat his claim his policy is two weeks away.

Yet, for future President Harris the Corporate Media and DC Pundits demand a detailed policy analysis and when they get anything from the Harris/Walz campaign proceed to attack it.  We saw this in 2016 when HRC released actual policy positions and initiatives she was pilloried by the Political Press and attacked by the left and right. Releasing actual policy positions is what the Political Press demands but, it's not want they want;  what the Corporate Media wants and needs is to undercut Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in order that Trump and his Republican co-conspirators have a shot at stealing the Election.

Trump doesn't have a functioning campaign staff or workers, so the Political Press have taken it upon themselves yet again to act as his personal stenographers and spokesmen.  Elon Muck recognized this as well.  The Corporate Media and the Plutocrats are reeking of desperation to get Trump back into Office and are doing everything they can to help his fading chances.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

At the Chicago DNC, Tim Walz just kept on Rockin' the United Center just like Neil Young or Michael Jordan did

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose.

Who lies about this?  Why you do Vance. You do.
Just Dishonorable Vance is a liar and discredit
to the Untied States Marine Corps and should
receive a retroactive BIG CHICKEN DINNER

Vice President Tim Walz just delivered a joyous acceptance speech at the DNC.  As America gets to know Tim Walz his authenticity comes through immediately.  At the conclusion of his speech, the United Center was closed with Keep on Rockin' in the Free World, Neil Young gave his special explicit permission to use the song.  Juxtapose this, with the Republicans who repeatedly take without permission other peoples' intellectual property rights and then sometimes produce a grotesque version unfit for human consumption.

Then juxtapose, Coach Walz taking on extra coaching duties in order to pay the lunch debt of students with the numerous Republican Governors who explicitly and deliberately turned down school-lunch programs for impoverished children in the States they control with a tyrannical glee.

Juxtapose Coach Walz talking abut Social Security survivor benefits with the giddy Republicans hoping, wishing, yearning to steal your Social Security

Republicans hate America.  Republicans hate you.  Republicans have nothing to offer the American people. 

Republicans especially hate Coach Walz because he represents a type of masculinity which is alien to them; caring, nurturing, dignified.  Walz's primetime speech was filled with the clear eyed decency which so differentiates the two parties in the 21st Century.

Multiple Republicans attacked
Gus Walz because Republicans
are shitty people
While Tim Walz family clearly loves him, having a teenage son willing to cry joyful tears on a televised event, Trump hates his kids, even ones he acknowledges, hates women, especially those who are venal enough to marry him, and they clearly hate him.  While Just Despicable Vance hates himself and really hates his not white kids.  And good god if you really want to delve into the deep endless morass of Republican hatred and lies take a gander at the despicable Megyn Kelly's horrendous twitter feed (or any other rightwing propagandist for that matter).

Fear, Hatred and Anger are all the Republicans have and the entirety of their political policies and their very souls.  Republicans offer nothing to the American people because they are nothing; empty vessels filed up with the bile and rancor of MAGA lies.  Tim Walz just laid out broadly that the Democratic Party and the Harris/Walz ticket have a great deal to offer America and We, the People.  

Reclaiming the word Freedom sums up much of this; to Republicans Freedom means you are free to do as they say, and for women Republican Freedom means the freedom to be a shackled into loveless marriages and chained into sexual servitude.  Republicans have warped, distorted, and perverted the meaning of words like Freedom, Liberty, and Patriotism.  Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the Democratic Party are taking these words back home and making them Ours again.

Understand, as Coach Walz stated, we are in the 4th quarter and down a field goal but, we have the ball and we are on the offense and marching towards the end zone.  The Corporate Media will continually try and blunt Democratic momentum and enthusiasm while ignoring blatant penalties and cheap shots by the dirty Republicans but, a good team can overcome ratfvcking from the refs.

Like Father, Like Son

Victory is right there for the taking all we have to do is fight for it; and when we fight, we win.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Kamala Harris is for the American People; while the Corporate Media, Racists, Bigots, Thieves, Traitors, and the Evil Rich are for Trump: Choose Wisely

Trump just did a Lie Fest Rally for his SSupporters at Howell, Michigan 

Kamala Harris is going to win the Presidency.  Hope & Joy & Unity & Freedom surround this DNC and the Democratic Party Presidential ticket; the Corporate Media is furious and are determined to "Gouge" Her to help their Dearly Beloved Trump.

