Class, Dignity, Service |
The Corporate Media believed the coronation of Donald Trump was proceeding well. During the
Triumph of the Will style RNC, the Media covered the disgusting display by ignoring what the Republicans and King of the Bigots Trump himself were actually saying to proclaim Trump spread a message of Unity and was changed, more serene, reflective man.
Of course, all it contained was the grotesque and a parade of vile racists, thieves, and wannabe Nazis spouting the same evil rhetoric and hateful calls over and over again. But, the Media didn't care because they were busy doing what they always do, softening Republican perfidy and whitewashing Trump's Lies.
And then, yesterday, Fightin’ Joe Biden burst the Media and Republicans balloon.
As you no doubt know, President Joe Biden will not seek re-election in 2024. Immediately, after this heart-wrenching announcement, Joe Biden fully endorsed Kamala Harris for President.
The Corporate Media is so angry about this, the FNYT thought they had the perfect recipe for months long stories of Dems in Disarray!!!, but President Biden blew up their preferred narratives. The Media likes to run with 4 News Stories; the aforementioned Dems in Disarray!!!,
- BothSides Do It,
- Today Trump truly became President
- And What do Trump Voters Think
President Biden completely obliterated the media and republicans quest to coronate Trump Dictator of America. To Rightwingers, Trump's ascendency was a fait accompli after the NeoNazi Convention in Milwaukee. And that is gone...
MSM: Trump Loves Women! Whether they like it or not... |
Additionally, by stepping aside (an act Donald Traitor Trump is utterly incapable of doing) it blows the Both Sides Do It narrative out of the water. And you can fucking forget the Media focusing on age, mental acuity, and fitness now that syphilitic Traitor Trump is the old nominee.
Joe Biden has been the greatest President of my lifetime; not only for his achievements in Office but, as a human being. He deserves every accolade and honorific being released on social media and the television right now. Everyone in Washington DC had a personal story of Joe Biden connecting with them and sharing a piece of sage wisdom or recalling when their father worked in DC. For stopping Fascism in the Untied States in 2020 I will be forever grateful to President Biden and that alone would have made a successful Presidency. And his list of accomplishments during his one-term burnish his legacy, while capping that legacy off by passing the torch to President Kamala Harris.
Unfortunately, the vile criminal Republican Party's non-stop attacks on Biden's family, coupled with the very real and very arduous job of President took it's toll. Fighting the fight against Fascism is a strength draining job.
Additionally, Corporate Media also made it clear they would shiv him each and every day with multiple Biden is old and Biden should be replaced new stories while completely ignoring the horrific admissions of enslavement, kidnapping, and murder the Republican Nazis instead to undertake via Project 2025. So Joe Biden took the most courageous step and made the most honorable decision any powerful political can; he is giving up power.
Understand Traitor Trump could never and would never do this, he is fundamentally incapable of such an action, as he views everything through the lens of what is in it for him, and has flatly stated he's going to be a "Dictator Day One", with no intention of every leaving the White House again. Trump, and his political team as it were, were unprepared for this possibility because Trump himself would never step aside so he could not conceive of Joe Biden willingly stepping aside.
The Republican Party is a fully-fascist organization bent upon the destruction of the United States, the enslavement of women, the murder of millions, and creation of an American Reich built upon the twin pillars of white supremacy and christian terrorism.
And understand the Republicans are spitting mad and livid right now. They don't have any way to attack President Kamala Harris except with the most ugly racism grotesque sexist ways. Remember Traitor Trump has given them license to be their worst selves. In 2016, against HRC, the rightwing media had spent 25 years attacking her so even worse attacks didn't repulse the average Normie. While in 2008, the country was reeling from the disastrous war crimes and failures of the Bush/Cheney cabal and open blatant racism against Barack Obama didn't enter the fray. Of course, Barack Obama's Presidency broke every Republicans brain (including Traitor Trump) so they decided to be as openly hostile and racist as they wanted. And 9 years ago, when that fat lump of fascist crap descended the staircase he told Republicans to be as vile as they wanted.
The combination of all those factors is what the Republicans and a very receptive and pliant corporate media means Republicans are not going to be able to stop themselves from calling her the DEI President, reviving Birtherism, calling Kamala the descendant of a slave owner, claiming she cackles, or is lazy, or speaks poorly, all manner of typical conservatives racism, bigotry, misogyny and engaging in the most hateful and heated rhetoric despite the media calling for a new era of civility and to tamp down the rhetoric.
(Never Forget calls to "tamp down the rhetoric" are a one-way street with the Media and Rightwingers demanding Democrats stop accurately describing Trump and Project 2025, while Republicans are free to call for the elimination of Democracy itself and engage in stochastic terrorism against Democratic politicians.)
For their part, the little Republican nazi pissants are throwing colossal temper tantrums about how unfair this is; declaring this isn't "democracy" and demanding to be the deciders for who the Democratic nominee for President in 2024 shall be. I'm certain future Nazi Kapo Stephen Miller will, after his blood pressure lowers from his childish display, craft some lawsuits to go in front of Aileen Cannon or Matthew Kacsmaryk to demand that Harris be removed from the Ballot.
Fuck off Republicans. Pound Sand. Piss up a Rope. Seethe. Cope. Eat Shit.
As for the King of the Bigots and Pedophiles, Traitor Trump has already backed out of a second debate, this one with Kamala Harris because he knows she'll obliterate him. Trump is a criminal, life-long conman, rapist, with increasing dementia and a traitor who should step down, but, he won't and Republicans don't care about his lies, about Trump and Epstein raping little girls, about his abject servitude to Vladimir Putin because Traitor Trump is the Avatar pushing them towards achieving the goal of Destruction of the United States.
But, small donors have given over $50,000,000 to the Harris Campaign in the last 24 hours, and seemingly everyone (Barack what are you doing!) is lining up and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris.
Eternal Vigilance is the price We, the People must continually pay to keep Republican Nazis from seizing power. And right now there is Hope...