Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thank You President Joe Biden; now Let's Go make Kamala Harris President

"Nothing — nothing — can come in the way of saving our democracy."

Like all people, time catches up with us eventually.  Last night, in a speech from the Resolute Desk President Joe Biden admitted that time has caught up to him.  And President Biden will not risk this Nation's future by trying to defeat time.

Joe Biden's legacy will be as one of the greatest Presidency's in American History.  Joe Biden staved off Fascism in 2020 and then accomplished more than in his One-Term than most Presidents have done or tried to do.

All the while facing an extremely hostile Press and a committed Domestic Terrorist Organization who have infiltrated the United States Government.  And during these last four years, Biden has remained a portrait in decency, character, compassion, duty, excellence, strength, and honor.

But, doing so also took a toll upon him.  President Biden is 81 years old and when you couple the wear of the Presidency, with the venom and underhanded Republican attempts to undermine this President, this Nation, this Republic it makes his time in Office even more impressive, though it drained his strength.

Joe Biden came to understand no matter what his record of achievements, no matter how he felt personally about his ability to continue, the Press aided by the despicable Republican turncoats would do everything in their considerable power to defeat him and usher in an Era of Fundamentalist Fascism.

Joe warned us this is an inflection point,

America is an idea. An idea is stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant.

It’s the most powerful idea in the history of the world. That idea is that we hold these truths to be self-evident. We’re all created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

We’ve never fully lived up to it, to this sacred idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either, and I do not believe the American people will walk away from it now.

President Biden's actions, over this past week, stand in stark contrast to Traitor Trump, who when faced with the loss of power, incited an insurrection, and had a mob of conservative criminals descend upon the Capitol with the intent of disrupting and stopping the peaceful transfer of power.  It can never be repeated enough Trump betrayed his Oath of Office after losing a fair and free Election and tried to Overthrow the United States Government.  Trump lost and Trump lied.

Since the rightwing domestic terrorist attack of January 6th, led by Trump and several elected Republicans, the Republican Party have relentlessly undermined the Nation, lied about the 2020 election, sided with vile Foreign Dictators and belligerent war criminals, and worked to overthrow the American Democratic Republic.

This Bloated Nazi wants to Sleep his way into
The White House 
So, while we owe Joe Biden an immense debt of gratitude in halting the Fat Fascist Fuck Trump in 2020, We, the People, also owe it to him, to grasp the torch of Liberty and fight for this Nation.  We can not allow Donald Trump and his Project 2025 Nazis into the White House because they will destroy this Nation;  physically and spiritually.  It's not hyperbole as Republicans and Conservatives alike, across this Nation, proudly shout and document their goal to utterly destroy the United States of America.

This is the original cover by
The Heritage Foundation Project 2025
Foreward written by J.D. Vance,
since changed to remove 
the "Burning Down Washington"
into Taking Down
The plans of the Republican Party from the Presidency all the way down to local school boards is so monstrous, so inhuman, so destructive I don't think most Normies have full grasped what the Project 2025 plan Republican Party is a fully-fascist, anti-American organization bent upon snuffing out the American dream, ending the American experiment, and destroying the Republic.  This is what President Biden is warning us about; a Party led by a Syphilitic Criminal Madman and his toady the Couch Fucking J.D. Vance, have already laid out their plans to destroy the United States of America and replace it with a Fascist Fundamentalist Theocracy built upon the pillars of white supremacy and conservative domestic terrorism. 

Now, we are the precipice of a Great election testing whether this Nation can so endure.  Republicans want to make 2024 the last election in American history, Kamala Harris wants to carry aloft the torch passed from Joe Biden and continue to strive to make this a more perfect Union.

The choice is as clear as it is dire;  the duty and self-sacrifice of Joe Biden vs. the self-enrichment and destruction of Traitor Trump.  

When We Fight, We Win.  Joyous Warrior Kamala Harris, the next President of the United States, is ready to fight, We need to get together and fight with her and for this idea of America. We owe to Joe and We owe to the American people.

Let's Fucking Go!

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