Now, unfortunately we are not living in a 538-Nate Silver simulation wherein Harris/Walz win 624 out of 1000 elections, thus making her the favorite.  Instead we are living in the Republican dominated American electoral system; in which, bad faith actors, villains, and outright Fascists have often seized levers of power and seek to ensure a Trump Victory by hook or by crook.  Harris and Walz are the underdog because all the anti-Democratic apparatus of Government will be turned against them.

But, for right now we are witnessing the sheer panic of the mendacious Media as they try desperately to blunt the momentum and energy surrounding the Harris/Walz campaign and the DNC.  They know they've got to do something to get Dear Leader Trump back into this race because it's trending towards an absolute blowout.

Everything coming from the major media outlets is an attack on Harris and/or Walz.  For instance, The Fucking New York Times has decided to agree with MAGA that not picking Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is a big Anti-Semitism by Kamala Harris and The Democratic Party.  I'm not going to list the reasons Gov Shapiro should or should not have been the VP pick, I'll just note how much vitriol and attacks Republicans subjected Governor Shapiro (and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg) to when the I-95 bridge collapsed and how little credit they gave them when it was fixed.

Of course, if Shapiro was the choice, this same writer would have claimed not picking Tim Walz would have been a slap to the Heartland and akin to HRC ignoring Wisconsin and middle aged white guys.

Trump Great Harris Gimmick
Me am neutral reporter!

As another example, the Corporate Media has been demanding details about Kamala Harris economic policy and when she mentioned "price gouging" aided Trump in reviving the moldering corpse of Communism (or Kamunism as the witty New York Post put it).  This is despite Trump taking credit as President for lowering the price of Insulin to $35.  Which isn't true since it was President Biden who accomplished this and would be by Traitor Trump's and the rightwing News Media's own definition of "communism".  (Trust the Indefatigable Driftglass to say this best with his post demolishing George Will) 

Meanwhile, Trump is never asked for any details of how he's going to accomplish his Economic policies.  The Corporate Media always, always, always pretends that Republican statements are the equivalent of actual policy achievements.  Trump spews some bullshit and caps it with I'll make American Economy Great Again and Kamala Harris will institute full communism immediately if not sooner and with over 100% of jobs going to migrants and blah blah blah blah blah blah

Meanwhile,  Draft Dodger Traitor Trump continues to shit all over Medal of Honor recipients and Veterans repeatedly and not only is this not a daily news story, it isn't even referenced.  Remember Trump doubles down on his lies and insults and this is strength to the Corporate Media.

Here's Elon Muck re-Xing some random graph 
which makes no reference but simply puts fake
numbers up.  The Corporate Media loves Trump
but, Republicans won't be satisfied until they
Bend the Knee 
The Corporate Media's job is to undercut Democratic candidates and to gloss over, excuse, and ignore Republican perfidy.  They are so in the tank for ugly weird DonOld Trump it's embarrassing but, thankfully Kamala Harris was well aware of the Media yearning for Trump and had everything ready to go that first day to fight this fight against not only the Treasonous Republicans but, their willing accomplices in the Corporate Media.

There's not much any of us can do (once you've cancelled your subscription you really can't cancel it again) to stop this shameful mistreatment and biased coverage of Harris in favor of ugly weirdo Trump;  the Corporate Media has made it crystal-fucking-clear they will not hold him to any standard (let alone the one they held President Biden and soon-to-be President Harris to) and they've made it abundantly obvious they intend to do everything they can to carry Trump back into the White House.
The Corporate Media knew they were going to have to help their Dear dear dear Leader Trump back into the White House they just didn't expect to have to do so much work and they are really angry.  It's out job to keep Corporate Media, racist white supremacists, and Elon Muck angry and bitter over another defeat of their chosen one.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Chicago DNC Day 1 was the greatest opening day ever

That Old Joe magic was on display last night

This is not the DNC the corporate media and Republicans wanted.  This is not what they were promised!

Kamala Harris is going to be President of the United States.  

"She tough, she’s experienced, and she has enormous integrity. Like many of our best presidents she was also vice president too..."  Joe Biden, gracious Statesman and American Hero.

After the greatest opening of any political convention in American history, with powerful speeches from American patriots Congresswoman AOC, Steve Kerr, Jason Isbell, Sean Fain, and Mighty Joe Biden himself.  Day 2 was a hell of encore amped off with a typical Barack Obama homerun.  Couple that with President Harris and Vice President Walz in Milwaukee posting out Donald Trump took women's rights from them and continues to shit upon Medal of Honor recipients to a packed stadium while the DNC was on-going was brilliant.  The Corporate media is frantic desperate to get their Dear Beloved Donald back into this race.  Every mainstream media outlet is just ignoring Trump's decline into complete abject insanity while they parse every syllable and punctuation by the speakers at the DNC.

