Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Republican Project 2025: Destroy the United States

Happy 4th of July to everyone, including the haters and the losers! - Traitor Trump

I take very little solace in having been right about the Republican Plan to destroy the United States of America and replace it with a NeoConfederate fundamentalist apartheid state.

It was famously reported that conservatives when shown the Paul Ryan budget did not believe it could be true since it was so heartless and literally was a granny-starving set of policies.  It just couldn't be true.  Conservatives don't believe a 2nd Trump administration will harm them, famously conservatives only complaint of the first Trump term was he "wasn't hurting the people he should be hurting".  It's grimly ironic that Republican policies have been killing conservatives (especially white rural men) and they cling more tightly than ever to their Republican malefactors.  But, it's wrong-headed to believe conservatives have been duped by their Republican representatives.  Conservatives of all stripes want this.

The Rich want no taxes, no regulations, and no constraints from the Federal government for their rapacious accumulation of wealth and power.  White men and women want to be able to spit on a N-word, piss on a homeless person, smack a Queer, threaten to murder any journalist who says something mean about Traitor Trump, and order an immigrant around like a slave.  The proliferation of so-called "Karen Videos" demonstrates what conservatives want America to be. And Fundamental Fascists want the power to act as the Taliban or Iranian Morality Police.

Conservatives believe America is a rigid hierarchy and must be returned to that status.  That's what MAGA means a Nation built upon the twin towers of White Power and Evangelical Tyranny.

"Are these the Nazis, Walter?
No, Donnie these [people] are cowards..."
Republicans hate America.  Republicans hate you.  Republicans are coming for it all;  the separation of Church and State, No-Fault divorce, birth control, Education, freedom of association, rights to privacy.  All of these things and more will be gone in the Republican MAGA Nation;  you will do as they say, you will think as they command, you will acquiesce, you will be silent, you will be deferential and if you do not, then Republicans have paramilitary domestic terrorists and, soon, the Apparatus of Law Enforcement and the Awesome Power of the State to eliminate you.

The cries of Weaponization of the Department of Justice and the Two-Tiered system are ardent declarations of exactly how Republicans plan to enforce their steady transformation of the United States of America into a Theocratic White Power simulacrum of a Democratic Republic.  And those who do not go along with the destruction of the United States will be murdered,

And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.- Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Joe Biden's Legacy, handing the mantle to Kamala Harris, and the Future of the Nation

 If anyone (in the upper levels of Government) knows heartbreak and the unfairness of life it's Joe Biden.  Much of his political career has been built upon the his personal tragedies and tribulations.

President Joe Biden can look back on 4 years of success and having saved the Nation in 2020.  From defeating Trump in the election, to battling Covid, withdrawing from Afghanistan, the Infrastructure bill, student debt reduction, the price of Insulin, the re-rise of Labor and Unions, a diverse Executive Branch, the re-establishment of NATO and allies across the World to present a combined front against the Rebirth of Authoritarianism.  But, no matter how great any one person is Time wins in the end.  Even all-time greats, usually hailed with the pointedly misapplied label of "Immortals" in sports eventually have to retire.  Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky...

Look Republicans lie about everything.  We can't stop them.  We can be livid that the Corporate Media doesn't hold them to account but, that's because the Corporate Media serves the same Plutocratic Masters the Republicans do.  The Rich and their Media mouthpieces want another Trump Presidency because of what he offers them.  It's an unfair system which elevates a piece of shit Traitor and lifelong criminal like Trump to prominence.  But, the rightwing attacks on Joe Biden about his age, just received a massive piece of corroborating evidence, during the debate.  We ignore the way Joe came off to everyday Americans at our and our Nation's peril.

Joe Biden was right to ignore Social Media trolls in 2020 and he's been right to hold the Corporate Media in contempt for how they cover politics as mouthpieces for Corporate Interests and the Rich.  But, the Corporate Media wants to claim a skin and will not stop writing the Doddering Old Joe Biden stories.  If we don't interrupt that narrative, if the Biden Team can't counteract it before the Convention, pants-shitting vile Traitor Trump won't have to do anything to coast to victory.

There's no point in looking back and saying, 'Oh Joe should have announced he was a one-term President' at some point.  It didn't happen.  We have to look forward as the Democratic Convention is set to arrive in Chicago in a few weeks.

Kamala Harris has to be the Democratic nominee for President in 2024.  For the Good of the Nation Joe Biden has to recognize, that no matter how utterly unfair the situation is, he must step aside and pass the torch to Kamala Harris.

