Thursday, January 23, 2025

MAGA is a Murder-Suicide Cult, and Billionaires have no need of a Federal Government

    As everyone reacts in horror to Trump's planned Executive Orders and the complainant Congress which is in lockstep with undoing Civil Rights, the NIH, and many other aspects of the Federal Government; you will understand these actions much more readily if you realize Billionaires do not require these functions or believe these things should exist.  Billionaires like Trump, Musk, Bezos, Sam Altman, and other rich weirdos don't need Civil Rights, don't need a CDC, don't need cancer research, don't need NASA, don't need Social Security, don't need Medicare for all, they don't need a Federal Government to do any of this;  All Billionaires need is a robust domestic law enforcement apparatus to maintain control and keep Us in line and a strong military to threaten other Nations and open up markets for exploitation.  

Everything else is so much chaff and so much stolen money which could be going to them.  Once you look at every evil action undertaken by Trump/MAGA as : Do Billionaires need this? Yes/No.  then you'll understand.

    Now, this has spawned many tragic funny bon mots like, 'Leopard's eating face party' or FAFO as Republicans continue to fuck over their voters, especially white men, for decades.  But, what the moribund American Left has never understood in the eternal quest to blame Democrats for Republican perfidy is adopting very progressive legislation to help the white working class has never and will never result in whites voting for Democrats or further left candidates; the White Working Class has been stepped and stewed in rightwing agitprop for 50 fucking years.  For three generations all they've ever known is a Republican loving media and rightwing framing of every issue.  And now they aren't being duped by Republican lies, they've absorbed and adopted them.

MAGA is a wholly subjective political philosophy wherein the old truism, You are entitled to your own opinions but, not your own facts, no longer holds sway.

Look at how hard rightwingers at every level from Elise Stefanik, to USA Today MAGA reporters, to ADL spokesman, to every conservative on Twitter is defending Elon Musk and his back-to-back Nazi salutes.  The white working class wants Fascism.  They want Trump's vile, mindless, mean and deadly Executive Orders.  Whites want the America built up laboriously during the 20th century torn down and replaced with an Oligarchy.  Whites assume that with Billionaire backers running things they will be in the  protected Villein class and won't have to worry about the Tsar sending the Cossacks to slaughter them.

Look, at how this decades long psyop campaign against whites to get them to vote for policies which aid Billionaires even at the financial cost and ruin to themselves and has resulted in them willingly dying for Trump, MAGA, and the Oligarchs (which they did during the Covid crisis) and to which they've responded with tying themselves ever more closer to Billionaires and the interest of the obscenely wealthy.

And the Left doesn't know how to react to this other than to continue to blame the Democrats.  But, and this is most frightening aspect, MAGA and Billionaires are not a Suicide Cult; they are a Murder-Suicide Cult.  The MAGA initiatives to outlaw fluoride, vaccines, stop funding NIH, eliminate FEMA, withdraw from the WHO and Paris Climate Accords, and any number of things on the Project 2025 planning guide won't simply result in their deaths; MAGA is going to take Us down with them.  Most likely, by direct murder and concentration camps first and then the shared destruction of the United States and the Planet afterwards.

So, don't kid yourself and think it will simply be like it always has been in your life.  Rightwing paramilitary death squads are in the offing and the utter obliteration of the United States of America is their goal because a United States Federal Government might impede Billionaires control of this land and the world and they've decided to not allow that to happen.

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