But, the Corporate Media panic and flailing Trump/Vance Failing campaign weren't supposed to happen.  The Media thought there was no chance Joe Biden would place the Nation and Democracy above his personal ambitions.  After all, they don't and they wouldn’t!  So DC Pundits and the Courtier Corporate Press thought they could simply hammer Biden as old and befuddled (or worse) for months while ignoring DonOld Dementia Trump and work to depress Democratic voter turnout so that Republican bad actors at various levels could steal just enough and suppress just enough votes to put their Dear DonOld back into the White House.

Then poof... gone 

It's well known the mainstream media hates Kamala Harris and hoped their hamstringing Joe Biden would lead to an open convention with scenes of chaotic power brokering, venal backstabbing, and political intrigue so they could write their cherished DEMS IN DISARRAY story lines but, thanks to the political acumen and maneuvering of the Biden White House poof... gone as well.

So last night they hoped for large-scale riots and violence reminiscent of 1968 to declare we need strongman for these times not a dorito eating women who can’t handle her own coronation and instead we got the Greatest Opening Night of a political convention ever.  So the corporate media was reduced to whining it’s Too Long! <cry.emoji>

The Harris Walz campaign is already historic but once they win it’s going to be a campaign for all time. Overcoming a Fascist Wannabe.  Overcoming the a mendacious Republican Party of treasonous bigots and thieves.  Doing it will the Corporate Media is trying to hamstrung and undermine you and bolster your opponent at every turn.  Historic and we are witnessing political mythology.  Americans 100 years from know will see the Biden/Harris elections as a turning point against American fascism while placing this campaign into the pantheon of great moments in American history.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz stand with American Patriots and Freedom Lovers instead of Traitors, Thieves, Foreign Dictators and Billionaire Plutocrats. But, it's far from over.  Republicans infiltrators and criminals are planning on undoing the will of the American people if possible and will, resort to violence they are thwarted.  But, it's time to put Trump into the ground "Night! Night!" and reclaim America from Republican traitors and fascists.  Let's Fucking Go!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

It’s amazing and weird what you find between J.D. Vance's couch cushions

MAGA is a cult by all accounts and by all clinical definitions of the term.

So, when I tell you Trump/Vance supporters are walking around with medical sample cups containing faux J.D. Vance semen well you won't be surprised by the actions of cult members and weird continues to be the operative term for each and every Republican.

Couchfvcker Vance's supporters are doing it under the hahaha Walz needed IVF to conceive a family but, Vance has Super Sperm (SS) which impregnated a "not white" woman although with some "mongrels"...  It's pathetic and weird to claim that using fertilely treatments makes Walz less of a man but, weird an pathetic defines Republicans these days.

I wonder what Republican women who conceived via IVF think.  I wonder if Republican men who call for the execution of Drag performers and call Trans persons mentally ill think of themselves while they tote around the figurative ejaculate of another man.

There is nothing Ugly Traitor Trump or even Creepy Coward Vance can do or say to lose these peoples support.  Cult and Sunk Cost fallacy ensures 74 or so million Americans are going to vote for men who literally denigrate and insult Medal of Honor recipients and have a ready-made Fascist Handbook Project 2025 set to go on day one.  The Corporate Media isn't going to help us.  Republicans aren't going to do anything to stop Traitor Trump's descent into total racist madness and J.D. Vance has calculated that whatever happens with Senile DonOld he'll be the shadow President or invoke the 25th Amendment to seize power himself.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are already fighting for Us.  Vote like your lives depend upon it because if we allow these weird Fascist Cultists to seize power they will most assuredly come for them.

J.D. Vance (who did not serve during War) joins ugly weird Trump is pissing on Veterans and insulting Medal of Honor recipients

Did you happen to see...
the most better-looking "person"...
in the world?
(Extra points for the dried spittle on his chin)

"But I say that I am much better looking. I'm a better-looking person than Kamala.  They said, 'No, her biggest advantage is that she's a beautiful woman.' I'm going, huh? I never thought of that. I'm better looking than she is."

