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Hold Me Back Bros! Hold me Back!!! |
A fucking criminal...
A fucking coward...
A fucking fascist...
Josh Dawsey of the Washington Post got an interview with Trump and it was filled with all his typical lies and foibles. Oh True the Vote in Georgia is uncovering things, you can't believe just wait! Oh my crowd on January 6th was tremendous, biggest ever! Oh I would have rushed in and saved the day but, man the Secret Service held me back. Oh Nancy, she's responsible for the violence.
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This is Great! But... Also terrible! I love it! More! I mean Less! I totally would do something If I was in charge! But I'm not it's Totally Nancy! |
Trump is the perfect cipher for the modern conservative; he's weak they pretend he's strong, he's cowardly they pretend he's brave, he's stupid they pretend he's smart, he's a thief they pretend he's a savvy businessman, he's venal they pretend he's above corruption. Trump is devoid of spirit, of knowledge, of generosity, of kindness, of charity, of every fucking value conservatives claim to cherish and they love him.
All for this fucking guy! There is no descriptor or adjective which encompasses or correctly identifies Trump. Except one, Fascist.
I don't even know why I'm typing this. Nothing is going to break this rightwing fever. Even if Trump runs and loses again in 2024, MAGA has elevated him to Mythological Hero status and heap all manner of feats and legends upon him.
And, of course Mitch McConnell and others knew what Trump was. Of course, they saw what his rhetoric could bring about. But, they don't care. Like all indolent bureaucrats they calculated they could control a Fascist and ride his demagoguery to victories; with taxes, with the SCOTUS, and bring about the Neo-Confederate White Evangelical Nation-State they desire. And for fucks sake... they might be right.
I read Merrick Garland is down with Covid. I am still hoping Garland's DOJ is building the case to bring against Trump, his confidants, and cabal. I recognize Garland saw the way Faux News, the rightwing internet, Bill Barr, and Traitor Trump himself, used whatever means, bad faith, and lies to undermine the Mueller Report. And I know the new revelations about Ginni Thomas' deep involvement in the attempt to Overthrow the United States government have created more work on top of the 700+ prosecutions the Department of Justice has on-going with small fry's and the dopey leaders of the Proud Boys and Oathbreakers. So, I hope Garland is building as air-tight a case as he can; but, with the understanding The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good. But if Traitor Trump, his Republican criminals in Congress (Gaetz, Greene, Boebert, Gosar, Massie, and so many others) are allowed to get away without prosecution then we're completely screwed.
2016 was the most important election in my lifetime and we lost. The damage is still unfolding. These 4 years under President Biden are a chance to undo some damage, and if Joe hadn't done anything other than hold the line and delay the Fascist Ascension, his Presidency would have been a success. President Biden has already done much more as Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson's appointment today proves.
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