Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day

I don't wanna kill you, I wanna help you. ~ Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction
We should all remember the American Workers who have been murdered in the past by Plutocratic businessmen. This year has been especially horrid for workers in historically dangerous fields because Republicans worked diligently to undercut safety regulations and obstruct violation enforcement which would hamper business.

Yet, despite blatant and brazen theft and murder by The Free Market, Republicans and Conservatives continue to claim Corporations have your best interest at heart. They do not. Any single American worker or consumer has always been nothing more than an actuarial inconvenience to business designs. Temporary ephemeral fleeting nuisances to be robbed, injured or killed by their unsafe products, working conditions or complicated Wall Street financial scams but, nonetheless just one person and therefore nearly powerless. Americans learned this after the Civil War and organized into Unions to battle this power and money which viewed people as cogs in the machines of Industry and War.

But, no victories are ever permanent. Corporate Power responded by crafting the Republican Party, a soulless undying monster to wrest control of government and work to provide legal cover for Corporate Theft and Murder.

What we've learned over and over is that Businesses can not be counted on to work safely or responsibly and when Republicans are in office those businesses will further undercut safety and create more and more elaborate theft schemes because they know Republicans won't prosecute them even when "Free Markets" collapse, Americans die and Ecology's are devastated.

But, the most terrible and pitiable thing is the Republicans know that even with the power they wield for Death and Destruction they would be unable to further the schemes of their Socialist Kleptocratic Overlords without an enforcement arm.

Historically, this has been accomplished through the use of Police, the creation of a middle management class and racism. By creating a class of gatekeepers and watchdogs, slightly elevated above the majority of workers, Republicans know this group of guards will work to keep the systems of control in place and ensure the Plutocratic Rulers of America expand their vast stores of wealth they have accumulated through wage slavery and murder.

But, even this system has flaws and the Gatekeepers become disillusioned by the rampant corruption of the Conservative Elites and the anti-human arrogance and rancid milk of Republican kindness which would let the poor starve because to Republicans "the poor are like stray animals".

But, when Americans revolt against Republican evil, the Right responds with Terrorism, Bigotry and War to keep the people divided and powerless.

Republicans are the Overseers of the American Gulag, but unlike their brothers the Soviet Commissars, Republicans cloak their Evil in a patina of Righteousness. The Right knows villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to identify and seek to cover their abject evil behind god, guns and the flag.

But, the saddest part is to see those abused and brainwashed Americans who have partaken and been consumed by the bitter brew of Republican Deception seek to abuse and enslave their fellow Americans.

The Republicans know that none will fight so hard as the mentally enslaved themselves. None will fight harder to to retain their chains of mental bondage than Conservatives.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

"The Republicans know that none will fight so hard as the mentally enslaved themselves. None will fight harder to to retain their chains of mental bondage than Conservatives"

That may be the most brilliant and inciteful thing I've read since I started visiting your site Gene.

We fight these nuts every day. Some call themseles "Tea Partiers." Others "Independent Conservatives." Others just "conservatives." I suppose it's easier on them menatllay to stay in the harum of Cheney and the Limbaugh asylum than just admit the truth about what the republicans have done to our Nation, it's people and environment.

ran said...

Nice post. Reminds of the classic quote:

"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half."

- Jay Gould during the Great Southwest Railroad Strike of 1886 when hiring strikebreakers

Life As I Know It Now said...

But, no victories are ever permanent. Corporate Power responded by crafting the Republican Party, a soulless undying monster to wrest control of government and work to provide legal cover for Corporate Theft and Murder.

Truer words were never spoken.