The brainwashed mentally unbalanced Right Wing Extremist Terrorists and their Leaders in the Republican Party have declared President Obama to be the Enemy. As such everything The ObamaHitler does is Evil and part of his Islamo- Nazi-Socialist plan of Indoctrination and America Destruction.
The President ObamaHitler wishes to address America's School Children? Watch Out! It's Marxist Propaganda! He'll beguile the American Children with his Dark Arts, a clear gaze, non-blood shot eyes and unstumbled speech will surely cause the Youth of America to turn on their parents and strangle them to death with the American Flag while flushing their AR-15's down the toilet.
Just listen to poor white mother Shanneen Barron fear the day the Obama will come into her children's lives and turn them into godless communists! Next Obama might have the temerity to look at her and her children!
Here's another typical ignorant mentally unbalanced Right Wing Extremist: Obama builds shadow organizations with socialists, terrorists and anti-Americans all with known history of subversion, and how in the world did they ever get by FBI screenings? Yes, John King from Gurnee how did they get by FBI screenings? Surely, Sean Hannity knows better than the FBI?
Ridiculous. The Right Wing Extremists declared they would not negotiate they are intractable and they want their country back. The ignorant Rage, the fear-monging, the put grandma to death rhetoric has moved a small vocal mentally unbalanced section of the American people into the position to Choose War and oppose Health Care. To be Pro-Torture and Anti-Stay-in-School...
However, perhaps Obama should not read anything to school kids, doesn't anyone else recall what happened the last time a President read* to School children?
*- I take that back I forgot Tipsey Canoe can't read...
Of course, it is noteworthy Obama's short one time speech will surely turn America's Youth into Marxists immediately, but the hours of Sean Inshannity and R. Limbaugh declaring Obama to be evil aids the Terrorists and literally wants to destroy America have no influence and couldn't possibly be to blame for the Right Wing Extremist Terrorists who want to murder every Liberal in America, attack Holocaust Museums and ambush and assassinate Police Officers...
Lost in Tarnation: Muslim Monster Deity to Terrify Nation's Children on First Day of School
Progress Not Congress: Where Were Republicans When Reagan Was Hawking His Political Agenda In Front Of American Children?
The Right's line of thinking is so backwards here! I was subjected to propaganda speeches by Reagan and Bush Sr. when I was a school child, and all that did was turn me into a femi-commie agnostic hippie! What are they so afraid of?
Funny, the leftist magazines I read are all coming out against Obama (or as I like to call it, Jesus II). Or are you confusing leftie with Democrat? It's a common error for Americans to make.
Mr. Francois Tremblay,
Without knowing what magazines you've read, I'll hazard the guess most Leftists are coming out against Obama because he hasn't pursued their agenda with enough fervor.
I'm not an Obama Super Fan. I'd like to do away with as much government as possible but only because the Government (and Obama is no exception) is Corporatist. Who will continue to use Government power to impose "Capitalism".
But, I'm stuck. I'll never support anyone who falls in line with the Anti-People Pro Human Pain and Suffering Chicken Hawk Party of Deferments.
You can't have killed a hundred thousand people, transfered 5 trillion dollars to the makers of Death and Destruction and then act like the last 8 years never happened.
They declared you are either with us or against us. I choose to be against them, unfortunately, Obama is in reality with them...
So, I'm back to voting for also-rans in the large elections who will always lose Illinois and not knowing what my mercurial nature will lead me to next...
Well, you female mind was probably unable to absorb the knowledge being disseminated since it came from the much more intricate male mind.
If you had been properly trained as a youngster by mainlining the truth from Phyllis Schlafly you would immediately have become a young republican after hearing Saint Reagan ...
"Without knowing what magazines you've read, I'll hazard the guess most Leftists are coming out against Obama because he hasn't pursued their agenda with enough fervor."
You seem to be rather confused about what the leftist agenda is.
Ok, ummm, what is the Leftist Agenda? I believe Obama is not a Leftist, he seems to be Corporatist Bush-lite, at this point.
Basically, the overthrow of modern capitalism, egalitarian globalization, the end of factory farming, the end of wars, and the reining in of government.
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