Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Soccer Stinks

And it's not because of the Vuvuzelas...

World Cup Soccer is tedious. Not because of low scoring, there is a constant flow of action, and yes soccer is a fantastic display of muscular and cardiovascular endurance but because every soccer player in the world is a cheater, takes dives and fakes injuries during every game.

Any time a soccer player sees an opponent within in 5 feet of him he takes a spectacular aerial tumble, more impressive than any done by The Flying Wallendas, his arms flailing, legs akimbo, face contorted in pain and misery and then lays upon the field with both hands grasping his knee as though he has torn his ACL, MCL, PCL and dislocated his menscius. It's pathetic and in the age of HD super slow motion multi-camera sports easily captured.

And of course the fans blame the referes for the players bad actions.

Soccer and the World Cup is lame.

USA Soccer won their Group so they move on to the next grouping or something...


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I coached soccer for nine years. It's the absolute suckiest sport there is. The rules suck. The refs suck. Anyone that likes it must hate America.

Grung_e_Gene said...

I wholeheartedly agree. I wouldn't be surprised to discover all that running around is to tire the child out and is followed up by propaganda lessons afterwards. I bet Commies invented it!

Grung_e_Gene said...

Even US Team Coach Bob Bradley thinks Soccer is lame.

Putz said...

i also agree with you about the world cup>>>keep on keeping writing>>>do love the tennis on right now however