Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Creepy Weirdo Republicans want to force Americans to live their lives as Republicans see fit and believe they should decide the Democratic Presidential Nominee

Stephen Tantrum Miller
"They held a primary!” Stephen Miller squealed. “People—they had ballots! They filled out circles that went to the voting booths!" 

Republicans are a deeply evil Party, who believe weird things and ascribe to unpopular policies.  With the elevation of Vice President Kamala Harris to the Democratic nominee for President, Republicans have already found it impossible to contain their bigoted, racist, misogynist, and deeply weird beliefs.

One of the things which doesn't get discussed enough is Republicans absolutely do not believe you should be allowed to live your life as you see fit.  Like their ideological ancestors, the Arch-Traitors of the Confederacy, Republicans believe only they are the true descendants of the Founding Fathers and you should be forced to live under their unenlightened tyrannical theocratic racist rule.  Liberty and Freedom in Republican definition is the liberty and freedom to live as they say.  Liberty and Freedom for them and Slavery for You.  And if you object, well Republicans have in the works "the Staging Grounds" to remove you from the Nation.

For several long decades Republican hatred for the United States of America, has been manifested with movements; Nixon's Southern Strategy, Raygun's silent majority, Newt Gingrich's Contract on America, Dick Cheney's 4th Branch of Government, the Tea Baggers, and now the final culmination of pure undiluted fascism MAGA.  Undergirding this fundamental hatred for the Nation and peoples a belief that only they are the REAL AMERICA which is the motivating animus of rightwing ideology.

Republicans hate you.  They viscerally hate America and wish to fundamentally change the Nation into simulacrum of a Democratic Republic, with hollow forms and tyrannical functions.  Since they have adjudicated themselves the True Americans they do not believe you should be allowed to live freely and therefore they should also get to make the rules for American society.

But, Republicans are desperate right now.  Having convinced themselves the election was in the bag, arrogant elitist Republicans have done no preparation.  Syphilis addled Trump choose utter buffoon MAGAppalachia J.D. Vance, and now following Joe Biden's statesmanlike leadership of ceding power are scrambling for someway to plant to seed that Kamala Harris is somehow "illegitimate" to be President.  This isn't merely going Birther on her ala Barack Obama and the Long-Form Birth Certificate, although that is part of the process.  No, Republicans are setting up to claim she is illegitimate in numerous ways, in order to screw up the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. 

Of course, Republicans are going to suppress the vote.  Of course, Republicans are going to ratfvck minority polling places, like making sure voting takes hours and people in line are not allowed water.  Of course, Republicans are going to launch lawsuits to disenfranchise Democratic voters.

It's deeply cynical for a Party which lauded the 2016 Electoral College as the correct way to select a President even though he lost by 3,000,000 votes and then has adopted the Big Lie that Trump somehow won the 2020 election despite losing by over 7,000,000 votes and the Electoral College to claim the elevation of Vice President Kamala Harris is an affront to Democracy.

But, right now they are trying to see if a scheme to literally choose the nominee for the Democratic Party can get enough traction.   As I wrote it's deeply cynical and utterly shameless, but with this complicit Corporate Media it might just work as an avenue of attack.  Everyone knows Republicans lie brazenly and are utterly shameless.  Therefore, in the wake of their complete shock at having to face Vice President Kamala Harris, who they understand is going to obliterate the syphilis addled racist rapist in the General Election.

Of course, the Crypto-Nazi Heritage Foundation had already threatened legal action before Joe Biden graciously stepped aside to save America and Democracy.  Theocratic Squeaker of the House Mike Johnson tried to claim the Democratic Party will face numerous legal hurdles and challenges from Republican and rightwing groups.  Enough delays, enough lawsuits, enough injunctions, might be enough to snatch victory away from the American people and hand it to the Republican Traitors.  Remember even though these threats seem hollow, and the legal standing non-existent it's a two-fold part of the Republican fascism;  they confer upon themselves the absolute authority to determine 

We're in for a tough next 100 days.  Republican terrorists and traitors are going to do everything the can to destroy America.  But, though they do their worst, We, the People shall do our best.

Thus far, very fortunately, the entire Democratic Party, elected officials, and organizations inside the Party have coalesced around Vice President Harris and combined with the record number of donations from first time and small money donors it illustrates together with a united front against Republican Fascism we will win;  

And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and unite our nation — to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.

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