Tuesday, July 4, 2023

On this 4th don't be like Moms 4 Hitler

If God be for us, who can be against us? - Or as the Moms 4 Liberty sometimes say at their meetings Gott Mit Uns 

As always, conservatives create names for their groups and co-opt words which are diametrically in opposition to their actual goals; the so-called Moms For Liberty group is merely the latest iteration of this historical rightwing trend of naming your little terrorist cell something you are earnestly trying to destroy.

But, never forget that the Corporate Media's job is to stenograph Rightwing Agitprop and make it palatable for Normie consumption.  So, while the Moms 4 Liberty group work to undermine liberty and freedom Corporate Media reporting often merely focuses on what the group says they are doing; which invariably is Fighting to Protect the Children.

Reality, of course, demonstrates again and again what these rightwing groups are really doing is crafting their own Cause Belli to justify violence against groups of people, while being funded by Billionaire plutocrats.

Certainly these groups know they must focus on LGBTQ persons first before expanding their target list to include teachers, or liberal parents, immigrants, black students, and on and on as the Target list for these groups ends up expanding to anyone who undermines the White Patriarchy.

In the meantime, Moms 4 Liberty have the juice to draw in Donald John Traitor Trump and Nikki Haley to their Convention.  Haley informed of the extremist nature of the group indicated she is one of the Outsiders who can be counted on,

“When they mentioned that this was a terrorist organization, I said, ‘Well, then count me as a Mom for Liberty, because that’s what I am,’” Nikki Hiterley

Nikki can be counted on to support and defend the Fascist Fundamentalist White Power Nation the MutterKreuz are creating.

Other women who aspire to prove their bonafides, in Florida Cuban Mother Daily Salinas, an ardent support of the Proud Boys and the Mothers 4 Hitler, personally took it upon herself to ensure that Amanda Gorman's work was removed from Florida Schools.  Salinas, did this you see, to protect the children from Communism as she is worried about the children.  Sadly, Gorman's books were banned and removed from schools, Salinas however, admitted the things she objected too she'd never read,
"I’m not an expert. I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a mom involved in my children’s education.”

Not an expert?  No problem!  Salinas claims she isn't targeting Gorman because she's black or spoke at President Biden's inauguration, it's because Salinas is super interested in children's education despite not being a reader...

To the Modern Conservative, All Things are Permitted when defending the children.  This especially includes taking clandestine videos of children without the consent of parents, educators, or school districts and then taking snippets of the videos and proclaiming these are groomers and this is the LGBTQ sexualization of the children.  Truth is not required.  All that is needed is for rightwing provocateurs to say  that is what is happening and release the agitprop to the be eagerly consumed by the rabid rightwing base.

The Moms For Liberty goal is easy to understand;  they seek to re-create a multi-tiered society founded on  White Supremacy and Patriarchy.  These women want to reclaim their status as a protected class above everyone else in Society aiding the White Male Evangelical master class, a NeoConfederate Christian Fascist Ethno-State. 

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