Saturday, January 25, 2025

Trump fires Inspectors General; The Law is nothing more than a Club for the Rich and Powerful and Trump owns the Club

    Last night Trump fired 17 Inspectors General, as the New York Times and Washington Post, in their fawning coverage of their Beloved Dictator DonOld labelled Trump's bold move as an ousting that maybe appeared to violate the Law.  However, I am assured by multiple reputable sources that this is against the law.

Donald Trump fired 17 independent watchdogs at multiple US government agencies on Friday, a person with knowledge of the matter said, eliminating a critical oversight component and clearing the way for the president to replace them with loyalists.

The inspectors general at agencies including the departments of state, defense and transportation were notified by emails from the White House personnel director that they had been terminated immediately, the source said on condition of anonymity.

The dismissals appeared to violate federal law, which requires the president to give both houses of Congress reasons for the dismissals 30 days in advance.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump's entire career has been to do illegal things and dare anyone to stop him.  At this point, anyone unwilling to address this matter of a Lawless Authoritarian Dictator in the White House is fine with it or frightened of what is coming.

For decades, Lawyers have duped the American people about what The Law is; with such rousing Hollywood tales as Judgement at Nuremberg and Raymond Burr's Perry Mason, Americans have been led to believe such homilies as No One is Above the Law and the Wheels of Justice turn slowly but grind very fine.  This has been nothing but an elite con game. 

First off, there is no such thing as Natural Law, codes of laws throughout time are a wholly human made invention subject to the whims and vicissitudes of those who have access to it.  And worse, Lawyers and high level Government Officials, have for years scolded Americans into believing The Law was some holy esoteric cosmological constant floating in Platonic perfection in aether only to be approached by those trained in the special arts (themselves) intoning the proper phrases in just the right order and tone.

Instead The Law is just a giant club for those who went to the right schools and relies entirely upon who ya know not what you know.  Trump as a boorish cad was excluded from that Club so he bought it.  Now, The Law is whatever Trump and MAGA say it is.

Americans are going to get a big fucking lesson under Traitor Trump, whose known for decades what a paper tiger the Law is and has danced circles around those, like Merrick Fucking Garland, who as a deeply invested institutionalist thought the rules, norms and laws were binding, when in fact they are not.

So, all those terminally on-line Liberals who put stock in the Mueller Report, or fart sniffing assholes over at EmptyWheel who chided everyone for years to trust the process and you had to get the small fish to get the big fish and if you're going to go after the King you best not miss where either deluding themselves as to the majesty of "THE LAW" or watching as Merrick Garland spent years catching a lot of little fish only to have the Big Fish come in and release them with a stroke of the pen.

The Law isn't going to save us.  The question is for how long will Trump, MAGA, Stephen Miller, and the whole cadre of criminal co-conspirators restrain them? 

I don't think it will be very long.

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