Wednesday, September 2, 2009


“I reallly do think that the Michele Bachmanns of this world and the Glenn Becks of this world are actively and consciously — or subconsciously — trying to get — I’m just going to say it — trying to get the president killed,” Savage stated angrily. “That’s why they’re setting this up as kill-or-be-killed arguments. ‘He’s going to kill your grandma.’” - Dan Savage tells Keith Olbermann what Michele Dump Bachmann is trying to accomplish.
Michele Dump Bachmann publicly declares she hears voices in her head. C.S. Lewis created the tri-choice of Liar, Lunatic or Lord, so let's apply that to Bachmann.

Whose voice do you think she's hearing:

Is it The Lord?
Is it Her own and she's lying claiming it's god?
Is it someone else's voice and Michele Bachmann is a Lunatic in need of electro-shock therapy and heavy doses of anti-psychotic medications?

M. Dump Bachmann explained It's all the Democrats Fault! They're Out To Get Me! They're Coming To Take Me Away, ha-haa! "They're doing everything they can to, I think, sabotage women like Sarah Palin, perhaps women like myself..." [Talking Points Memo]


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Michelle Bachman proves what I say about Republicans voting for any nut as long as the nut repeats right wing talking points. This woman is a menace to society.

JollyRoger said...

She's an idiot, probably due to inbreeding, and I'm assuming the 6th District of Minnesota doesn't have too many people in it who aren't at leasy first cousins.

This is what happens. Laws against mating with your relatives should be toughened.

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Unknown said...

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