Friday, July 21, 2023

Its a Small Town after all Rightwing Music & Movies continue to signal who Rightwingers are

ETA:  To clarify small town is an implicit call out to "Real America" as opposed to big Democrat run cities which is where all the crime happens and also they were all burned down during BLM Riots but, apparently the lyrics are explicit in reinforcing this to the consumers who cheer this on as a sort of Anti-Virtue Signaling declaration.

Rightwing music and movies continues to be utter dreck.  Inelegant, unartful, vulgar, crude, but more significantly a bullhorn for their deep seated hatred, prejudice, anger, and a chance for them to signal their Ideology.

TJust marvel at these recent songs touted by rightwing artists and politicians (a quickly overlapping Venn diagram):
  • MAGA MVP MTG (It's hilarious watching her stand there not knowing what to do with her short Neanderthal arms)
  • Let's Go Brandon
  • 81 Million Votes, My Ass
  • Justice for All - a Jan6th apology song not to be confused with ...And Justice for All
  • Real Women Vote Trump
  • And now... Try that in a Small Town
Jason Aldean and his toxic spouse are, of course, deeply racist people. But, racism, misgynoist, violence, bigotry, petulance, false bravado, guns and lies are the elements conservatives want in their culture.  

Much conservative "art" is dedicated to bolster the claim that they are in fact the majority on every cultural issue.  Conservatives have long played the game of fluffing their numbers when it came to the New York Times bestseller list.  Every time Bill O'Rally or whomever the rightwing influencer du'jour released a book, rightwing think tanks and media outlets would buy up thousands of copies to push it to the top of the list.  Conservatives would then get a free copy of the book when they signed up for the rightwing website or created a subscription with whatever rightwing media site required a monthly fee.  And with these latest songs, conservatives rush to iTunes to buy them as a Mitzvah to their Fascist overlords and too prove their rightwing piety. 

Conservatives used to be thirsty for approval from Social elites and cultural watchdogs so they would ingratiate themselves, scrape and bow to get accepted, and insert themselves into society whenever they could; recall Traitor Trump getting a cameo appearance as himself in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 

But, that was 1992, even back then rightwingers had already begun to build their own cultural edifice with AM Talk Radio and the King Bigot Rush Limpballs.  And by the late 1990's, rightwingers had built a media apparatus and began producing and recycling their own truths amongst themselves.  Blogs and social media allowed rightwingers to live in an epistemically closed self-referential, reinforcing zone, in which what they wanted to believe to be the truth was true.  What the Vulgar talking Yam (and many others) realized was this was ripe fruit to be plucked.  Sarah Palin and the rightwing media attacks on President Obama and HRC showed the way but, Trump gave them exactly what they desired; the power to let their most violent, most vile, most ignorant, most destructive, and most hateful beliefs not only be shown but be celebrated and touted as right, correct, and true.

As of right now, conservatives believe they still have to ground their thinly veiled bigotry and murderous yearning behind a patina of "Protecting the Children" and abiding by Law&Order but very soon small cells of Rittenhouse Wannabes are going to 

The best thing about Try this in a Small Town, is Jason Isbell (an actual Southern singer/songwriter) absolutely destroyed Aldean on Twitter over and over.  Isbell also took to task all The White Knights who rushed to Twitter to defend their Lord Bigot No Neck Aldean.

But, it's immaterial to the point of Rightwing Culture.  They have convinced themselves they don't need Hollywood or elitist liberal artists and are readily convincing themselves that the Left (broadly) is engaged in unspeakable crimes which provide them the Casus Belli they need to begin rounding-up and liquidating everyone they hate.

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