Has the Corporate Media decided to move on from Donald Trump incredibly insulting comments on Medal of Honor recipients?  Probably... after all that's just Donald being Donald.  And look what weird wacky thing our Dear Donald said today!  He also said he's going to drive down prices!  How?  Who knows!!!  But, let's get together to nitpick every policy idea Harris has proposed, after all we in the Corporate Media have got to get busy knocking down Kamala Harris and Tim Walz campaign momentum to give our Dear Donald a chance in November!!!

Just Dishonorable Vance was asked about the Trump crapping on MoH recipients because those suckers and losers are in pretty bad shape and all shot up or dead and played the same old Republican trick of 'I did't hear what he said' before moving on to stating emphatically Veterans are "very, very much behind Donald Trump".

Let's pause right here.  I've been out of the Corps for 20 years, having done 5 years active duty including deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.  But, even when I was in it was no longer Ronnie Raygun's military,  and the kids in the military now, are by far more progressive than my generation who saw the end of DADT.  And in 2020, Veterans and active duty service members voted for Joe Biden over Donald Trump.  President Biden pointed this out in the first debate but, remember Trump said No Way!

Understand conservatives have been living in their epistemological bubble, listening to and regurgitating the same rightwing propaganda for so long, they can no longer accept reality;

"I did find it odd that, throughout the day/night, I saw a few dozen military ballots be counted," a certified poll watcher said in his statement dated November 4. "Although I cannot provide specific numbers or names, I can estimate that at least 80% of the military ballots I saw were straight ticket Democrat or simply had Joe Biden's name filled in on them.  I had always been told that military personnel tended to be more conservative, so this stuck out to me as the day went on," he added.

This was part of the "evidence" Republicans continue to cite to this very fucking day of the election being stolen from Donald Trump, i.e. people they don't know voted against Traitor Trump but, how can this be since everyone they know voted for him??? They found that "odd", Checkmate, Joe Biden!

Also let's be a bit pedantic for a moment.  Rightwingers on Twitter (X) adopted the Republican Switfboat attack on Vice President Tim Walz because of a video saying he carried weapons of war,  Just Dishonorable Vance slandered Walz by demanding to know wha War he carried them in?  So... let's go down one of two paths;  

  1. J.D. Vance did not serve during a "WAR", because no American has since 1945.  The last declared War was World War 2.  Operation Iraqi Freedom was not a War, it was an authorized use of military force.  Congress and President's do this for the last 80 years because it allows them to side-step so many pesky laws and political hurdles, as well as UN sanctions.
  2. Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the smaller military actions (MOOTW) fall under the umbrella of the Global War on Terror.  This can be traced to the George W. Bush ignoring the August 6th 2001 memo warning of Bin Laden's plan to attack the United States which resulted in the attacks on the NYC Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania from the Heroes of Flight 93 can be calculated to fall under the timeframe of the most recent National Defense Service Medal, which was put into effect from 09/11/01 to 12/31/22, having just been closed.  So by that metric, Walz did in fact, serve during a time of War.

Trump's unbelievably insulting disrespect prompted the VFW (a far-right reactionary organization) to admonish him,

These asinine comments not only diminish the significance of our nation’s highest award for valor, but also crassly characterizes the sacrifices of those who have risked their lives above and beyond the call of duty.

When a candidate to serve as our military’s commander-in-chief so brazenly dismisses the valor and reverence symbolized by the Medal of Honor and those who have earned it, I must question whether they would discharge their responsibilities to our men and women in uniform with the seriousness and discernment necessary for such a powerful position. It is even more disappointing when these comments come from a man who already served in this noble office and should frankly already know better.

Not cool weird but gross creepy stalker weird

Will pissing on Medal of Honor recipients be the final straw for Traitor Trump?  Have you noticed the Total Silence from Republicans?  I won't even play the game of imagine Barack Obama or Bill Clinton had made such a statement during a re-election campaign.  Everyone knows if a Democratic candidate made such a statement they'd have to step down.  The sheer amount of fury would dwarf the summer sun's rays.  And like the "57-States" joke it would be something the Right and Media would never forget and constantly reference.  Yet, the Corporate Media is simply ready to move along.

It's far past time to ask the Journalists of the Mainstream Media why they will not point out Donald Trump is a weird raving lunatic?  Whatever the cause, be it mere sundowning due to age or a brain infested with spirochetes;  Trump is a disrespectful cad, a criminal, a racist, a rapist, a lying conman, inventing wholly false stories, broadcasting conspiracy theories, threatening violence, in a state of total mental collapse, and wholly unfit for the Office of Presidency.  Will the Corporate Media call on Old Ugly Weird Traitor Trump and Just Dishonorable Vance to stand down?