Friday, January 24, 2025

In his official capacity, Trump shits giant dumps on Veterans

    In one of his least remarkable actions, Trump issued a hiring and vendor freeze for the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Republicans hate Veterans.

While the Veteran community is no longer the rightwing monolith it was in the post-vietnam and Ronnie Raygun 1980's.  It's still disappointing the current generations didn't learn how little Republicans think of them with their phony GWoT.

Trump especially doesn't give a rat's hind tit about Veterans except to use them as props.  While I don't need any guidance it should be instructive how Trump's actions and those of his immediate inner circle demonstrate how routinely MAGA shits all over Veterans and active duty service members.

We never got a full unreacted accounting of the bullshit Trump and his staffers pulled at Arlington National Cemetery.  Now we never will. 
Senate Republicans blocked and celebrated stopping burn pit legislation.  Republicans demonized LGBTQ people for decades while President Biden and his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin undertook the task of removing bad conduct and dishonorable discharges given to service members for the crime of being "homosexual".  Republicans, in response, put up a drunk rapist TV Host whose own unit warned higher ups he was a security risk as the SecDef.
Top: Started - Bottom: Going

Under President Biden, I was contacted by VA reps without me putting in a request and told me time in and tours in Afghanistan and Iraq now afforded me access to VA healthcare.  My interactions with the staff at the Hines VA Hospital, in suburban Chicagoland have been courteous and amenable.

And now that's all gone because white people expect to be taken care of and bite the hands of Democratic administrations because they've spent decades believing rightwing and Corporate Media lies about Republicans supporting the Troops because Trump stood on the graves of men and women braver and more moral than him smiling a ruckus grin.

Well, some fuckwad MAGA acolytes are finding out Trump doesn't give a shit about them but, I don't expect any change of heart or mind, Republicans have given themselves body & soul to Trump and any single one of them who might suffer isn't due to Trump but, the evil deep state.

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