Friday, October 11, 2024

The perfidious Corporate Media, treasonous Republicans, and Billionaire Morlocks have a Dream of destroying and consuming America

If you want a picture of the future, imagine these
"human" faces stamping on you - forever.
In H.G. Wells,  Time Machine (1895) humanity diverges into two; the above ground Eloi and below ground Morlocks, who husband the Eloi like cattle.  Republicans and their Billionaire backers are already Morlocks and have already passed laws to enslave Americans in numerous states and are more than willing to sacrifice Us and even their own followers, as they seek to achieve the Ultimate Goal of the Republican Party:  The Complete Destruction of the United States of America.

When Covid denialism and anti-vaxx lies took hold in America and Republicans were more than willing to die and were happy to let their so-called loved ones die alone in hospital beds hooked up to ventilators in fear and terror as their bodies failed I was saddened we'd reached the point were MAGA Cultists were willing to die rather than believe experts, reality, and truth.  We've now reached the point when Republicans cultists are eager and ready to kill Us to deny reality and replace it with their own feelings of hatred and anger.

The Republican response to their recalcitrant denialism and blatant disregard towards the Climate Crisis is playing out exactly as you expect;  Republicans are blaming Democrats, scapegoating Immigrants, and declining to properly ascribe the causes of the devastating hurricanes to climate change.  And it's only going to get worse and more monstrous as the effects continue to batter the Nation.  And once insurance markets collapse, Billionaires have safely rendered their ill-gotten assets from being touched, and Republicans continue to loosen regulations and allow direct pollution and indirect pollution to poison the planet they will simply shrug and tell people, 'Too bad'.  

Republicans and Billionaires absolutely want to destroy the American Dream and crush working Americans into Penury and Servitude.  Now, Republicans used to not admit this but, over and over and over Republicans and their Billionaire backers talk wistfully about slashing the Social Safety Net and eliminating Obamacare, even while Just Dishonorable Vance credits traitor Trump with saving Obamacare and getting his dear Ole MeeMaw healthcare coverage.

Thom Hartmann, one of the best and longest standing left media commentators to accurately describe the rapacious Republican Party, lays out exactly what the Republican American Dream is:

When Republicans — particularly billionaires and multimillionaires like Trump and Vance — invoke the American Dream, they largely ignore the middle class. Instead, that phrase to them means the ability to:
— Get rich beyond the dreams of King Midas 
— Own multiple mansions from Florida to Colorado to Switzerland (and Trump added Venezuela on his Monday night call with Musk)  
— Cavort with nubile young women and investment bankers on your very own superyacht or Lolita Express private jet  
— Have private concierge doctors and nurses on call at all times  
— Employ private security to guard your mansions and wield weapons of war to keep them safe from the masses 
— Buy judges for the Supreme Court to get decisions that make your life easier  
— Legally bribe judges and politicians at every level from the county commissioners to Congress and the president, and 
— Avoid paying taxes so successfully that the average American billionaire today pays less than 8 percent in income taxes.

Billionaires want to set themselves up as an American Nobility but, primarily they want Republicans to impoverish you and leave you starving, because the starving hungry man will do as he is told. The starving family will take all work offered with very little pushback or complaint.  The desperate are pliable to the whims and dictates of the 1%.

Republicans want you poor, starving and desperate because then they can enslave you.  And Billionaires believe they have acquired enough wealthy, status, and power to insulate themselves from anyone who might try and rise up against them; while also being assured that MAGA conservatives would relish an opportunity to engage in an euphemistic "One Rough Hour" against their perceived enemies.

Trump = Make America Nazi Germany Again
But, yet again the Corporate Media is loathe to call out Trump's Straight Nazi Rhetoric.  The way the Corporate Media framed traitor Trump's eugenicist call for a Final Solution for Immigrants in America is nothing less than a shocking dereliction of duty and a clear reminder the Media's goal is to help their Beloved Trump back into the White House.

Meanwhile, Trump is broadcasting vile non-stop lies about Hurricane relief efforts in North Carolina and, the Corporate Media is tentatively waiting to see if the rightwing propaganda about Hurricanes gets purchase so they can help Republicans spread their lies and win elections... like they always do. 

This is the last month before Election Day; do everything you can, send post-cards, phone bank, knock on doors, talk to friends and family and GOTV because the Morlocks are waiting and they won't be satisfied or satiated by rounding up and liquidating migrants, they want to destroy millions, and return America to the Greatness of the Colonial Era when rich white men owned everything and the majority of the people in these United States were little more than chattel.

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