And yes I know the Corporate Media will slag the fuck out of Harris, and on-line bigots (Left and Right) will smear her with just abhorrent racist and misogynist slanders.  But, Harris has to be able to deal with it.  Kamala has to pick a good candidate for Vice-President and We, the People have to elect them.

If we don't then rightwing State-Sanctioned Violence is coming.  Not immediately.  Stephen Miller spoke of the "Staging Grounds" as euphemism for modern day concentration camps.  But, Trump will have Joe and Hunter Biden arrested and imprisioned awaiting trial.  Warrants will be issued for Hillary Clinton, a bunch of false documents about President Obama will be circulated because the Rightwing Media will know these won't unduly alarm most Americans who will shrug and say well if they did crimes then arrest them.  FBI agents who dared testify against Trump and his criminal cabal will be forced to retire and those who dared to show open contempt for Trump will be arrested, and again Americans will shrug and say well we know there's corruption in law enforcement.  And the fascist temperature will ratchet up another notch as "Illegals" will be arrested en masse, and Vice Raids will be conducted for Gay Bars and Transpeople whom any good Faux News listener knows are grooming children.  Chaya Raichik will head the new Task Force to deprogram LGBTQ.  

I could go on but, what's important is staving off this potential Fascist Future which the Heritage Foundation calls the Second American Revolution, but it going to take the bold decision to move on past Joe Biden, a man who has served his country and suffered numerous personal tragedies and unfair setbacks.  It's time for Kamala Harris to step up and for the Democratic Party to unite.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Supremacist Court rules when Trump does it, it is not illegal

I wrote before that Traitor Trump broke The Law in a fundamental way.  Well, the Sinister Six of the Supremacist Court just declared any "Official Act" of Traitor Trump axiomatically confers Immunity.  And what is an "Official Act"?  Why anything we say it is, up to and including overthrowing the United States Government.

The Trump Immunity ruling was just one of multiple decisions from these 6 Feudal Overlords completely making a mockery of the heralded Rule of Law...

A Nation of Laws, not Men... nonsense.

The Majesty of the Law... pure sophistry.

"The Law" is whatever Republicans say it is anyone hoping guardrails and Institutions will protect us as they barely fucking did during Trump's first reign is fooling themselves.  The 6 Injustices have taken power in this Nation and their goal like all Republicans is to Rule or Ruin.  If they can't have control of all levers of power well they will make those levers unusable, inaccessible, or unenforceable. 

Most people don't pay attention to the Supreme Court at all and this won't get the Corporate Media headlines (like wall-to-wall coverage of BIDEN DROP OUT got) because Corporate Media serves Corporate Interests.

The reality is most people will be unaffected (at first) so they won’t do anything in response to what is coming.  Eventually, people might recognize things suck for them as companies simply violate clean air and water regulations or clear cut National Parks but, that's when the Rightwing Media Machine will kick into high gear and blame the Immigrants and Transgenders for American's woes.  Those few individuals who do feel that resistance is called for will face the full fury of the Federal law enforcement apparatus without all of Trumps special privileges.

John Roberts has laid the foundation for an American military dictatorship.  Trump, or more accurately his cabal of vile acolytes have a plan to institute the monstrous regime.  I still have hope that the ground-level Police Officer, National Guardsman, or Army Reservist will balk at orders to round-up and execute millions of people but, that is a slender thread to rest the Soul of the Nation upon.  Most people due to personal fear, lassitude, or animosity will go along with what's ordered because hey Trump's President therefore what he (or more precisely Stephen Miller) is ordering is perfectly legal and didn't the Supreme Court rule Official Acts confer immunity?

Understand the playbook is the same as it always is for Fascists.  They'll target the weakest or the most maligned and powerless segments of society;  undocumented (Hispanic) immigrants and the members of the LGBTQ+ community.  But, it never stops there and already the rules and "laws" are in place to enslave women.  Republican controlled States are already enforcing Christianity and melding Church and State.  Even your 1st Amendment rights are contingent on the Surpemacist Court's give-and-take shell game.

Right now, all isn't lost.  But, even if Joe Biden pulls off a win in 2024 we are balanced on the knife's edge of America becoming a full-fledged Fascist Ethnostate.  Don't give in to despair.  I acknowledge your feelings and fears and share them.  But, we can stave off defeat in November 2024.  And then fight day-to-day to keep a winning streak going.  

Fascists win we you give up and give in.  Don't!